Marist MS XC Meet 2023

Atlanta, Ga
Hosted by Marist

Athlete Entries

Middle School Boys 3,000 Meter Run 164 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morrissey, Ronan Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Ford, Bennett Marist
Smith, Henry The Mount Vernon School
Kenna, Walker Pace Academy MS
Thornton, Preston The Mount Vernon School
Gottschalk, Rowan Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Saunders, Andrew Marist
Bosseler, Cooper Christ the King
Werdesheim, Charlie The Mount Vernon School
Smith, Barrett Pace Academy MS
Stewart, Robert Christ the King
Honeycutt, Sanders Pace Academy MS
Addaquay, Thomas Sutton MS
Ivill, Matthew Marist
Brahma, Rohan Pace Academy MS
Graubart, Ben Pace Academy MS
Black, Fletcher Marist
Engel, Zachary Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Williams, Ben Christ the King
Puebla-Silva, Cristobal Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Casaretto, Juan Diego Marist
Greeff, Caiden The Mount Vernon School
Knight, Ian Sutton MS
Trujillo, Ryan Pace Academy MS
Walker, Ethan Pace Academy MS
McClure, Andrew Christ the King
LaBruyere, Joshua The Mount Vernon School
McDonald, Finn Marist
Berger, Lyons Christ the King
Chopra, Krish The Mount Vernon School
Piduru, Liam Pace Academy MS
West, Andrew Christ the King
Burnett, Mikah Pace Academy MS
Murphy, Hunter Pace Academy MS
Gottschalk, Jackson Marist
Feagin, William Pace Academy MS
Bruce, Jack Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Glorieux, Gaetan Marist
Wijewickrema, Faris The Mount Vernon School
McDaniel, Finn Sutton MS
Wood, Bennett The Mount Vernon School
Pate, Hudson Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Sesplankis, Theo Marist
Sellers, Luke Christ the King
Robbins, Thomas The Mount Vernon School
Stern, William Pace Academy MS
Vincent, Luke Christ the King
Jaye, Benjamin Pace Academy MS
Lauria, Michael Marist
Resnick, Nate Pace Academy MS
McCloskey, Cal Pace Academy MS
Brooks, Peter Marist
LeTourneau, Anthony Christ the King
McElhanon, Harley Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Crunk, Grant Marist
Jaekel, Max The Mount Vernon School
Knight, Luke Sutton MS
Lockard, Ollie Pace Academy MS
Latone, Davis The Mount Vernon School
Zampell, Jack Pace Academy MS
Cranford, Graham Christ the King
Moore, Mason Marist
Kelly, David Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Flynn, Seyfried Christ the King
Taylor, Weston The Mount Vernon School
Richardson, Graham Pace Academy MS
Cichon, Davis Christ the King
Geis, Henry Pace Academy MS
Halpern, Sam Pace Academy MS
Grisik, Brooks Marist
Swales, Beckett Pace Academy MS
Hutcheson, Garrett Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
LoCicero-Padial, Gabriel Marist
Blum, Peter Marist
Flotta, Grayson The Mount Vernon School
Baddley, Henry Pace Academy MS
Molloy, Liam Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Stallings, Evan Marist
Elder, Ryan Christ the King
Taylor, Bear The Mount Vernon School
Torbert, Walter Pace Academy MS
Vincent, Cash Christ the King
Arnold, Parker The Mount Vernon School
Mirza, Aun Pace Academy MS
Little, Scott Marist
Miller, Gabriel Sutton MS
Barnette, Preston Pace Academy MS
Gavric, Adrian Pace Academy MS
Devassey, Ajay Marist
Palmer, Graham Marist
McGill, Keefer Christ the King
Rogers, Owen Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Ford, Collin Marist
Kempa, Bennett The Mount Vernon School
Ambra, Eduardo Pace Academy MS
Castro, Nicholas The Mount Vernon School
Price, Cole Pace Academy MS
Navarro, Luke Marist
Weber, Thomas Christ the King
von Vieregge, Milo The Mount Vernon School
Shaefer, Charlie Pace Academy MS
Keeling, William Christ the King
Thaler, Cameron Sutton MS
Goldstrom, Thomas Pace Academy MS
Colquitt, Barrett Pace Academy MS
Hautt, Harrison Marist
Yates, Austin Marist
Hirsh, Owen Pace Academy MS
Montgomery, James Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
McGill, Flynn Marist
Goodno, Caleb Christ the King
Bolton, Drew The Mount Vernon School
Webb, Walker Pace Academy MS
Podraza, Lucas Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Vieira, Bryson Pace Academy MS
Morgan, Henry Christ the King
Lech, Enzo The Mount Vernon School
DeLuke, Nathan Pellerin Christ the King
Abbott, Charlie The Mount Vernon School
Monroe, Davis Pace Academy MS
Madelil, Jonah Marist
Remmert, Robert Christ the King
Brown, Dean Pace Academy MS
Moseley, Coleson Pace Academy MS
Gervin, Landon Marist
Burr, Graham 11:16.42 Marist
Baldwin, Ryan 11:36.37 Marist
Sipe, Riley 11:37.90 Sutton MS
Mildzikhov, Mikhail 11:38.19 Marist
Woodward, Charlie 12:05.40 Marist
Powell, Nicholas 12:13.16 Marist
Nilson, John 12:32.70 Sutton MS
Welch, Aaron 12:37.20 Sutton MS
Vansant, Will 12:43.69 The Mount Vernon School
Barnes, Jack 13:00.20 Sutton MS
Howerton, Finn 13:11.60 Sutton MS
Porter, Mark 13:16.26 Marist
Banks, Harrison 13:24.00 Sutton MS
Hargather, Hammond 13:30.10 Sutton MS
McMorrow, James 13:36.07 Marist
Fournier, Parker 13:38.30 Sutton MS
Jordan, Brady 13:39.80 Sutton MS
Conley, Sam 13:48.70 Sutton MS
Casey, Walker 13:55.00 Sutton MS
Inerson, Oliver 14:30.70 Sutton MS
Clapp, Ben 14:33.40 Sutton MS
Bassett, Bryce 14:47.30 Sutton MS
Fahrni, Lucas 14:49.70 Sutton MS
Abshire, John 14:52.70 Sutton MS
Kirsch, Quinn 14:57.00 Sutton MS
Newsome, Jack 15:08.88 The Mount Vernon School
Newsome, Ben 15:09.80 The Mount Vernon School
James, Clapp 15:12.80 Sutton MS
Collins, John Henry 15:29.90 Sutton MS
Wright, Charlie 15:49.30 Sutton MS
Jonas, Dylan 16:02.42 The Mount Vernon School
Khakzad, Mathias 16:13.30 Sutton MS
Duguid, Jonathan 16:15.48 The Mount Vernon School
Karcz, Gavin 16:16.80 Sutton MS
Paine, John 16:42.67 The Mount Vernon School
Nicholson, Parker 16:49.82 The Mount Vernon School
Hill, Liam 16:56.60 Sutton MS
Langford, Dean 17:46.96 The Mount Vernon School
Ortiz, William 18:02.70 Sutton MS
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Middle School Girls 3,000 Meter Run 172 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hunt, Ada Marist
McClure, Margaret Christ the King
Hart, Gemma The Mount Vernon School
D'Amore, Genevieve Marist
Ward, Sibyl Christ the King
Cross, Addison The Mount Vernon School
Piduru, Ava Pace Academy MS
Sellers, Caroline Marist
Brown, Destiny Pace Academy MS
Carden, Abigail Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Schroeder, Allison Marist
Henley, Stella Marist
Johnson, Mulan Sutton MS
Varano, Isabel The Mount Vernon School
Vagedes, Reese Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Latourneau, Mary Anne Marist
Mathews, Rania Marist
Hajiani, Alyssa Pace Academy MS
Lipens, Audrey Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Kennedy, Norah Marist
Odom, Ashley Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Taylor, Rose The Mount Vernon School
Herrero, Emma Marist
Klumpp, Juliette Christ the King
Fambro, Emma The Mount Vernon School
Sokoloff, Lindsay Sutton MS
Snowden, Libby The Mount Vernon School
Parker, Maya Sutton MS
Cyphers, Charlotte Pace Academy MS
Edwards, Anna Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Thompson, Virginia Marist
Corbett, Addison Marist
Lowther, Pharrah Pace Academy MS
Olufosoye, Tireni Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Miller, Lucy Marist
Wismer, Wimberly Sutton MS
Inel, Hulya The Mount Vernon School
Crawford, Emma Marist
Forrester, Arden Pace Academy MS
Pieper, Amelia Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Larkins, Elly Marist
Molina, Sofia Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Janci, Charlie Marist
Foulke, Elizabeth Christ the King
Key, Emmy The Mount Vernon School
Davis, Brooke Marist
McEvoy, Martha Christ the King
Garlinghouse, Scarlett The Mount Vernon School
Promoff, Charlie Sutton MS
Webb, Emmy Pace Academy MS
Kleszczewski, Lucy Sutton MS
Cordle, Sophie The Mount Vernon School
Bates, Anna Pace Academy MS
White, Caroline Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Seaborn, Leighton Marist
Bartelt, Camille Marist
Mc Grath, Callie Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Lowther, Riley Marist
Zurn, Allie Sutton MS
Mitchell, Helen Pace Academy MS
Soni, Vedika The Mount Vernon School
Wilbert, Rebecca Pace Academy MS
Martin, Anna Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Kidder, Kara Marist
Duncan, Michelle Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Hewitt, Lily Marist
Prather, Mary Claire Christ the King
Griset, Gigi The Mount Vernon School
Leznik, Emma Sutton MS
Piernik, Zoe Sutton MS
Hirsh, Olivia Pace Academy MS
Delima, Arabella Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Urrea, Ella Marist
Crunk, Grace Marist
Murphy, Jane Pace Academy MS
Mizell, Sloan Marist
Jones, Amani Sutton MS
Ibrahimbegovic, Ada The Mount Vernon School
Laverghetta, Mia Marist
Perry, Anna Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Manawadu, Hiruni Pace Academy MS
Pieper, Elizabeth Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Stillman, Lali Sutton MS
Jose, Bella Marist
Rodriguez, Claire Christ the King
Malloy, Paige The Mount Vernon School
Donkar, Sammy Marist
Patton, Georgia Christ the King
Rowe, Gloria The Mount Vernon School
Anders, Atia Sutton MS
Mueller, Lizzie The Mount Vernon School
Bodner, Scarlott Pace Academy MS
Stafford, Frances Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Shelar, Sophie Marist
Bozzelli, Gabby Marist
Lengyl, Anna Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Mandy, Kayla Marist
Riva Posse, Lulu Marist
Zurn, Nella Sutton MS
Harris, Adara Pace Academy MS
Bumgardner, Annie Marist
Campbell, Evie Pace Academy MS
Graebner, Caitlyn Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Kim, Naomi Marist
Ramos, Sharon Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Hunsberger, Jane Marist
McClure, Darcy Christ the King
Halberg, Hayden The Mount Vernon School
Dinham, Molly Sutton MS
Cushion, Ains Marist
Minter, Brooke The Mount Vernon School
Laddin, Sarah Claire Pace Academy MS
Soroe, Kaitlyn Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Woo, Chole Marist
Cochran, Ansley Pace Academy MS
Crevello, Avery Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Moore, Abigail Marist
Nicholson, Tessa The Mount Vernon School
Law, Mary Brady Marist
Kler, McKenna Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Timberlake, Emma Pace Academy MS
Prindle, Hennelly Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Karakis, Julie Marist
Vagedes, Joanna Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Marek, Abby The Mount Vernon School
Hanaway, Peyton Marist
Nally, Josephine Christ the King
Semenov, Evangelina The Mount Vernon School
Hawkins-Mims, Victoria Sutton MS
Chung, Emmie Pace Academy MS
Dixon, Taylor Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic
Thomas, Lucy Marist
Brady, Caitlin Marist
Gramer, Madigan Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Meeks, Amara Marist
Rodrigue, Catherine Marist
Hoskins, Deliah Sutton MS
Fuller, Ashlyn The Mount Vernon School
Blalock, Virginia Pace Academy MS
Burrell, Addy Marist
Huang, Hailey Pace Academy MS
Kingsbury, Emily Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Lancelotta, Greer Marist
Manfredi, Gisele Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Huggins, Morgan 11:30.30 The Mount Vernon School
Waddell, Morgan 11:49.74 Marist
Hanemann, Ella 12:04.63 Marist
Patton, Addie 12:30.30 Sutton MS
Saldana, Claudia 12:40.43 Marist
Hoskins, Mahannah 12:55.60 Sutton MS
Bendeck, Sophia 13:00.20 Marist
Kowalzyk, Sophie 13:51.42 Marist
Breland, Wynee 13:58.10 Sutton MS
McGilvray, Molly 14:59.40 Sutton MS
Zayas, Lisa 15:05.81 Marist
Woodward, Elizabeth 15:10.70 Sutton MS
McGilvary, Molly 15:11.90 Sutton MS
Brannen, Ellery 15:25.50 Sutton MS
Ritten, Brett 15:38.11 Marist
Baugnon, Emmy 15:53.54 Marist
Swayze, Merritt 15:57.10 Sutton MS
French, Leah 16:05.70 Sutton MS
Reichert, Beatrice 16:31.00 Sutton MS
Meihofer, Mary 16:32.10 Sutton MS
Zgutowicz, Madison 16:48.06 The Mount Vernon School
Duckett, Leighton 17:25.74 The Mount Vernon School
Ellis, Katie 18:23.70 Sutton MS
Wise, Sada 18:36.50 Sutton MS
Thomas, Jolene 19:09.20 Sutton MS
Jordan, Khamyah 21:01.90 Sutton MS
White, Makyla 23:16.20 Sutton MS
Smith, Jada 23:37.70 Sutton MS
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