Brentwood Invitational 2022

Sandersville, GA

Brentwood Invitational 2022 vs Brentwood Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +27 164 137
Overall Average +1:03.80 25:36.76 24:32.96
1st-10th Place +1:06.21 18:32.57 17:26.37
1st-25th Place +1:01.30 19:31.30 18:30.00
1st-50th Place +43.91 20:22.71 19:38.80
1st-100th Place +16.87 22:17.84 22:00.97
Common Athletes -- -- 63
Ran Faster -31 16 47
Ran Season Best -12 23 35
Average Time +54.67 25:04.17 24:09.51
Median Time +1:25.73 24:46.01 23:20.28
Middle 80% Times +1:02.32 24:53.24 23:50.92
Top 10% Times +1:13.31 19:00.38 17:47.07
Top 25% Times +1:14.87 19:53.39 18:38.52
Top 50% Times +1:12.93 21:11.04 19:58.10
Bottom 50% Times +34.70 28:10.31 27:35.61
Bottom 25% Times +33.60 31:38.96 31:05.36
Bottom 10% Times -18.54 34:12.32 34:30.86
Average Difference +54.67 -- --
Median Difference +8.49 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:08.49 -- --
Top 10% Difference +33.48 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:04.34 -- --
Top 25% Difference +57.84 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:04.34 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +43.55 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:01.26 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +14.87 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Julian Council Georgia Military College Prep School +5:14.52 21:56.72 16:42.20
Christian Vitacco Westminster Schools of Augusta +21.41 17:27.61 17:06.20
James King Westminster Schools of Augusta +1:32.51 18:47.55 17:15.04
Cristian Hernandez Putnam County HS +54.48 18:42.97 17:48.49
Santiago Reynolds Jackson HS +1:49.79 20:10.62 18:20.83
Liam Tipps Vidalia Heritage Academy +1:46.47 20:22.61 18:36.14
Patrick Joiner Westminster Schools of Augusta +6.74 18:47.33 18:40.59
Evans McDaniel Brentwood School +3:57.30 22:44.21 18:46.91
Carson Johnston Lake Oconee Academy +57.95 19:53.62 18:55.67
Derrick Adams Jackson HS +1:25.56 20:37.53 19:11.97
Yael Rodriguez Lake Oconee Academy +56.53 20:14.24 19:17.71
Adam Kalmanowicz Lake Oconee Academy +1:31.60 20:50.52 19:18.92
Joe Meier Georgia Military College Prep School +31.17 19:50.54 19:19.37
Mason Honea Lake Oconee Academy +1:01.66 20:27.17 19:25.51
Javier Reynolds Jackson HS -29.89 19:33.02 20:02.91
Cale Ferguson Gatewood Schools +1:10.61 20:46.46 19:35.85
Mason VanLandingham Jackson HS +51.05 20:46.01 19:54.96
Brendan Goodman Jackson HS +57.82 20:56.47 19:58.65
Jordan Landers Washington County +1:56.83 22:08.82 20:11.99
Dylan Fletcher Vidalia Heritage Academy +1:21.66 21:43.50 20:21.84
Joshua Buchanan Westminster Schools of Augusta +45.66 21:12.85 20:27.19
Blake Peacock Westminster Schools of Augusta +1:22.90 21:55.98 20:33.08
Jaquaveon Brady Washington County +39.92 21:23.46 20:43.54
Nasir Mangum Lake Oconee Academy +4:52.97 25:40.90 20:47.93
Sam Keldie Jackson HS +6.72 21:00.02 20:53.30
Caleb Sherwood Georgia Military College Prep School +2:04.63 23:21.46 21:16.83
Alyssa Pennington Putnam County HS -1:21.06 21:47.01 23:08.07
Kamari Reaves Washington County -12.23 21:50.18 22:02.41
Thomas Mitchell Briarwood Academy -4.27 22:12.61 22:16.88
Julia O'Neal Vidalia Heritage Academy +1:57.94 24:13.28 22:15.34
Rebecca Proenza Vidalia Heritage Academy +1:06.45 23:29.14 22:22.69
Jackson Baswell Jackson HS +2:16.88 25:37.16 23:20.28
Kade Phillips Brentwood School +2:31.84 25:59.03 23:27.19
Lily Frisch Putnam County HS -11.90 23:53.62 24:05.52
Ella Beck Johnson Briarwood Academy +8.49 24:46.01 24:37.52
Tristyn Bechtold Washington County +4:55.72 29:42.13 24:46.41
Talan Dixon Johnson County +1:19.62 26:10.69 24:51.07
Sophia Arias Georgia Military College Prep School -14.67 24:57.24 25:11.91
Mark Winslette Putnam County HS -3:14.00 25:15.87 28:29.87
Tristan Williams Putnam County HS -2:54.52 25:40.34 28:34.86
Cadah Drew Johnson County -8.06 25:55.53 26:03.59
Kassidy Watson Westminster Schools of Augusta +1:44.36 27:41.90 25:57.54
Taylor Colwell Jackson HS +11.25 26:10.43 25:59.18
Camdyn Parker Brentwood School -58.99 26:02.07 27:01.06
Ana Garcia Rangel Lake Oconee Academy +2:47.48 29:11.22 26:23.74
Jade Mullis Putnam County HS +1:09.06 27:34.23 26:25.17
Anna Jones Briarwood Academy +8.75 26:43.99 26:35.24
James Goss Putnam County HS +4:10.58 31:10.67 27:00.09
Eden Callaway Briarwood Academy +1:57.17 29:05.68 27:08.51
Emma Boyen Brentwood School +1.42 27:10.99 27:09.57
Isabella Lee Jackson HS +2:25.34 29:37.33 27:11.99
Zoey Jiang Briarwood Academy +2:15.16 29:35.04 27:19.88
Eliza Pope Briarwood Academy +2:02.79 30:23.47 28:20.68
Thomas Ross Georgia Military College Prep School -2:17.83 28:26.08 30:43.91
Alyssa Boyen Brentwood School -0.94 28:36.85 28:37.79
Estrella Dominguez Greene County HS +36.09 30:35.13 29:59.04
Brenlee Brown Lake Oconee Academy +3:27.38 33:33.48 30:06.10
Riley Sanders Vidalia Heritage Academy +2:16.55 32:23.85 30:07.30
Ashley Jones Briarwood Academy -5.77 30:10.35 30:16.12
Alvin Crosby Putnam County HS -2:50.98 31:10.28 34:01.26
Sara Ross Georgia Military College Prep School -2:02.88 34:18.52 36:21.40
Libby Hopkins Lake Oconee Academy -4:03.67 37:59.06 42:02.73
Addie Brown Briarwood Academy +47.08 38:50.37 38:03.29