Apalachee Time Trials 2023

Winder, GA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Neeley, Wyatt Apalachee
Wyche, Zavier Apalachee
Mukongo, Simplice Apalachee
Switzer, Dohnovan Apalachee
Bathol, Christopher Apalachee
Young, Caleb Apalachee
Massei, Samuel Apalachee
White, Cahlil Apalachee
Collins, Elijah Apalachee
Moncada, Edward Apalachee
Moore, Branden Apalachee
Wilson, Cameron Apalachee
Lyle, Anthony 11.48 Apalachee
Tate, Prince 11.52 Apalachee
Newton, Trey 11.76 Apalachee
Williford, Favian 12.10 Apalachee
Driver, Nickolas 12.3 Apalachee
McKinney, Jeremiah 12.39 Apalachee
Clark, Shermarian 12.50 Apalachee
Mukongo, Exauce 12.78 Apalachee
Driggers, Rylan 12.89 Apalachee
Verne, Elijah 13.10 Apalachee
Dixon, Debrandon 13.24 Apalachee
Simms Johnson, Desmond 13.25 Apalachee
Turner, Sean Reece 13.30 Apalachee
Hyman, Jaylan 13.33 Apalachee
Garcia, Adrian 13.55 Apalachee
Cato, Brayden 14.12 Apalachee
Swan, Kentrollis 14.63 Apalachee
Fisher, Jackson 17.02 Apalachee
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rutledge, Will Apalachee
Turner, Reece Apalachee
Sigman, Luke 4:56.48 Apalachee
Cadet, Valson 5:23.66 Apalachee
Bulloch, Brayden 5:42.92 Apalachee
Weaver, Ridley 5:47.54 Apalachee
Serrato, Andy 5:55.37 Apalachee
Dickson, Garreck 6:25.35 Apalachee
Plaza, Jan 7:05.50 Apalachee
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Cameron Apalachee
Ajibade, Ayomikun Apalachee
Driver, Nickolas Apalachee
Owens, Joshua Apalachee
Clark, Shermarian Apalachee
Switzer, Dohnovan Apalachee
Wyche, Zavier Apalachee
Bathol, Christopher Apalachee
Moore, Branden Apalachee
Moncada, Edward Apalachee
Mukongo, Simplice Apalachee
White, Cahlil Apalachee
Young, Christian Apalachee
Brown, Kobe Apalachee
Sammons, Nathan Apalachee
Williams, Jadon Apalachee
Neeley, Wyatt Apalachee
Kanzig, D'Anthony Apalachee
Collins, Elijah Apalachee
Simms Johnson, Desmond Apalachee
Lyle, Anthony 23.56 Apalachee
Tate, Prince 24.39 Apalachee
Newton, Trey 24.81 Apalachee
McKinney, Jeremiah 25.06 Apalachee
Rodriquez, Kenny 25.07 Apalachee
Wright, Michael 25.40 Apalachee
Driggers, Rylan 25.93 Apalachee
Garner, Bryson 26.10 Apalachee
Stokes, Shamir 26.21 Apalachee
Eckhart, Davis 26.30 Apalachee
Mukongo, Exauce 26.36 Apalachee
Abraham, Josh 26.47 Apalachee
Verne, Elijah 27.17 Apalachee
Williford, Favian 27.18 Apalachee
Brown, Jadon 27.22 Apalachee
Hyman, Jaylan 27.49 Apalachee
Garcia, Adrian 27.50 Apalachee
Brewer, Joshua 28.27 Apalachee
Cato, Brayden 28.64 Apalachee
Turner, Sean Reece 29.46 Apalachee
Cain, Que 30.51 Apalachee
Swan, Kentrollis 31.27 Apalachee
Fisher, Jackson 35.54 Apalachee
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Jadon Apalachee
Brown, Kobe Apalachee
Young, Christian Apalachee
Brewer, Joshua Apalachee
Kanzig, D'Anthony Apalachee
Sammons, Nathan Apalachee
Stokes, Shamir 1:02.78 Apalachee
Brown, Jadon 1:06.08 Apalachee
Cain, Que 1:15.01 Apalachee
Abraham, Josh 53.88 Apalachee
Owens, Joshua 54.00 Apalachee
Ajibade, Ayomikun 55.00 Apalachee
Eckhart, Davis 55.18 Apalachee
Wright, Michael 55.98 Apalachee
Garner, Bryson 58.03 Apalachee
Rodriquez, Kenny 59.00 Apalachee
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Marcus Apalachee
Cavanaugh, Aiden Apalachee
Rutledge, Will Apalachee
Saligan, Marko Apalachee
D'Suze, Cesar Apalachee
Corn, Thomas Apalachee
Ross, Marvin C Apalachee
Davis, Calvin Apalachee
Covarrubias, Fernando Apalachee
Shaw, Jackson Apalachee
Turner, Reece Apalachee
Lopez, Manny Apalachee
Sigman, Luke 2:05.46 Apalachee
Bulloch, Brayden 2:18.56 Apalachee
Ballard, TJ 2:25.84 Apalachee
Cadet, Valson 2:29.80 Apalachee
Serrato, Andy 2:36.43 Apalachee
Duchaine, Tyler 2:38.33 Apalachee
Weaver, Ridley 2:40.24 Apalachee
Dickson, Garreck 2:46.17 Apalachee
Plaza, Jan 2:51.17 Apalachee
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HS Boys Discus Throw 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Griffiths, Mason 137-7 Apalachee
West, Maddox 124-1 Apalachee
Allen, Keaton 113-9 Apalachee
Smith, Christopher 97-0 Apalachee
Conley, Jaylin 87-8 Apalachee
Ferro, Tyler 87-3 Apalachee
Browner, Nelson Apalachee
Dixon, Debrandon Apalachee
Frank, Joez Apalachee
Jackson, Aiden Apalachee
Spears, Khalil Apalachee
White, Jason Apalachee
Young, Caleb Apalachee
Maddox, Ace Apalachee
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HS Boys Shot Put 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Keaton 43-9 Apalachee
Smith, Christopher 42-1.5 Apalachee
Ferro, Tyler 42-1 Apalachee
Griffiths, Mason 36-9 Apalachee
West, Maddox 32-5.75 Apalachee
Manley, Hunter 30-7.5 Apalachee
Browner, Nelson Apalachee
Frank, Joez Apalachee
Jackson, Aiden Apalachee
Spears, Khalil Apalachee
White, Jason Apalachee
Young, Caleb Apalachee
Maddox, Ace Apalachee
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Willer, Addison Apalachee
Garcia, Sarai Apalachee
Olanipekun, Jordayne Apalachee
Arnold, Carson Apalachee
Harpis, Amara Apalachee
Torres, Michelle Apalachee
Cannon, Payten Apalachee
Johnson, Trinity Apalachee
Tyler, Tatiana Apalachee
Cummings, Summer Apalachee
Kinney, Ky'anna Apalachee
Rodriguez, Lamyah 13.18 Apalachee
Daniel, Jasmyne 13.54 Apalachee
Arnold, Ni'kyah 14.10 Apalachee
Verne, Abigail 14.14 Apalachee
Hunter, Callie 14.20 Apalachee
McMillan, Amaiyah 14.33 Apalachee
Magee, Sacaria 14.34 Apalachee
Swan, Ka'niyah 14.36 Apalachee
Rhodes, Savannah 15.09 Apalachee
Denis, Tatyana 15.14 Apalachee
Darsey, Georgia 16.02 Apalachee
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Randall, Tegan Apalachee
Adeyemi-Bajo, Adeola Apalachee
Forrest, Emma Apalachee
Harper, Katie 5:57.61 Apalachee
Tedder, Hailey 6:08.68 Apalachee
Parzanese, Hailey 7:00.82 Apalachee
Smith, Savannah 7:09.98 Apalachee
Turner, Jordan 7:14.77 Apalachee
Carter, Anna 7:26.99 Apalachee
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tyler, Tatiana Apalachee
Atkinson, Anita Apalachee
Kinney, Ky'anna Apalachee
Willer, Addison Apalachee
Cummings, Summer Apalachee
Olanipekun, Jordayne Apalachee
Garcia, Sarai Apalachee
Torres, Michelle Apalachee
Arnold, Carson Apalachee
Johnson, Trinity Apalachee
Rodriguez, Lamyah 26.65 Apalachee
Daniel, Jasmyne 27.91 Apalachee
Verne, Abigail 29.74 Apalachee
Swan, Ka'niyah 30.08 Apalachee
McMillan, Amaiyah 30.22 Apalachee
Arnold, Ni'kyah 31.17 Apalachee
Magee, Sacaria 31.25 Apalachee
Denis, Tatyana 32.06 Apalachee
Rhodes, Savannah 32.85 Apalachee
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Forrest, Emma Apalachee
Randall, Tegan Apalachee
Adeyemi-Bajo, Adeola Apalachee
Fernandez Martinez, Melany Apalachee
Tedder, Hailey 2:42.62 Apalachee
Akin, Averie 2:44.07 Apalachee
Harper, Katie 2:50.48 Apalachee
Turner, Jordan 2:54.43 Apalachee
Parzanese, Hailey 2:56.63 Apalachee
Smith, Savannah 3:18.26 Apalachee
Carter, Anna 3:22.24 Apalachee
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HS Girls Discus Throw 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rogan, Neely 135-11 Apalachee
Ajibade, Ebunoluwa 70-8 Apalachee
Sullivan, Haley 69-6 Apalachee
Ellis, Elaisha 60-9 Apalachee
Buhite, Mya 55-9 Apalachee
Oladosu, Joy 49-6 Apalachee
Atkinson, Camille Apalachee
Bradford, Cyara Apalachee
Byssainthe, Nalie Apalachee
Hilley, Cecelia Apalachee
Harpis, Amara Apalachee
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HS Girls Shot Put 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rogan, Neely 35-0 Apalachee
Ajibade, Ebunoluwa 30-6 Apalachee
Bradford, Cyara 28-1.5 Apalachee
Buhite, Mya 24-2.5 Apalachee
Oladosu, Joy 22-2 Apalachee
Atkinson, Camille Apalachee
Byssainthe, Nalie Apalachee
Hilley, Cecelia Apalachee
Sullivan, Haley Apalachee
Cooper, Jade Apalachee
Harpis, Amara Apalachee
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MS Boys 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Peyton Haymon-Morris MS
McGowan, Burke Haymon-Morris MS
Waters, Aiden Westside Middle School
Randall, Parley Westside Middle School
Webb, Dylan Haymon-Morris MS
Murray, George Westside Middle School
Stinchcomb, Michael Haymon-Morris MS
Maidmnik, Roman Westside Middle School
Powell, Nathan Westside Middle School
Watson, Zheavon Haymon-Morris MS
Wright, Leland Haymon-Morris MS
Huggins, Zaki'h Haymon-Morris MS
Sharpton, Ryan Westside Middle School
Taylor, Colson Haymon-Morris MS
Higgins, Micah Westside Middle School
Gibbs, Brayden Westside Middle School
Fair, Myles Haymon-Morris MS
Barajas, Anthony Westside Middle School
Hooks, Isaiah Westside Middle School
Tyler, Cedric Haymon-Morris MS
Kearns, Gunner Westside Middle School
Williams, Demarion 13.68 Haymon-Morris MS
Eishen, Colin 13.86 Haymon-Morris MS
Faust, Symeon 14.12 Haymon-Morris MS
Daniel, Antonio 14.23 Haymon-Morris MS
Pearson, Micah 14.40 Haymon-Morris MS
Lelle, Jackson 15.30 Haymon-Morris MS
NeSmith-Harris, Kaiden 15.36 Haymon-Morris MS
Wilson, Jason 16.14 Haymon-Morris MS
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MS Boys 1600 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Garner, Will Haymon-Morris MS
Sharpton, Ryan Westside Middle School
Opoku, Akwasi Haymon-Morris MS
Mahaffey, Jackson Haymon-Morris MS
Lovein, Kayden Haymon-Morris MS
Zukusky, Jayden Haymon-Morris MS
Ostafin, Chandler Haymon-Morris MS
Austin, Kody Haymon-Morris MS
Powell, Nathan Westside Middle School
Waldrop, Brad Haymon-Morris MS
Mills, Jonah Haymon-Morris MS
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MS Boys 200 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Maidmnik, Roman Westside Middle School
Watson, Zheavon Haymon-Morris MS
Wright, Leland Haymon-Morris MS
Powell, Nathan Westside Middle School
Taylor, Colson Haymon-Morris MS
Sharpton, Ryan Westside Middle School
Pearson, Micah Haymon-Morris MS
Daniel, Antonio Haymon-Morris MS
Higgins, Micah Westside Middle School
Fair, Myles Haymon-Morris MS
Gibbs, Brayden Westside Middle School
Lelle, Jackson Haymon-Morris MS
Barajas, Anthony Westside Middle School
Tyler, Cedric Haymon-Morris MS
Williams, Demarion Haymon-Morris MS
Hooks, Isaiah Westside Middle School
Eishen, Colin Haymon-Morris MS
Long, Peyton Haymon-Morris MS
Kearns, Gunner Westside Middle School
McGowan, Burke Haymon-Morris MS
Waters, Aiden Westside Middle School
Webb, Dylan Haymon-Morris MS
Wilson, Jason Haymon-Morris MS
Randall, Parley Westside Middle School
Faust, Symeon Haymon-Morris MS
Stinchcomb, Michael Haymon-Morris MS
Murray, George Westside Middle School
NeSmith-Harris, Kaiden Haymon-Morris MS
Huggins, Zaki'h 27.45 Haymon-Morris MS
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MS Boys 800 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lovein, Kayden Haymon-Morris MS
Zukusky, Jayden Haymon-Morris MS
Ostafin, Chandler Haymon-Morris MS
Austin, Kody Haymon-Morris MS
Waldrop, Brad Haymon-Morris MS
Mills, Jonah Haymon-Morris MS
Powell, Nathan Westside Middle School
Garner, Will Haymon-Morris MS
Opoku, Akwasi Haymon-Morris MS
Waters, Aiden Westside Middle School
Mahaffey, Jackson Haymon-Morris MS
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MS Boys Discus 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hooks, Isaiah 70-8 Westside Middle School
Wilkes, Parker 62-8 Haymon-Morris MS
Howe, Aaron 61-6 Haymon-Morris MS
Brogan, Greyson Haymon-Morris MS
Clayborne, John Patrick (JP) Haymon-Morris MS
Henderson, Jarett Haymon-Morris MS
Hodge, Hykeem Haymon-Morris MS
Mills, Jaden Haymon-Morris MS
Pearson, Micah Haymon-Morris MS
Sarpong, Elisha Haymon-Morris MS
Whitley, Jace Haymon-Morris MS
Randall, Parley Westside Middle School
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MS Boys Shot Put 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hooks, Isaiah 33-7 Westside Middle School
Pearson, Micah 25-10 Haymon-Morris MS
Wilkes, Parker 21-7 Haymon-Morris MS
Howe, Aaron 19-7 Haymon-Morris MS
Brogan, Greyson Haymon-Morris MS
Clayborne, John Patrick (JP) Haymon-Morris MS
Henderson, Jarett Haymon-Morris MS
Hodge, Hykeem Haymon-Morris MS
Sarpong, Elisha Haymon-Morris MS
Whitley, Jace Haymon-Morris MS
Mills, Jaden Haymon-Morris MS
Randall, Parley Westside Middle School
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MS Girls 100 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Francillion, Laureen Haymon-Morris MS
Maxwell, Taylor Westside Middle School
Etchison, Mckynze Westside Middle School
Phleming, Alexsandra Haymon-Morris MS
Rudell, Ryan Haymon-Morris MS
Newton, T'Yonn Westside Middle School
Gomez, Melissa Haymon-Morris MS
Jordan, Kassidi Westside Middle School
Ray, Zaria Haymon-Morris MS
Sanvee, Shantel Haymon-Morris MS
Sanchez, Rosemary Westside Middle School
Bratcher, Jaina Westside Middle School
Jernigan, Miracle Haymon-Morris MS
Mullin, Darnea Westside Middle School
Farror, Padera Haymon-Morris MS
Adams, Gabrielle Haymon-Morris MS
Cooper, Saliyah Haymon-Morris MS
Williams, Aaliyah Westside Middle School
Basarte, Mya Westside Middle School
Nebyou, Nigist Haymon-Morris MS
Ruddell, Charly Haymon-Morris MS
Sharpton, Lindsey Westside Middle School
Brown, Eugena 13.73 Westside Middle School
Kitchens, Taigin 13.86 Haymon-Morris MS
Hopkins, Paityn 14.88 Haymon-Morris MS
Collins, Rylee 15.27 Haymon-Morris MS
Padinor-Okyere, Sybil 15.40 Haymon-Morris MS
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MS Girls 1600 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lavender, Evelyn Haymon-Morris MS
Balber, Vianney Haymon-Morris MS
Hilley, Quinn Haymon-Morris MS
Thompson, Kendyl Haymon-Morris MS
Yusuf, Amal Haymon-Morris MS
Leach, Ava Haymon-Morris MS
Jimenez, Katie 6:49.03 Haymon-Morris MS
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MS Girls 200 Meter Dash 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nebyou, Nigist Haymon-Morris MS
Mullin, Darnea Westside Middle School
Padinor-Okyere, Sybil Haymon-Morris MS
Williams, Aaliyah Westside Middle School
Francillion, Laureen Haymon-Morris MS
Basarte, Mya Westside Middle School
Cooper, Saliyah Haymon-Morris MS
Phleming, Alexsandra Haymon-Morris MS
Sharpton, Lindsey Westside Middle School
Ruddell, Charly Haymon-Morris MS
Maxwell, Taylor Westside Middle School
Gomez, Melissa Haymon-Morris MS
Etchison, Mckynze Westside Middle School
Ray, Zaria Haymon-Morris MS
Newton, T'Yonn Westside Middle School
Bratcher, Jaina Westside Middle School
Jernigan, Miracle Haymon-Morris MS
Jordan, Kassidi Westside Middle School
Farror, Padera Haymon-Morris MS
Sanchez, Rosemary Westside Middle School
Adams, Gabrielle Haymon-Morris MS
Freemon, Abigail Westside Middle School
Brown, Eugena 28.85 Westside Middle School
Kitchens, Taigin 30.17 Haymon-Morris MS
Collins, Rylee 31.32 Haymon-Morris MS
Rudell, Ryan 32.08 Haymon-Morris MS
Hopkins, Paityn 32.61 Haymon-Morris MS
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MS Girls 800 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hilley, Quinn Haymon-Morris MS
Thompson, Kendyl Haymon-Morris MS
Yusuf, Amal Haymon-Morris MS
Sanvee, Shantel Haymon-Morris MS
Lavender, Evelyn Haymon-Morris MS
Balber, Vianney Haymon-Morris MS
Basarte, Mya Westside Middle School
Leach, Ava 2:51.28 Haymon-Morris MS
Jimenez, Katie 2:56.42 Haymon-Morris MS
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MS Girls Discus 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hutchins, Emily Haymon-Morris MS
Jackson, Nevaeh Haymon-Morris MS
Looney, Ava Haymon-Morris MS
Santillien, Lianna Haymon-Morris MS
Sanvee, Shantel Haymon-Morris MS
Sikes, Gracie Haymon-Morris MS
Eaton, Rylie Westside Middle School
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MS Girls Shot Put 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Nevaeh Haymon-Morris MS
Looney, Ava Haymon-Morris MS
Santillien, Lianna Haymon-Morris MS
Sanvee, Shantel Haymon-Morris MS
Hutchins, Emily Haymon-Morris MS
Sikes, Gracie Haymon-Morris MS
Eaton, Rylie Westside Middle School
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