Cartersville MS - Home Meet #2 2022

Cartersville, GA

Meet Information

- Our meets are held at Cartersville High School.
- We have a 6 lane track.
- Cost of admission - $5
- Concessions will be sold.
- Teams should register on GA Milesplit.
- Up to 7 teams will be allowed.
$100 per school for timing company. Cost increased.
- Please submit 2 days prior to meet. Please no race day additions.

- 4 entries per athlete, alternates on the relays do not count against total
- 4 athletes per individual event; 2 relay teams per school.
- Unlimited in the following events: Shotput, Discus, Long jump, 200, 800, 1600, 3200
Meet Schedule:
4:15 PM - Coaches meeting

4:30 PM - Boys Shot / Girls High Jump / Boys Long Jump followed by Girls

4:50 PM - 300 Hurdles

5:15 PM - Girls Shot / Boys High Jump / Boys Triple Jump followed by Girls

5:35 PM - 3200 meters (boys and girls combined)

6:15 PM - OTHER RUNNING EVENTS: The order of all common running events heats will be girls followed by boys.

4x100 Relay "A" and "B" teams only Girls/Boys

1600m Girls

400m Girls/Boys

100m Girls/Boys

100m Hurdles Girls/Boys

800m Girls/Boys

200m Girls/Boys

1600m Boys

4x400 Relay "A" and "B" teams only Girls/Boys