Douglas County Championship 2022

Douglasville, GA

Meet Information

Douglas County Championships for only Douglas County High Schools.

3 entries per event for the Varsity Division and unlimited in the JV division.  Please place your athletes appropriate levels.  1 Relay team for Varsity in each of the Relays.  1 Relay team in the JV entries .

Friday night will be the following events:


Pole Vault

Shot for girls 

Discus for boys

HJ for girls

Long jump for boys

Triple jump for girls

After completion of those events they will alternate Gender.  We will start with Varsity then go JV.  All first attemps will be measured then you must meet a min that will be determined once entries are completed.

6:00pm-  We will run the 4x800 Varsity then JV  Girls then boys

6:30 3200 Varsity then JV if needed

7:00pm  Throwers 4x100 girls then boys one team per gender from each school

7:10 4x200 girls then boys

Saturday Schedule:

12:00-4 x 100

Awards ceremony followed by Senior Recognition.

Top 3 in each event get medals Varsity and winner in each of the JV events gets a medal.  Top 2 teams in Varsity and JV get Trophies

We will have a full concession stand,  coaches hospitality and Vendors on site for Saturday.

Friday night we will have some concessions available