East Cobb Challenge 2022

Marietta, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys 100 Meter Dash 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ponchot, Huxley Pope High School
Wyatt, Alex Lassiter High School
Katz, Luke Walton High School
Hall, Ethan Pope High School
Allen, MArcus Walton High School
Hayes, Kristopher 10.86 Pope High School
Jump, Adam 11.41 Pope High School
Dean, Lovell 11.46 Pope High School
Freeman, Jack 11.56 Walton High School
Gadsden, Samuel 11.63 Lassiter High School
Foster, Carlos 11.81 Lassiter High School
Simons, Ben 11.83 Walton High School
Johnson, Robert 11.83 Pope High School
Sims, Phil 11.90 Pope High School
Stannard, Ethan 11.91 Walton High School
Weddington, Lawson 11.92 Pope High School
Craig, Alex 11.96 Lassiter High School
Thompson, Enzo 12.12 Pope High School
Callahan, Davis 12.16 Walton High School
Darley, Parker 12.31 Pope High School
Robertson, Daniel 12.48 Pope High School
Jackson, Brandyn 12.48 Lassiter High School
Arocho, Cason 12.49 Lassiter High School
Tear, Harry 12.49 Walton High School
Benders, Jordan 12.50 Lassiter High School
Thigpen, Sabien 12.51 Lassiter High School
Milman, Luke 12.58 Lassiter High School
Musson, Nicholas 12.63 Walton High School
Pacifico, Zachary 12.66 Lassiter High School
Royal, Deven 12.68 Pope High School
Crosby, Meade 12.72 Walton High School
Dilworth, Griffin 12.79 Lassiter High School
Williams, Fisayo 12.94 Lassiter High School
Anderson, Bryce 13.05 Lassiter High School
Cohen, Seth 13.20 Walton High School
Frank, Jonathan 13.21 Lassiter High School
Pennington, Nate 13.28 Pope High School
O’Neill, Noah 13.42 Lassiter High School
Dison, Will 13.46 Pope High School
Sabura, Luke 13.50 Lassiter High School
Grace, Sawyer 13.60 Pope High School
Northington, Carter 13.62 Pope High School
Dang, Ryan 13.63 Pope High School
Lewis, Corbin 13.69 Pope High School
Murley, Steven 13.69 Lassiter High School
Sayedzada, Adam 13.75 Lassiter High School
Jacinto, Alexavier 13.79 Lassiter High School
Massoud, Gibriel 13.89 Lassiter High School
Mundt, Levi 13.90 Lassiter High School
Stoney, Anthony 13.98 Walton High School
Bradley, Hunter 14.08 Lassiter High School
Posada, Finlay 14.21 Pope High School
Nikerle, Micah 17.08 Lassiter High School
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Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burns, Caleb 14.85 Pope High School
McDade, Chandler 16.90 Pope High School
Egan, Reed 20.43 Pope High School
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Boys 1600 Meter Run 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vignone, Andrew 4:44.79 Walton High School
Hanlon, Sean 4:54.25 Pope High School
Throckmorton, Lawson 4:56.59 Pope High School
O'Shaughnessy, Paxton 4:58.25 Pope High School
Zimmer, Colin 4:58.40 Lassiter High School
Greblick, Robert 4:59.67 Walton High School
Glaser, Reed 5:08.20 Pope High School
Deprey, Moe 5:09.03 Pope High School
Dodsworth, Charles 5:09.59 Pope High School
Quintero, Zach 5:18.16 Lassiter High School
Brooking, Roger 5:20.28 Pope High School
Gay, William 5:24.04 Walton High School
Niederjohn, Max 5:25.20 Walton High School
Rose, Shane 5:27.06 Walton High School
Cohen, Ben 5:30.23 Pope High School
Whelan, Tyler 5:32.26 Lassiter High School
Aycock, James 5:39.72 Walton High School
Goud, Vivek 5:42.32 Walton High School
Jadav, Ronak 5:43.84 Pope High School
Wingate, Ben 5:51.29 Pope High School
Dibbern, Chas 5:52.26 Lassiter High School
Bivens, Davison 5:56.69 Pope High School
Willis, Caden 6:04.54 Pope High School
Andre, Jeremy 6:05.14 Pope High School
Groover, Logan 6:11.01 Pope High School
Morgan, David 6:24.23 Lassiter High School
Swarnam, Tarun 6:50.39 Walton High School
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Boys 200 Meter Dash 51 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stoney, Anthony Walton High School
Wyatt, Alex Lassiter High School
Valliyappan, Krishnan Walton High School
Souza, Jonatas Lassiter High School
Viets, Liam Walton High School
Mundt, Levi Lassiter High School
Pratikakis, Manoli Lassiter High School
Allen, MArcus Walton High School
Eagan, Cullen 22.07 Pope High School
Freeman, Jack 23.14 Walton High School
Dillahunty, Jaylen 23.41 Lassiter High School
Gadsden, Samuel 23.67 Lassiter High School
Dean, Lovell 23.74 Pope High School
Foster, Carlos 23.99 Lassiter High School
Simons, Ben 24.06 Walton High School
Mayer, Luke 24.15 Lassiter High School
Lewis, Corbin 24.78 Pope High School
Stannard, Ethan 24.90 Walton High School
Tear, Harry 24.95 Walton High School
Weddington, Lawson 25.20 Pope High School
Caldarella, Anthony 25.36 Pope High School
Musson, Nicholas 25.45 Walton High School
Huffman, Stephen 25.50 Pope High School
Thomason, Charlie 25.57 Walton High School
Milman, Luke 25.60 Lassiter High School
Jackson, Brandyn 25.62 Lassiter High School
Kadasinganahalli, Sameer 25.66 Walton High School
Crosby, Meade 25.74 Walton High School
Gutzmer, Jared 26.09 Pope High School
Thigpen, Sabien 26.30 Lassiter High School
Benders, Jordan 26.47 Lassiter High School
Cohen, Seth 26.50 Walton High School
Pacifico, Zachary 26.97 Lassiter High School
Sparks, Ahmed 27.24 Lassiter High School
Dison, Will 27.40 Pope High School
Pennington, Nate 27.79 Pope High School
Grace, Sawyer 27.89 Pope High School
Hornsby, Jackson 27.94 Pope High School
Njoroge, Ethan 28.02 Lassiter High School
Sayedzada, Adam 28.17 Lassiter High School
Sabura, Luke 28.30 Lassiter High School
Anderson, Bryce 28.62 Lassiter High School
Murley, Steven 28.83 Lassiter High School
DenHaesse, Thomas 28.92 Lassiter High School
Massoud, Gibriel 29.13 Lassiter High School
Jacinto, Alexavier 29.29 Lassiter High School
Hall, Ethan 29.61 Pope High School
Katz, Luke 29.82 Walton High School
Fokens, Miller 30.90 Pope High School
Buyce, Sam 32.14 Pope High School
Nikerle, Micah 40.02 Lassiter High School
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Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Tyler 40.93 Walton High School
Burns, Caleb 41.22 Pope High School
McDade, Chandler 44.47 Pope High School
Sims, Phil 45.66 Pope High School
Egan, Reed 51.99 Pope High School
Annicelli, Zach 53.14 Pope High School
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Boys 3200 Meter Run 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Varrin, Jack Lassiter High School
Brune, Mac Lassiter High School
Cockrell, Brennen 10:07.35 Lassiter High School
Spohn, Carter 10:18.20 Pope High School
Sheahan, Connor 10:24.86 Pope High School
Drake, Davis 10:30.87 Pope High School
Maloney, Dermot 10:49.58 Pope High School
Throckmorton, Lawson 10:55.60 Pope High School
O'Shaughnessy, Paxton 10:58.15 Pope High School
Glaser, Reed 11:05.11 Pope High School
Leeuwenburg, Preston 11:06.32 Lassiter High School
Wood, Tommy 11:13.82 Pope High School
Pokorny, John Paul 11:21.64 Lassiter High School
Villareal, Alek 11:45.50 Walton High School
Wemple, Giovanni 11:47.56 Pope High School
Brooking, Roger 11:52.71 Pope High School
Moon, Austin 11:57.51 Lassiter High School
Pickerel, Vernon 12:00.12 Pope High School
English, Reece 12:02.02 Lassiter High School
Beatty, Brandon 12:12.25 Lassiter High School
Thompson, Zack 12:28.80 Lassiter High School
Duerre, Jack 13:03.27 Lassiter High School
Dunn, Carter 14:32.44 Lassiter High School
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Boys 400 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Raj, Joshua Walton High School
Njoroge, Ethan 1:00.00 Lassiter High School
Williams, Fisayo 1:00.51 Lassiter High School
Sparks, Ahmed 1:00.54 Lassiter High School
Glaser, Wade 1:00.80 Pope High School
Dilworth, Griffin 1:01.19 Lassiter High School
Zimmer, Colin 1:02.04 Lassiter High School
Ponchot, Huxley 1:02.16 Pope High School
Pokorny, John Paul 1:02.53 Lassiter High School
Benders, Jordan 1:02.92 Lassiter High School
Bradley, Hunter 1:03.90 Lassiter High School
Whelan, Tyler 1:04.80 Lassiter High School
Northington, Carter 1:05.95 Pope High School
DenHaesse, Thomas 1:06.26 Lassiter High School
Arocho, Cason 1:18.34 Lassiter High School
Dollar, Jack 49.38 Walton High School
Chiriboga, Nazsir 54.03 Pope High School
Freeman, Jack 54.31 Walton High School
Cockrell, Brennen 54.86 Lassiter High School
Fincher, Michael 54.89 Lassiter High School
Wells, Carter 55.40 Pope High School
Wright, Greg 55.81 Pope High School
Mayer, Luke 56.66 Lassiter High School
Musson, Nicholas 57.69 Walton High School
Ashour, Youssef 58.0 Lassiter High School
Gay, William 58.00 Walton High School
Stephenson, Pierce 58.49 Lassiter High School
Hansen, Jack 58.79 Lassiter High School
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Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 43.01 Pope High School
Relay Team A 44.25 Walton High School
Relay Team B 44.25 Walton High School
Relay Team A 44.43 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 46.00h Pope High School
Relay Team B 46.00h Lassiter High School
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Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:33.99 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 1:35.63 Walton High School
Relay Team B 1:35.63 Walton High School
Relay Team B 1:36.00h Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 1:36.57 Pope High School
Relay Team B 1:45.00h Pope High School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:32.30 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Pope High School
Relay Team B 3:40.00h Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 3:41.41 Walton High School
Relay Team B 3:41.41 Walton High School
Relay Team B 3:45.00h Pope High School
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Boys 800 Meter Run 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dollar, Jack 1:56.31 Walton High School
Brenneman, Benny 2:03.93 Pope High School
Jones, Caleb 2:08.27 Walton High School
Minecci, Joseph 2:08.58 Walton High School
Bailey, Sawyer 2:09.52 Walton High School
Zimmer, Colin 2:10.84 Lassiter High School
Ready, Jack 2:11.55 Walton High School
Bingham, Wylie 2:11.69 Walton High School
Boyce, Maceo 2:11.85 Walton High School
Campbell, Dylan 2:13.84 Walton High School
Wright, William 2:13.99 Pope High School
Throckmorton, Lawson 2:17.20 Pope High School
Deprey, Moe 2:17.52 Pope High School
Wells, Carter 2:17.53 Pope High School
Dodsworth, Charles 2:17.73 Pope High School
Michaeli, Daniel 2:18.78 Walton High School
Villareal, Alek 2:19.68 Walton High School
Krishnamurthy, Oliver 2:20.67 Walton High School
Sommer, Jacob 2:20.68 Walton High School
Stephenson, Pierce 2:22.26 Lassiter High School
Quintero, Zach 2:24.73 Lassiter High School
Haas, Parker 2:25.28 Walton High School
Haas, Quinn 2:25.29 Walton High School
Wood, Tommy 2:26.30 Pope High School
Hansen, Jack 2:27.76 Lassiter High School
Brooking, Roger 2:28.37 Pope High School
Cohen, Ben 2:29.38 Pope High School
Burwell, John 2:30.17 Walton High School
Chapman, Russell 2:31.21 Walton High School
Bishara, Joel 2:36.03 Walton High School
Willis, Caden 2:39.89 Pope High School
Groover, Logan 2:40.19 Pope High School
Kim, Jae Min 2:40.28 Walton High School
Wingate, Ben 2:41.66 Pope High School
Andre, Jeremy 2:43.80 Pope High School
Bivens, Davison 2:45.88 Pope High School
Morgan, David 2:49.16 Lassiter High School
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Boys Discus 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cameron, Piers 170-10 Pope High School
Ferreira Reis, Felipe 140-4.5 Walton High School
Kiernan, Matthew 136-1 Pope High School
Inan, Omer 133-0 Walton High School
Cox, David 132-9 Walton High School
Nixon, Theron 126-4 Pope High School
Vinyard, John 120-7 Lassiter High School
Eichelzer, Philip 119-5 Walton High School
Khaja, Kaiser 112-9 Lassiter High School
Grimes, Jaiden 104-9 Pope High School
Woods, Ashton 104-4 Walton High School
Cohen, Seth 103-9 Walton High School
Anderson, Chase 102-8 Lassiter High School
Jones, Jacob 95-1 Pope High School
Ward, Dan 91-6 Pope High School
Ugokwe, Lota 89-9 Walton High School
O’Neill, Noah 85-0 Lassiter High School
Lynch, Andrew 80-0 Pope High School
Lynch, Connor 77-7 Pope High School
Chandrashekar, Pranav 77-3 Walton High School
Fumerton, Max 76-7.5 Pope High School
Watson, Michael 74-1 Pope High School
Henderson, Aidan 73-7 Walton High School
Rex, Colin 72-3 Lassiter High School
Lewis, Catcher 72-0 Pope High School
Bax, Braunsen 71-2 Walton High School
Khaja, Rohaan 68-0.5 Lassiter High School
Ball, Conner 68-0 Lassiter High School
Loggins, Samuel 66-2 Walton High School
Kuck, Connor 47-5 Pope High School
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Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nixon, Theron 6-2 Pope High School
Hungerbuhler, Parker 5-10 Lassiter High School
Gutzmer, Jared 5-8 Pope High School
Betha, Zack 5-8 Walton High School
Phalen, John 5-8 Walton High School
Royal, Deven 5-7 Pope High School
Watanabe, Sosuke 5-6 Pope High School
Strickland, Jack 5-6 Lassiter High School
Huffman, Stephen 5-2 Pope High School
Wideman, Andrew 5-2 Pope High School
Weddington, Lawson 5-0 Pope High School
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Boys Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gutzmer, Miles 21-11.75 Pope High School
Dillahunty, Jaylen 20-11 Lassiter High School
Souza, Jonatas 20-8.5 Lassiter High School
Chiriboga, Nazsir 20-6.5 Pope High School
Dean, Lovell 19-4 Pope High School
Griffin, Davis 18-10 Pope High School
Wright, Greg 18-4 Pope High School
Thompson, Enzo 17-10.5 Pope High School
Kale, Samuel 17-10.5 Lassiter High School
Darley, Parker 17-6.5 Pope High School
Williams, Fisayo 17-4 Lassiter High School
Jackson, Brandyn 17-2.5 Lassiter High School
Johnson, Robert 17-2 Pope High School
Njoroge, Ethan 16-9 Lassiter High School
Grace, Sawyer 16-8.5 Pope High School
Beaty, Miles 16-8 Pope High School
Correa, Victor 15-6.5 Pope High School
Glaser, Wade 15-5.5 Pope High School
Visor, Wesley 15-1.5 Lassiter High School
Hornsby, Jackson 14-9.5 Pope High School
Lewis, Corbin 14-7.5 Pope High School
Posada, Finlay 14-6 Pope High School
Royal, Deven 10-0 Pope High School
Hall, Ethan Pope High School
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Boys Pole Vault 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
McLain, Connor 14-2 Walton High School
Globerman, Ben 12-2 Walton High School
Grachen, Ryan 12-0 Lassiter High School
Hopkins, Connor 11-6 Walton High School
Converse, Paul 10-8 Walton High School
Strickland, Jack 10-6 Lassiter High School
Anyokwu, Moyo 10-6 Walton High School
Basile, Scott 10-2 Pope High School
Mims, Lane 9-6 Pope High School
Beltran, Samuel 9-6 Walton High School
Crowell, Nicholas 8-6 Pope High School
Clark, Logan 8-6 Pope High School
Melson, Connor 8-2 Pope High School
Ponchot, Huxley 8-2 Pope High School
Kchao, Alexander 8-2 Walton High School
Marino, Daniel Gonzalez 7-6 Walton High School
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Boys Shot Put 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cameron, Piers 53-5 Pope High School
Eichelzer, Philip 45-7 Walton High School
Anderson, Chase 43-6 Lassiter High School
Khaja, Kaiser 43-4 Lassiter High School
Kiernan, Matthew 42-9 Pope High School
Ferreira Reis, Felipe 42-9 Walton High School
Inan, Omer 42-8.5 Walton High School
Ugokwe, Lota 41-4 Walton High School
Vinyard, John 41-1 Lassiter High School
Ward, Dan 39-7.5 Pope High School
Bannon, Quin 39-3.5 Walton High School
Sonukan, David 35-1 Walton High School
Grimes, Jaiden 34-9 Pope High School
O’Neill, Noah 34-5.5 Lassiter High School
Watson, Michael 34-2 Pope High School
Fumerton, Max 33-10.5 Pope High School
Henderson, Aidan 32-2.5 Walton High School
Bax, Braunsen 31-11.5 Walton High School
Jones, Jacob 31-9 Pope High School
Lynch, Connor 31-9 Pope High School
Chandrashekar, Pranav 31-7 Walton High School
Rex, Colin 30-6.25 Lassiter High School
Lynch, Andrew 28-2 Pope High School
Lewis, Catcher 28-0 Pope High School
Ball, Conner 27-6.5 Lassiter High School
Khaja, Rohaan 25-9 Lassiter High School
Kuck, Connor 24-9 Pope High School
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Boys Triple Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nixon, Theron 42-8 Pope High School
Souza, Jonatas 42-6 Lassiter High School
Gutzmer, Jared 39-10 Pope High School
Wideman, Andrew 39-4.5 Pope High School
Kale, Samuel 37-5.75 Lassiter High School
Jackson, Brandyn 37-0 Lassiter High School
Griffin, Davis 36-5 Pope High School
Egan, Reed 35-11 Pope High School
Njoroge, Ethan 35-3.5 Lassiter High School
Weddington, Lawson 35-2 Pope High School
Annicelli, Zach 32-0 Pope High School
Johnson, Robert 30-1 Pope High School
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Girls 100 Meter Dash 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Ami Walton High School
McNeil, Krista 12.50 Pope High School
Whitworth, Amber 13.14 Lassiter High School
Evans, Kiara 13.18 Lassiter High School
Scales, Lane 13.19 Pope High School
Agui, Kelly 13.30 Walton High School
Key, Gabby 13.31 Pope High School
Johnson, Ivana 13.39 Pope High School
Lassiter, Brooke 13.43 Pope High School
Jones, Athalya 13.44 Lassiter High School
Cariaco, Lily Kate 13.63 Pope High School
Gibbs, Jacquelin 13.75 Pope High School
Harris, Kristine 13.76 Walton High School
Moss, Maggie 13.82 Pope High School
Parker, Tyler 13.86 Walton High School
Okonta, Mackenzie 13.87 Lassiter High School
Johnson, Starrla 13.94 Pope High School
Papst, Hannah 13.95 Walton High School
Armstrong, Abigail 13.97 Walton High School
Dixon, Riley 14.06 Pope High School
Salmon, Campbell 14.10 Lassiter High School
Jung, Katie 14.26 Lassiter High School
Tzanov, Sophia 14.33 Walton High School
Moss, Addison 14.42 Pope High School
Madsen, Savannah 14.57 Walton High School
Rose, Emma 14.58 Lassiter High School
Howell, Jasmine 14.60h Lassiter High School
Boyce, Keela 14.63 Walton High School
Sykes, Kylee 14.67 Walton High School
Clary, Ashley 14.83 Walton High School
Acker, Julia 14.93 Pope High School
Ratcheson, Maddie 14.99 Lassiter High School
Madison, Aase 15.03 Lassiter High School
Njoroge, Lisa 15.33 Lassiter High School
Johns, Maya 15.34 Lassiter High School
Brodmyer, Paige 15.35 Lassiter High School
Serog, Jocelyn 15.38 Lassiter High School
Ghadrdan, Sara 15.66 Lassiter High School
Hickey, Emma Kate 15.89 Walton High School
Raciborski, Emmaline 15.92 Lassiter High School
Rodriguez, Destiny 16.11 Lassiter High School
Linsdley, Kathryn 16.14 Lassiter High School
Hubartt, Sara 16.18 Lassiter High School
Tonfak-Tsane, Enry 16.43 Lassiter High School
Waters, Reese 16.67 Lassiter High School
Youngblood, Vivian 16.68 Lassiter High School
Bozocea, Bianca 16.76 Lassiter High School
Sessions, Sophia 17.24 Lassiter High School
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Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bradford, Sophia 16.75 Pope High School
Whalen, Grace 17.08 Lassiter High School
Lewandowski, Darby 17.31 Pope High School
Harrison, Katie 18.14 Lassiter High School
Rose, Emma 18.22 Lassiter High School
Sinclair, Tyler 19.68 Pope High School
Balot, Bethanie 20.94 Lassiter High School
Brodmyer, Paige 21.11 Lassiter High School
Van Dillen , Sydney 21.42 Lassiter High School
Beaulieu, Addison 21.55 Lassiter High School
Youngblood, Vivian 23.62 Lassiter High School
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Girls 1600 Meter Run 40 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Patel, Hirni Lassiter High School
Goodwin, Fiona Lassiter High School
Bradley, Hailey 5:24.19 Lassiter High School
Bower, Cassie 5:47.36 Pope High School
Golden, Lorel 5:50.00h Pope High School
Jow, Emma 5:53.50 Walton High School
Sullivan, Lexington 5:55.82 Pope High School
Greer, Catherine 5:56.53 Pope High School
Fought, Emaly 5:58.91 Walton High School
Gaskin, Madeline 6:01.48 Pope High School
Allison, Sophia 6:02.82 Walton High School
Franks, Danielle 6:05.37 Walton High School
Astorga, Maeve 6:08.64 Pope High School
Cockrell, Emma 6:11.61 Lassiter High School
Collins, Kaylen 6:14.29 Pope High School
Wheeler, Avery 6:18.33 Walton High School
Brooks, Emily 6:22.67 Lassiter High School
Afshani, Kaylie 6:23.88 Pope High School
Yahn, Caroline 6:27.67 Pope High School
Amin, Sheeya 6:28.05 Lassiter High School
Corya, Molly 6:30.07 Pope High School
Watson, April 6:30.35 Pope High School
Bowling, Emily Jane 6:31.91 Pope High School
Green, Rachel 6:32.35 Pope High School
Giraldo, Isabella 6:35.77 Lassiter High School
Garrett, Savannah 6:39.13 Lassiter High School
Barrett, Elise 6:39.96 Pope High School
Cardozo-Willigs, Paloma 6:39.97 Lassiter High School
Lee, Suman 6:40.94 Lassiter High School
Yahn, Victoria 6:45.87 Pope High School
Muppalla, Dhanya 6:50.71 Walton High School
Haakmeester, Jenna 6:52.83 Lassiter High School
Shekastehband, Dana 6:55.53 Pope High School
Mehrotra, Trisha 6:56.15 Walton High School
Garrett, Maggie 7:19.27 Lassiter High School
Warchol, Lauren 7:24.44 Lassiter High School
Bohlin, Hannah 7:25.86 Lassiter High School
Bohlin, Chloe 7:26.21 Lassiter High School
Alligood, Caroline 7:54.72 Lassiter High School
Lin, Molly 8:12.38 Lassiter High School
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Girls 200 Meter Dash 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Howell, Jasmine Lassiter High School
Gardner, Caroline Lassiter High School
Tzanov, Sophia 27.08 Walton High School
Agui, Kelly 27.57 Walton High School
Sagi, Aditi 27.75 Walton High School
Huffman, Bailey 27.75 Pope High School
Jones, Athalya 28.00h Lassiter High School
Johnbull, Kayla 28.07 Walton High School
Coleman, Hannah 28.40 Walton High School
Madsen, Savannah 28.78 Walton High School
Bradford, Sophia 28.83 Pope High School
Harris, Kristine 29.05 Walton High School
Dean, Kamryn 29.21 Pope High School
Dixon, Riley 29.70 Pope High School
Armstrong, Abigail 29.71 Walton High School
Williams, Ami 29.88 Walton High School
Dolph, Alex 30.14 Lassiter High School
Farmer, Ava 30.20 Lassiter High School
Jung, Katie 30.61 Lassiter High School
Harvey, Fifi 30.65 Pope High School
Nixon, Laila 30.69 Pope High School
Sinclair, Kaeley 30.83 Pope High School
Hobby, Maddie 31.36 Lassiter High School
Leonard, Natalya 31.59 Pope High School
Murugan, Nayha 31.81 Pope High School
Boyce, Keela 31.92 Walton High School
Madison, Aase 32.17 Lassiter High School
Sykes, Kylee 32.20 Walton High School
Rose, Emma 32.28 Lassiter High School
German, Steffani 32.40 Pope High School
Johns, Maya 32.65 Lassiter High School
Salmon, Campbell 32.82 Lassiter High School
Collins, Addison 33.02 Pope High School
Ghadrdan, Sara 33.51 Lassiter High School
Hickey, Emma Kate 33.64 Walton High School
Linsdley, Kathryn 33.71 Lassiter High School
Njoroge, Lisa 33.99 Lassiter High School
Handy, Hillary 34.00 Pope High School
Rodriguez, Destiny 35.02 Lassiter High School
Tonfak-Tsane, Enry 35.83 Lassiter High School
Waters, Reese 35.90 Lassiter High School
Joseph, Erin 36.36 Pope High School
Sessions, Sophia 37.39 Lassiter High School
Hubartt, Sara 40.57 Lassiter High School
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Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Van Dillen , Sydney Lassiter High School
Balot, Bethanie Lassiter High School
Beaulieu, Addison Lassiter High School
Sinclair, Tyler 1:01.16 Pope High School
Bowling , Piper 1:03.98 Lassiter High School
Lewandowski, Darby 50.37 Pope High School
Moss, Maggie 54.73 Pope High School
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Girls 3200 Meter Run 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dunn, Charlotte 11:29.30 Pope High School
Bower, Cassie 12:37.21 Pope High School
Collins, Kaylen 13:26.78 Pope High School
Dibbern, Kate 14:00.99 Lassiter High School
Giraldo, Isabella 14:35.08 Lassiter High School
Paton, Sam 15:08.34 Lassiter High School
Moor, Grace 15:21.40 Lassiter High School
Joya, Andrea 16:54.06 Lassiter High School
Charles-Mesaris, Abella 17:11.77 Lassiter High School
Lin, Emma 17:48.25 Lassiter High School
Patel, Hirni 18:44.97 Lassiter High School
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Girls 400 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Handy, Hillary Pope High School
Williams, Ami Walton High School
Mroz, Jennifer 1:03.25 Lassiter High School
Harris, Cameron 1:04.54 Walton High School
Coleman, Hannah 1:04.77 Walton High School
Sagi, Aditi 1:04.82 Walton High School
Bradley, Hailey 1:06.84 Lassiter High School
Whalen, Grace 1:06.92 Lassiter High School
Boris, Breely 1:07.14 Pope High School
Maher, Brooke 1:08.00 Lassiter High School
Franks, Danielle 1:08.00 Walton High School
Wheeler, Avery 1:10.00 Walton High School
Gardner, Caroline 1:10.21 Lassiter High School
Behringer, Ansley 1:10.33 Pope High School
McCord, Anna Claire 1:10.81 Lassiter High School
Dibbern, Kate 1:11.98 Lassiter High School
Ratcheson, Maddie 1:13.67 Lassiter High School
Serog, Jocelyn 1:14.29 Lassiter High School
Trask, Nanea 1:15.12 Lassiter High School
Leonard, Natalya 1:15.40 Pope High School
Billups, Claire 1:20.50 Lassiter High School
Bozocea, Bianca 1:21.81 Lassiter High School
Raciborski, Emmaline 1:27.83 Lassiter High School
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Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 49.97 Walton High School
Relay Team A 49.97 Walton High School
Relay Team A 50.79 Pope High School
Relay Team A 50.87 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 50.87 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 53.00h Pope High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:50.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 1:50.62 Walton High School
Relay Team B 1:50.62 Walton High School
Relay Team A 1:53.89 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 1:53.89 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 1:59.00h Pope High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:12.71 Walton High School
Relay Team B 4:12.71 Walton High School
Relay Team B 4:17.14 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 4:17.14 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Pope High School
Relay Team B 4:35.00h Pope High School
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Girls 800 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Delgado, Daniela 2:26.79 Walton High School
Bailey, Ella 2:29.22 Walton High School
Keeter, Arden 2:31.34 Walton High School
Ryan, Ava 2:34.01 Walton High School
Golden, Lorel 2:34.25 Pope High School
Reazin, Camlin 2:41.05 Lassiter High School
McCord, Anna Claire 2:41.36 Lassiter High School
Hobby, Maddie 2:44.40 Lassiter High School
Astorga, Maeve 2:45.47 Pope High School
Bowling, Emily Jane 2:51.97 Pope High School
Amin, Sheeya 2:52.65 Lassiter High School
Conti, Gabriella 2:54.49 Lassiter High School
Rieck, Lily 2:54.49 Walton High School
Sullivan, Lexington 2:54.78 Pope High School
Parfenov, Natalia 2:55.38 Walton High School
Curry, Emily 2:55.67 Walton High School
Afshani, Kaylie 2:57.21 Pope High School
Yahn, Caroline 2:57.23 Pope High School
Green, Rachel 2:57.25 Pope High School
Gaskin, Molly 2:58.42 Pope High School
Watson, April 2:58.73 Pope High School
Mehrotra, Trisha 2:58.99 Walton High School
Corya, Molly 2:59.97 Pope High School
Raj, Shivani 3:01.88 Walton High School
Barrett, Elise 3:03.10 Pope High School
Lee, Emma 3:03.85 Walton High School
Yahn, Victoria 3:03.86 Pope High School
Juvekar, Saniya 3:05.52 Walton High School
Billups, Claire 3:06.24 Lassiter High School
Bohlin, Hannah 3:08.36 Lassiter High School
Shekastehband, Dana 3:09.02 Pope High School
Trask, Nanea 3:11.02 Lassiter High School
Reed, Chloe 3:14.81 Lassiter High School
Murray, Kaylor 4:05.47 Pope High School
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Girls Discus 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campbell, Madeline 94-9 Pope High School
Funderburke, Caroline 87-3 Walton High School
Holder, Layla 80-0 Lassiter High School
Tracey, Keeva 76-0 Walton High School
Dukes, Trinity 74-11.5 Lassiter High School
Melson, Audrey 73-9.5 Pope High School
Mitravich, Ava 73-6 Walton High School
Holloman, Ciara 73-6 Pope High School
Milton, Essence 53-0 Walton High School
Matthews, Dylan 40-9 Walton High School
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Girls High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Remili, Fatima 4-11 Pope High School
Murugan, Nayha 4-8 Pope High School
Harvey, Fifi 4-8 Pope High School
Brown, McKenzie 4-8 Walton High School
McCalla, Kadence 4-6 Walton High School
Renk, Ella 4-4 Pope High School
Farmer, Ava 4-4 Lassiter High School
Wright, AC 4-2 Pope High School
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Girls Long Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Key, Gabby 16-3 Pope High School
Sagi, Aditi 15-11.5 Walton High School
Johnson, Ivana 15-9 Pope High School
Scales, Lane 15-6 Pope High School
Farmer, Ava 15-3.5 Lassiter High School
Jones, Athalya 15-2.5 Lassiter High School
Dixon, Riley 15-1 Pope High School
Nixon, Laila 14-3 Pope High School
Phalen, Reba 14-1 Walton High School
Cariaco, Lily Kate 13-11.5 Pope High School
Huffman, Bailey 13-10.75 Pope High School
Renk, Ella 13-10.5 Pope High School
Dean, Kamryn 13-9.5 Pope High School
Leonard, Natalya 13-3 Pope High School
Njoroge, Lisa 12-11 Lassiter High School
Wright, AC 12-8.5 Pope High School
Buice, Kendall 12-4 Lassiter High School
Sinclair, Kaeley 12-2 Pope High School
Handy, Hillary 11-11.5 Pope High School
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Girls Pole Vault 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Remili, Fatima 9-0 Pope High School
Acker, Julia 9-0 Pope High School
Anderson-Parris, Azaria 8-8 Walton High School
McGahee, Ryleigh 8-8 Walton High School
Shefrin, Audrey 8-2 Walton High School
Hannefey, Regan 7-8 Pope High School
Sengupta, Amelie 7-6 Pope High School
Sims, Caitlin 7-2 Pope High School
Thomas-Wilkinson, Phillipa 7-2 Walton High School
Benson, Rachel 7-0 Pope High School
Brown, Spencer 7-0 Pope High School
Hynes, Molly 6-2 Walton High School
Foxwell, Rylee 5-8 Pope High School
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Girls Shot Put 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tracey, Keeva 32-4.5 Walton High School
Holloman, Ciara 29-6 Pope High School
Milton, Essence 29-5 Walton High School
Campbell, Madeline 28-5 Pope High School
Melson, Audrey 25-10 Pope High School
Funderburke, Caroline 25-9 Walton High School
Holder, Layla 25-9 Lassiter High School
Dukes, Trinity 25-6.5 Lassiter High School
Mitravich, Ava 25-1.5 Walton High School
Matthews, Dylan 17-11 Walton High School
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Girls Triple Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lewandowski, Darby 34-5 Pope High School
Evans, Kiara 34-4.25 Lassiter High School
Huffman, Bailey 32-8.25 Pope High School
Bradford, Sophia 32-6 Pope High School
Harvey, Fifi 31-6 Pope High School
Cariaco, Lily Kate 29-6.75 Pope High School
Wright, AC 27-8 Pope High School
Njoroge, Lisa 26-9 Lassiter High School
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Mixed 4x100 Meter Throwers Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A Pope High School
Relay Team A Walton High School
Relay Team B Walton High School
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