Apalachee Season Opener 2021

Winder, GA

Apalachee Season Opener 2021 vs Apalachee Season Opener 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -174 364 538
Overall Average +3.46 25:44.37 25:40.91
1st-10th Place +37.28 17:39.19 17:01.92
1st-25th Place +41.53 18:28.86 17:47.33
1st-50th Place +46.17 19:10.76 18:24.59
1st-100th Place +57.24 20:19.38 19:22.14
Common Athletes -- -- 122
Ran Faster -52 35 87
Ran Season Best -4 2 6
Average Time +1:21.57 25:35.26 24:13.69
Median Time +31.59 24:43.80 24:12.21
Middle 80% Times +1:13.42 25:18.00 24:04.58
Top 10% Times +42.72 18:39.80 17:57.08
Top 25% Times +44.26 19:45.58 19:01.33
Top 50% Times +44.09 21:25.72 20:41.63
Bottom 50% Times +1:59.04 29:44.80 27:45.75
Bottom 25% Times +2:54.16 32:56.02 30:01.86
Bottom 10% Times +3:27.68 35:58.00 32:30.32
Average Difference +1:21.57 -- --
Median Difference -10.98 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:02.25 -- --
Top 10% Difference +30.92 -- --
Top 50% Difference +34.70 -- --
Top 25% Difference +31.06 -- --
Top 50% Difference +34.70 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +2:08.43 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +3:32.42 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +5:13.16 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Cory Chambers Milton High School +50.55 16:55.16 16:04.61
Zach Patell Milton High School +7.74 17:47.85 17:40.11
Pearson Gillam Milton High School +37.44 18:19.27 17:41.83
Oliver Stone Milton High School +44.76 18:27.59 17:42.83
Corbin Squires Dacula +11.23 18:03.52 17:52.29
Justin Sevel Milton High School +1:29.73 19:25.59 17:55.86
Keller Wilson Milton High School +1:27.46 19:39.11 18:11.65
Myles Byrd Loganville HS +23.55 18:39.84 18:16.29
Luke Sigman Apalachee High School +28.67 18:47.15 18:18.48
Daniel Murray Milton High School +2:18.42 20:37.23 18:18.81
Jack Rea Milton High School +13.21 18:35.41 18:22.20
Tyler Boyett Loganville HS +43.85 19:10.04 18:26.19
Weston Woolard Forsyth Central +52.58 19:23.46 18:30.88
Cristopher Miranda Meadowcreek HS +1:01.56 19:41.51 18:39.95
Colin Allred Loganville HS +1:15.90 20:00.23 18:44.33
Noah Anderson Forsyth Central +2:49.02 21:46.59 18:57.57
Erick LeTona East Hall HS +5:27.16 24:32.50 19:05.34
Joshua Shelton Dacula +1:16.90 20:23.60 19:06.70
Blake Pinchok Forsyth Central +21.25 19:42.35 19:21.10
Martin Sand Milton High School +7.04 19:33.37 19:26.33
Trenton Sekowski Loganville HS -8.39 19:29.17 19:37.56
Luke Erbey Milton High School +32.47 20:09.59 19:37.12
Johnathan Gilbert Dacula +6:40.38 26:23.53 19:43.15
Ella Grace Malcom Milton High School -1:18.99 19:49.44 21:08.43
Jonathan Snipes Dacula -1:07.26 19:50.28 20:57.54
Avery Smith Loganville HS -0.87 20:11.61 20:12.48
Bryan Hernandez-Sanchez East Hall HS +44.32 21:01.35 20:17.03
Miller Rubio Loganville HS +51.09 21:18.07 20:26.98
Andrew Payne Forsyth Central +54.46 21:22.30 20:27.84
Dawit Gidey Walnut Grove HS +22.48 20:53.23 20:30.75
Isaac Martinez Forsyth Central +3:12.26 23:45.99 20:33.73
Spencer Jenkins Forsyth Central +51.83 21:36.32 20:44.49
Will Jarzen Walnut Grove HS +54.64 21:41.24 20:46.60
Christopher Myers Walnut Grove HS +41.06 21:29.15 20:48.09
Brody Brookshire Dacula -29.64 21:07.11 21:36.75
Averie Akin Apalachee High School -0.70 21:15.62 21:16.32
Robert Claypool Milton High School +10:03.42 31:21.01 21:17.59
Matthew Nichols Milton High School +1:25.46 22:47.36 21:21.90
Calista Cacciatore Milton High School +8.14 21:30.24 21:22.10
Emmaline Kelley Milton High School +3:21.38 24:43.80 21:22.42
Preston Mann Loganville HS -6.85 21:23.83 21:30.68
Benjamin Watry Milton High School -29.74 21:30.91 22:00.65
Connor Kielb Milton High School +1:08.95 22:44.20 21:35.25
Pierce Counter Milton High School -10.95 21:42.91 21:53.86
Sarah-Corrine Collins Forsyth Central +1:15.74 23:15.89 22:00.15
Edvin Makarevic Dacula +1:33.57 23:34.13 22:00.56
Luke Wingard Walnut Grove HS -3:56.39 22:14.53 26:10.92
Daniel McBride Milton High School +3:01.53 25:16.80 22:15.27
William Denkman Forsyth Central -46.36 22:24.58 23:10.94
Brian Jefferys Milton High School +7:40.33 30:13.17 22:32.84
Samantha Carrera Dacula -2:10.84 22:35.61 24:46.45
Peyton Maddox Forsyth Central -15.61 22:39.67 22:55.28
Lily DeLuca Forsyth Central -1:10.69 22:42.04 23:52.73
Logan Shook East Hall HS +1:37.41 24:29.27 22:51.86
Macy Schadt Milton High School +6.90 22:58.90 22:52.00
Lucas Martin Forsyth Central +1:57.15 25:00.33 23:03.18
Grant Harrell Milton High School -1:24.60 23:14.07 24:38.67
Laura Csontos Dacula -35.53 23:20.80 23:56.33
Cami Malone Forsyth Central +29.62 23:58.07 23:28.45
Hayden Milman Milton High School +48.92 24:28.20 23:39.28
Leah Stewart Loganville HS -43.69 23:49.77 24:33.46
Andy Keathley Loganville HS -0.73 23:51.37 23:52.10
Raymond Pina Loganville HS +6.08 23:58.48 23:52.40
Abigail Dawson Loganville HS -1.09 23:57.72 23:58.81
Aidan Pietruszka Loganville HS +43.88 24:48.75 24:04.87
Ridley Weaver Apalachee High School +1:31.48 25:43.69 24:12.21
Rowan Katekovich Milton High School -1:02.07 24:12.78 25:14.85
Grace Lochman Milton High School +1:27.46 25:50.80 24:23.34
Parker Mones Milton High School +1:07.68 25:37.45 24:29.77
Sophia Price Loganville HS -4:00.42 24:33.95 28:34.37
Wesley Sever Walnut Grove HS +49.96 25:24.94 24:34.98
Andrew Walser Milton High School -1:41.73 24:38.15 26:19.88
Ben Lopresti Milton High School +1:03.84 25:42.49 24:38.65
Bryce Riemersma Forsyth Central -34.92 24:45.67 25:20.59
Ella Franke Milton High School +4:51.06 29:37.44 24:46.38
Chase LeFever Milton High School +1:33.22 26:21.32 24:48.10
Ella Butler Milton High School -16.46 24:51.38 25:07.84
Andrew Sirras Milton High School -16.41 24:55.23 25:11.64
Katherine Perlman Forsyth Central -10.98 24:58.39 25:09.37
Ralph McMurry Milton High School +1:43.79 26:51.44 25:07.65
Shreya Shetty Milton High School +7:56.25 33:15.68 25:19.43
Allyson Arroyo Dacula -19.90 25:35.25 25:55.15
Ashley Murray Milton High School +1:03.51 26:41.93 25:38.42
Shaynna Patelczyk Forsyth Central +3:45.08 29:33.95 25:48.87
Olivia Diethelm Milton High School +16.90 26:10.85 25:53.95
Aaqib Khimani Milton High School +3:19.39 29:13.59 25:54.20
Evie Christensen Milton High School +2:43.94 28:39.67 25:55.73
Nadia Batra Milton High School +1:03.03 27:16.73 26:13.70
Josh Yang Milton High School +9:07.11 35:23.91 26:16.80
Rylan Pranger Milton High School -2:47.81 26:37.69 29:25.50
Madilynn Ponce Dacula +2:15.37 28:54.06 26:38.69
Bowie Couch Apalachee High School +55.84 27:36.97 26:41.13
Jacqueline Lopez Sandoval Meadowcreek HS +5:12.14 31:54.70 26:42.56
Cheyenne Anderson Loganville HS +1:12.26 27:55.12 26:42.86
Hailey Parzanese Apalachee High School +8:13.11 35:00.39 26:47.28
Payal Patel Dacula -2:59.14 27:02.48 30:01.62
Savannah Patelczyk Forsyth Central +3:56.37 31:31.89 27:35.52
Leslie Cabrera East Hall HS +5:38.85 33:24.92 27:46.07
Neal Kotval Milton High School +12:09.77 39:55.89 27:46.12
Rebecca Ford Loganville HS -1:05.40 27:51.11 28:56.51
Sarines Urizar East Hall HS +6:12.59 34:07.48 27:54.89
Josh Hoskins Dacula +2:27.11 30:22.53 27:55.42
Riley King Dacula +30.50 28:47.57 28:17.07
Arthuro Lira East Hall HS -5:03.62 28:17.89 33:21.51
Anna Carter Apalachee High School +1:56.66 30:25.51 28:28.85
Emily Goodman Dacula +21.53 28:52.61 28:31.08
Anna Grace Erwin Apalachee High School +32.26 29:05.75 28:33.49
Farrah Mahmud Milton High School +5:14.08 33:53.43 28:39.35
Isabella Davis Milton High School +43.73 29:23.12 28:39.39
Bella Halderson Forsyth Central +5:26.90 34:16.06 28:49.16
Emilie Paul Forsyth Central -3:18.31 28:56.85 32:15.16
Lucas Hoskins Dacula +6:46.47 35:47.02 29:00.55
Amelia Keathley Loganville HS -43.79 29:00.65 29:44.44
Christina Casey Walnut Grove HS -2:00.85 29:36.85 31:37.70
Sophia Thai Milton High School +4:10.07 34:00.02 29:49.95
Emme Mangrum Milton High School +4:56.03 35:11.75 30:15.72
Ben Graham Loganville HS +5:07.33 37:31.45 32:24.12
Eliza Tady Milton High School +6.04 32:32.15 32:26.11
Aalya Mahajan Milton High School +2:59.37 35:33.11 32:33.74
Jenna Maynard Forsyth Central +1:25.87 35:00.40 33:34.53
Coby Kuhn Milton High School -1:41.81 33:52.93 35:34.74
Hannah Duren Milton High School +2:58.22 41:53.06 38:54.84