Cook Holliday Rotary Relays (50th Annual)- Full 2021

Winder, GA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Farmer, Kwevion B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Riley, Ronald Maynard H. Jackson High School
Billings, Camron Maynard H. Jackson High School
Reed, Vance B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Pereira, Grant Maynard H. Jackson High School
Lambert, Saveeyon Maynard H. Jackson High School
Davis, Johness 11.43 Athens Christian
Smith, Jamarious 11.50 Winder-Barrow HS
Smith, Omarious 11.66 Winder-Barrow HS
Myrick, Willie 11.70 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
White, Trez 11.72 Elbert Co.
Cha, Alex 11.73 Winder-Barrow HS
Waters, Leroy 11.86 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Ausborn, Dawson 11.90 Athens Christian
Wilgus, Brett 11.94 Hebron Christian
Teasley, Quinn 11.95 Elbert Co.
Smith, Deeriah 11.97 Winder-Barrow HS
Fouch, Kobe 11.98 Elbert Co.
Ferguson, Khabir 12.15 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Lewis, Michael 12.29 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Wiggins, Mason 12.35 Hebron Christian
Davis, Isiah 12.43 Elbert Co.
Hall, Quindarius 12.68 Elbert Co.
Smith, Mason 12.69 Hebron Christian
Jackson, Jaylen 12.75 Athens Christian
Johnson, Ryan 12.99 Hebron Christian
Jones, Brock 13.00 Hebron Christian
Pichardo, Joel 13.19 Winder-Barrow HS
Johnson, Isaiah 13.50 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Warren, Davonte 14.03 Maynard H. Jackson High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Salahadyn, Rasheed B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Mixon, Garrett 15.94 Athens Christian
Ford, Brandon 16.56 Winder-Barrow HS
Bishop, Antonio 17.57 Winder-Barrow HS
Hill, Quentin 17.79 Elbert Co.
Gary, Jordan 18.50 Elbert Co.
Hall, Quindarius 18.70 Elbert Co.
Vaughn, Thomas 19.20 Elbert Co.
Loveall, Peter 19.72 Athens Christian
Neblett, Ishmael 19.77 Winder-Barrow HS
Byram, Braden 19.80h Athens Christian
Clark, LJ 20.77 Elbert Co.
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Finlayson, Samuel Maynard H. Jackson High School
Roberson, Spencer Maynard H. Jackson High School
Heard, Kentavion Elbert Co.
Beadles, Grant Hebron Christian
Crosby, Ethan 4:43.48 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Parada-Rubio, Christopher Steven 4:44.83 Winder-Barrow HS
Ayala, Aiden 4:49.01 Gainesville High School
Smith, Nathan 4:49.29 Athens Christian
Bejar, Raul 4:57.48 Gainesville High School
Ewers, George Henry 4:58.86 Gainesville High School
Serrato-Macedo, Michael 5:00.73 Gainesville High School
Clay, Noah 5:06.73 Gainesville High School
Kehoe, Kyle 5:08.90 Winder-Barrow HS
Cushmeer, Joaquin 5:13.49 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Selagea, Gabe 5:19.61 Hebron Christian
James, Eugene 5:19.64 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Holley, Dylan 5:25.80 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Cereneche, Jacob 5:34.75 Athens Christian
Vaughn, Eli 5:35.39 Athens Christian
Noggle, Parker 5:45.18 Elbert Co.
Rocker, Akiman 5:45.32 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Liggin, Luke 6:03.40 Hebron Christian
Donatucci, Noah 6:08.94 Hebron Christian
McWhorter, Pierce 6:15.00h Winder-Barrow HS
Moore, David 6:26.08 Elbert Co.
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Billings, Camron Maynard H. Jackson High School
Riley, Ronald Maynard H. Jackson High School
Lambert, Saveeyon Maynard H. Jackson High School
Pereira, Grant Maynard H. Jackson High School
Roberts, Kyle Hebron Christian
Reed, Vance B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Denson, Shelton Maynard H. Jackson High School
Davis, Johness 23.28 Athens Christian
Myrick, Willie 23.62 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Smith, Jamarious 23.68 Winder-Barrow HS
Perrin, Adrian 23.98 Elbert Co.
White, Trez 24.03 Elbert Co.
Fouch, Kobe 24.30 Elbert Co.
Smith, Deeriah 24.31 Winder-Barrow HS
Ferguson, Khabir 24.35 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Cha, Alex 24.37 Winder-Barrow HS
Moss, Quan 24.64 Elbert Co.
Smith, Omarious 24.70 Winder-Barrow HS
Richardson, Marcus 24.72 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Lewis, Michael 24.99 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Christian, Ethan 25.11 Athens Christian
Davis, Isiah 25.66 Elbert Co.
Smith, Tyrese 25.76 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Griffis, Kaden 25.78 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Ausborn, Dawson 25.80 Athens Christian
Smith, Mason 25.98 Hebron Christian
Johnson, Ryan 26.03 Hebron Christian
Wiggins, Mason 26.28 Hebron Christian
Jones, Raikez 26.72 Winder-Barrow HS
Minard, Timmie 27.19 Hebron Christian
Anderson, Troy 27.19 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Johnson, Isaiah 27.62 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Warren, Davonte 30.77 Maynard H. Jackson High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Samad B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Salahadyn, Rasheed B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Gary, Jordan 43.13 Elbert Co.
Bishop, Antonio 43.77 Winder-Barrow HS
Curry, Navy 43.80h Athens Christian
Mixon, Garrett 46.72 Athens Christian
Ford, Brandon 47.40 Winder-Barrow HS
Scott, Kevin 47.71 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Neblett, Ishmael 47.94 Winder-Barrow HS
Loveall, Peter 48.94 Athens Christian
Clark, LJ 52.59 Elbert Co.
Farmer, Kwevion 52.79 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Swinger, Trevion 54.89 Elbert Co.
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mason, Jonathan Elbert Co.
Ford, Hampton Athens Christian
Gaddy, Brian 10:15.86 Winder-Barrow HS
Crosby, Ethan 10:46.20 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Laird, Daniel "Cowboy" 10:54.79 Winder-Barrow HS
Boyd, Noah 11:16.10 Winder-Barrow HS
Smith, Nathan 11:21.65 Athens Christian
Collins, Nigel 11:24.65 Gainesville High School
Cortez, Alexis 11:30.00 Gainesville High School
Pacheco, Alan 11:36.80 Gainesville High School
Nabor, Diego 11:43.53 Gainesville High School
James, Eugene 11:55.12 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Cereneche, Jacob 12:19.00 Athens Christian
Noggle, Parker 12:45.59 Elbert Co.
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yarlott, Vann Maynard H. Jackson High School
Harris Jr, Tyrone Winder-Barrow HS
Freeney, Jeremiah Maynard H. Jackson High School
Denson, Shelton Maynard H. Jackson High School
Scott, Kevin B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Jackson, Jaylen 1:00.64 Athens Christian
Lawson, Jim 1:01.25 Gainesville High School
Carter, Marquez 1:02.00 Elbert Co.
Slack, Reed 1:02.00 Gainesville High School
Razo-Lopez, Daniel 1:02.06 Gainesville High School
Anderson, Troy 1:03.62 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Willis, Tony 1:04.04 Elbert Co.
Selagea, Gabe 1:04.32 Hebron Christian
Thompson, Hayden 1:06.54 Hebron Christian
Liggin, Luke 1:25.55 Hebron Christian
Wright, Jackson 51.53 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Marshall, Donangelo 53.52 Gainesville High School
Richardson, Marcus 55.21 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Perrin, Adrian 55.73 Elbert Co.
Curry, Navy 55.83 Athens Christian
Griffis, Kaden 57.13 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Stiles, Cannon 57.14 Winder-Barrow HS
Robinson, Amir 57.61 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Daniel, Wesley 57.85 Gainesville High School
Roberts, Kyle 57.93 Hebron Christian
Hunter, Jacob 58.09 Winder-Barrow HS
Garrett, Matthew 58.53 Winder-Barrow HS
Rouse, Branch 59.10 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Renai, Xen 59.32 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Murchison, Nicholas 59.52 Hebron Christian
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Winder-Barrow HS
Relay Team B Winder-Barrow HS
Relay Team A 45.71 Elbert Co.
Relay Team A 46.13 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Relay Team B 46.13 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Relay Team A 46.74 Athens Christian
Relay Team B 46.80 Elbert Co.
Relay Team A 46.94 Hebron Christian
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Elbert Co.
Relay Team A Athens Christian
Relay Team A 3:40.00 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 3:46.19 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team B 3:46.19 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team A 3:47.68 Winder-Barrow HS
Relay Team A 3:57.41 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Relay Team B 4:00.00h Gainesville High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:23.14 Elbert Co.
Relay Team A 8:21.62 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 8:32.52 Winder-Barrow HS
Relay Team B 8:58.44 Winder-Barrow HS
Relay Team B 9:04.75 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team A 9:04.75 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Relay Team B 9:20.00h Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 9:39.19 Athens Christian
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yarlott, Vann Maynard H. Jackson High School
Roberson, Spencer Maynard H. Jackson High School
Wright, Jackson 2:01.37 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Jessup, John 2:04.72 Gainesville High School
Lee, Gavin 2:06.62 Gainesville High School
Nunez, Johnny 2:09.00 Gainesville High School
Gallagher, Danial 2:09.06 Gainesville High School
De La Roza, O'Jacques 2:14.73 Winder-Barrow HS
Kehoe, Ryan 2:15.96 Winder-Barrow HS
Cushmeer, Joaquin 2:16.24 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Serrano, Richard 2:16.51 Gainesville High School
beedle, drew 2:19.59 Athens Christian
Sanders, Isaac 2:20.65 Winder-Barrow HS
Renai, Xen 2:21.06 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Holley, Dylan 2:21.64 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Nabulsi, Ali 2:22.48 Athens Christian
Vaughn, Eli 2:27.30 Athens Christian
Beadles, Grant 2:27.66 Hebron Christian
Thompson, Jesse 2:30.91 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Rocker, Akiman 2:34.23 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Rouse, Branch 2:36.75 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Hunt, Joseph 2:37.06 Winder-Barrow HS
De La Roza, Jean Pierre 2:39.90 Winder-Barrow HS
Finlayson, Samuel 2:43.21 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Willis, Tony 2:45.05 Elbert Co.
Carter, Marquez 2:50.00h Elbert Co.
Moore, David 2:55 Elbert Co.
Turman, Marquez 2:58 Elbert Co.
Donatucci, Noah 3:05.83 Hebron Christian
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HS Boys Discus Throw 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foskey, Emorrie 133-4 Winder-Barrow HS
Herr, Samuel 108-11 Winder-Barrow HS
Cosby, Amaree 107-4 Athens Christian
Atkinson, Jacob 106-9.5 Winder-Barrow HS
Wellham, Blake 99-4 Hebron Christian
Trawick, Ashton 96-11 Athens Christian
Peppers, Dason 93-3 Winder-Barrow HS
Jones, Brock 89-11 Hebron Christian
Cain, Patton 88-7 Winder-Barrow HS
Wells, Andrew 85-1 Athens Christian
Ziegler, Peter 82-11 Hebron Christian
Anderson, Khrystian 82-6 Elbert Co.
Sims, Tre 80-4.5 Elbert Co.
Raiford, DJ 80-0.5 Elbert Co.
Brock, Khaliq 78-1 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Thompson, Jesse 74-8 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Flicker, Sam 74-0 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Tennant, Jack 71-0 Hebron Christian
Maynard, Dean 67-8 Hebron Christian
Legend, Dylan 67-4 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Lewis, Michael 63-4 B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Roberson, Spencer 58-3 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Yarlott, Vann Maynard H. Jackson High School
Warren, Davonte Maynard H. Jackson High School
Rouse, Branch Maynard H. Jackson High School
Flicker, Wesley Maynard H. Jackson High School
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HS Boys High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Christian, Ethan 6-0 Athens Christian
Hall, Quindarius 5-8 Elbert Co.
Loveall, Peter 5-6 Athens Christian
Nabulsi, Ali 5-6 Athens Christian
Fouch, Kobe 5-6 Elbert Co.
Smith, Omarious 5-4 Winder-Barrow HS
Hill, Quentin 5-4 Elbert Co.
Donatucci, Noah 5-0 Hebron Christian
Beadles, Grant 5-0 Hebron Christian
Selagea, Gabe Hebron Christian
Salahadyn, Rasheed B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Allen, Tyrone Winder-Barrow HS
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HS Boys Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Johness 19-10 Athens Christian
Smith, Jamarious 19-9 Winder-Barrow HS
Teasley, Quinn 19-4 Elbert Co.
Moss, Quan 19-0 Elbert Co.
Thomas, Chris 18-8.25 Elbert Co.
Cha, Alex 18-6 Winder-Barrow HS
Hill, Quentin 18-4 Elbert Co.
Vaughn, Thomas 18-1 Elbert Co.
Wiggins, Mason 17-2 Hebron Christian
Meek, Luke 16-11.75 Hebron Christian
Smith, Mason 16-10 Hebron Christian
Curry, Navy 16-8 Athens Christian
Krasner, Alexander "Aj" 13-7.75 Winder-Barrow HS
Byram, Clarke Athens Christian
Williams, Samad B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Robinson, Amir B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Smith, Tyrese B.E.S.T. Academy High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mallard, Ian 14-0 Gainesville High School
Vaughn, Thomas 12-6 Elbert Co.
Colquit, Zack 9-0 Athens Christian
Jones, Raikez 9-0 Winder-Barrow HS
Hill, Robert 9-0 Winder-Barrow HS
Byram, Clarke 8-6 Athens Christian
Mason, Jonathan 8-6 Elbert Co.
De La Roza, Jean Pierre 7-6 Winder-Barrow HS
Huynh, Andy Gainesville High School
Byram, Braden Athens Christian
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HS Boys Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foskey, Emorrie 49-10.5 Winder-Barrow HS
Wells, Andrew 42-7 Athens Christian
Davis, Johness 42-3 Athens Christian
Umble, Nick 39-5 Elbert Co.
Sims, Tre 39-4 Elbert Co.
Lavender, Sam 39-1 Elbert Co.
Herr, Samuel 37-1 Winder-Barrow HS
King, Jacob 36-1 Winder-Barrow HS
Stevens, THomas 35-4 Athens Christian
Atkinson, Jacob 35-0 Winder-Barrow HS
Wellham, Blake 34-8 Hebron Christian
Allen, Tyrone 31-7 Winder-Barrow HS
Tennant, Jack 31-3 Hebron Christian
Ziegler, Peter 31-1.5 Hebron Christian
Jones, Brock 30-1 Hebron Christian
Legend, Dylan 29-2 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Flicker, Sam 25-8 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Flicker, Wesley 24-0.5 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Thompson, Jesse 23-11 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Roberson, Spencer 19-7.5 Maynard H. Jackson High School
Yarlott, Vann Maynard H. Jackson High School
Warren, Davonte Maynard H. Jackson High School
Maynard, Deacon Hebron Christian
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HS Boys Triple Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Jaden 41-1.5 Elbert Co.
Moss, Quan 40-1 Elbert Co.
Fouch, Kobe 39-0 Elbert Co.
Swinger, Trevion 38-1 Elbert Co.
Garrett, Matthew 37-5 Winder-Barrow HS
Christian, Ethan 36-8.75 Athens Christian
Donatucci, Noah 35-8 Hebron Christian
Hunter, Jacob 34-11.5 Winder-Barrow HS
Currey, Navy 34-6.75 Athens Christian
Byram, Clarke 34-1.5 Athens Christian
Crawford, Jayquan 34-1.25 Winder-Barrow HS
Liggin, Luke 27-8 Hebron Christian
Smith, Tyrese B.E.S.T. Academy High School
Robinson, Amir B.E.S.T. Academy High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kairu, Lydia Hebron Christian
Bolt, Shauna 12.84 Winder-Barrow HS
Simmons, Kiera 13.09 Athens Christian
Hamler, Keonna 13.16 Winder-Barrow HS
Dias, Madelyn 13.29 Elbert Co.
Ansley-Cureton, Destiny 13.61 Winder-Barrow HS
Umble, Haely 14.31 Elbert Co.
Evans, Mia 14.44 Hebron Christian
Johnson, Katie Grace 14.80 Elbert Co.
Pinder, Tatiana 14.96 Athens Christian
Guarnera, Kensley 15.65 Hebron Christian
Murchison, Eris 15.94 Hebron Christian
Hardy, Erin 16.33 Hebron Christian
Ford, Asia 16.39 Winder-Barrow HS
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sterling, Gabby 17.88 Winder-Barrow HS
Arnold, Abby 18.08 Athens Christian
Miller, Charlotte 18.19 Hebron Christian
Dilworth, Ashlyn 18.80h Athens Christian
Fortson, Lydia 19.44h Athens Christian
Umble, Haely 20.27 Elbert Co.
Brady, Gracie 22.76 Elbert Co.
Johnson, Katie Grace 23.60 Elbert Co.
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palma, Keren 6:01.45 Athens Christian
Penado, Jessica 6:08.96 Gainesville High School
Brownlee, Emily 6:13.10 Hebron Christian
Pineda, Allison 6:35.59 Gainesville High School
Calderon, Emily 6:40.28 Gainesville High School
Calderon, Kimberly 6:48.93 Gainesville High School
Jones, Anna 7:13.40 Hebron Christian
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Umble, Haely Elbert Co.
Hamler, Teonna 26.34 Winder-Barrow HS
Simmons, Kiera 26.93 Athens Christian
Bolt, Shauna 27.50 Winder-Barrow HS
Rogers, Bailey 28.99 Hebron Christian
Ansley-Cureton, Destiny 29.24 Winder-Barrow HS
Evans, Mia 29.95 Hebron Christian
Lunsford, Tatum 30.49 Hebron Christian
Campbell, Nivea 30.52 Winder-Barrow HS
Carter, Daniya 30.61 Elbert Co.
Pinder, Tatiana 31.15 Athens Christian
Heard, Audrey 31.68 Hebron Christian
Kinsey, De'Asia 31.89 Elbert Co.
Bryan, Kristen 35.16 Winder-Barrow HS
Beadles, Evelyn 38.90 Hebron Christian
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dilworth, Ashlyn Athens Christian
Johnson, Katie Grace 1:01.54 Elbert Co.
Hamler, Keonna 50.09 Winder-Barrow HS
Fortson, Lydia 56.10 Athens Christian
Arnold, Abby 56.53 Athens Christian
Sterling, Gabby 56.99 Winder-Barrow HS
Miller, Charlotte 57.36 Hebron Christian
Alcon, Madison 57.57 Hebron Christian
Brady, Gracie 58.75 Elbert Co.
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rogers, Matilee 12:14.21 Winder-Barrow HS
Palma, Keren 13:56.00 Athens Christian
Nicholson, Rebecca 13:59.77 Winder-Barrow HS
Mckee, Carson 14:08.98 Hebron Christian
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Anna Hebron Christian
Mattox, Azazia Elbert Co.
Deagle, Shea Hebron Christian
Harpold, Isabella Elbert Co.
Rogers, Bailey Hebron Christian
Hamler, Teonna 1:05.00 Winder-Barrow HS
Lunsford, Tatum 1:06.95 Hebron Christian
Campbell, Nivea 1:07.00 Winder-Barrow HS
Hartman, Samantha 1:08.00 Gainesville High School
Bryan, Kristen 1:10.56 Winder-Barrow HS
Smith, Jermyia 1:14.55 Athens Christian
Kinsey, De'Asia 1:16.44 Elbert Co.
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Winder-Barrow HS
Relay Team A 52.32 Hebron Christian
Relay Team A 53.27 Athens Christian
Relay Team A 55.36 Elbert Co.
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Winder-Barrow HS
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Elbert Co.
Relay Team A 4:34.36 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 4:51.45 Athens Christian
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:22.44 Gainesville High School
Relay Team B 11:42.00 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 14:16.63 Athens Christian
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mattox, Azazia Elbert Co.
Palma, Keren 2:32.08 Athens Christian
Sosa, Ashley 2:32.09 Gainesville High School
Thompson, Ashley 2:33.49 Gainesville High School
Vlassis, Avery 2:40.46 Gainesville High School
Brownlee, Emily 2:44.35 Hebron Christian
Silva, Ami 2:46.25 Gainesville High School
Downs, Claire 2:46.50 Hebron Christian
Lunsford, Tatum 2:49.87 Hebron Christian
Alcon, Madison 2:51.64 Hebron Christian
Mejia-Martinez, Emely 2:57.25 Gainesville High School
Mckee, Carson 3:02.76 Hebron Christian
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HS Girls Discus Throw 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rodriquez-Castillo, Ashley 78-11 Winder-Barrow HS
Duncan, Laura Grace 78-0 Athens Christian
Kairu, Lydia 78-0 Hebron Christian
Melton, Arianna 76-8 Hebron Christian
Wells, McKenna 56-1 Athens Christian
Mason, Amelia 54-5 Elbert Co.
Glaze, Marika 52-10 Elbert Co.
Carter, Daniya 51-6 Elbert Co.
Fuller, Madison 47-11 Winder-Barrow HS
Nix, Osee 33-1 Winder-Barrow HS
Shannon, Jessie Winder-Barrow HS
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HS Girls High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Deagle, Shea 4-8 Hebron Christian
Townsend, Sarah Beth Athens Christian
White, Natalie Athens Christian
Glaze, Keitasia Elbert Co.
Johnson, Katie Grace Elbert Co.
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HS Girls Long Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dias, Madelyn 16-4.25 Elbert Co.
Prince, Savannah 15-9 Athens Christian
Rogers, Bailey 15-3 Hebron Christian
Ansley-Cureton, Destiny 14-11 Winder-Barrow HS
Kinsey, De'Asia 14-6 Elbert Co.
Bolt, Shauna 14-0 Winder-Barrow HS
Simmons, Kiera 13-9 Athens Christian
Johnson, Katie Grace 13-6 Elbert Co.
Glaze, Keitasia 13-5 Elbert Co.
Lunsford, Tatum 12-11 Hebron Christian
Umble, Haely 11-9.25 Elbert Co.
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HS Girls Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morrow, Rhys 9-0 Hebron Christian
White, Natalie 8-6 Athens Christian
Mason, Amelia 7-0 Elbert Co.
Lytle, Sarahbeth Athens Christian
Toms, Anna Gainesville High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duncan, Laura Grace 31-6.5 Athens Christian
Rodriquez-Castillo, Ashley 30-6.25 Winder-Barrow HS
Kairu, Lydia 30-6 Hebron Christian
Melton, Arianna 27-7.5 Hebron Christian
Wells, McKenna 25-8.5 Athens Christian
Fuller, Madison 22-1.25 Winder-Barrow HS
Carter, Daniya 21-1 Elbert Co.
Glaze, Marika 20-0 Elbert Co.
Nix, Osee 15-6 Winder-Barrow HS
Shannon, Jessie Winder-Barrow HS
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HS Girls Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prince, Savannah 34-3.5 Athens Christian
Sterling, Gabby 31-7 Winder-Barrow HS
Dias, Madelyn 30-1.25 Elbert Co.
Miller, Charlotte 28-6 Hebron Christian
Mattox, Azazia 28-6 Elbert Co.
Kinsey, De'Asia 28-4.5 Elbert Co.
Townsend, Sarah Beth 25-9 Athens Christian
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