Union Grove Early Bird All-Comers----Cancelled 2021

McDonough, GA
Timing/Results First Call Timing

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 1,600 Meter Run 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ponce, Bryan Hampton HS
Green, Matthew Rockdale Co.
White, Delton Eagle's Landing High School
williams, Christopher Hampton HS
Broughton, Mikai Rockdale Co.
Hunter, Julian Eagle's Landing High School
Henderson, Traven Rockdale Co.
Lingafelt, Patrick Strong Rock Christian School
Johnson, Titus Morrow High School
Kindell, Joseph Rockdale Co.
Harvey, Daniel Eagle's Landing High School
O'Rielly, Colin 4:23.73 Marist
Mallett, Jaylen 4:33.38 Marist
Palmisano, Diego 4:35.04 Marist
Gaffney, Grant 4:40.20 Marist
Gastaldi, Lorenzo 4:41.03 Marist
Arredondo, Anthony 4:45.08 Chapel Hill High School
Estrada, Christian 4:46.53 Ola High School
Neill, Daniel 4:49.0 Carrollton High School
Russell, Hagan 4:49.0 Carrollton High School
Townsend, Daniel 4:49.79 Locust Grove High School
Strickland, Caden 4:50.81 Marist
Richards, Brice 4:51.19 Marist
Gaffney, Ian 4:52.00h Marist
Woldu, Enoch 4:52.60 Marist
Sipes, Joshua 4:53.0 Carrollton High School
Moseley, Nathan 4:53.0 Carrollton High School
Kilgore, Noah 4:54.87 Strong Rock Christian School
Ivester, Peter 4:57.00h Carrollton High School
Banks, Noah 4:59.02 Strong Rock Christian School
Barashango, Tai'Re 5:00.76 Union Grove HS
Labrum, Trenton 5:02.04 Locust Grove High School
Jaynes, Patton 5:05.00h Marist
Gonzalez, Patrick 5:05.00h Marist
Kirk, Charlie 5:05.00h Marist
Patin, Jude 5:05.00h Marist
Wilson, Steven 5:05.14 Eagle's Landing High School
Markwalter, Everett 5:05.53 Marist
Taylor, Jmar 5:06.93 Luella High school
Johnson, Solomon 5:07.00h Chapel Hill High School
Pringle, Jack 5:08.01 Locust Grove High School
Woldu, Musse 5:13.70 Marist
Vasquez, Santiago 5:14.10 Locust Grove High School
Davis, Khayri 5:14.90 Union Grove HS
Pearson, Jake 5:15.00h Locust Grove High School
McMahon, Mason 5:20 Union Grove HS
Jones, Jacob 5:24.30 Hampton HS
Morgan, Connor 5:29.01 Strong Rock Christian School
Blair, Blake 5:32.00h Chapel Hill High School
Khan, Azan 5:32.89 Union Grove HS
Rosencrance, Nathan 5:37.12 Carrollton High School
English, Dylan 5:38.08 Strong Rock Christian School
McCarthy, Johnny 5:40 Union Grove HS
Smythe, Tyrell 5:40.94 Rockdale Co.
Williams, Marcus 5:41.42 Rockdale Co.
Roche, Steve 5:43.62 Dutchtown High School
Hurdle, Marek 5:45 Union Grove HS
Jackson, Joshua 5:46.15 Rockdale Co.
Heard, Mason 5:51.34 Union Grove HS
Rolen Jr., Markese 5:53.01 Dutchtown High School
Heard, Logan 5:55 Union Grove HS
Seabrooks, Raphael 6:04.28 Morrow High School
Macias, Carlos 6:15 Union Grove HS
Meija, Egon 6:30 Union Grove HS
Bell-Gardner, Keewaan 6:31.25 Morrow High School
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HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 93 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Joel Ola High School
Black, Jace Carrollton High School
King, Da'Jarine Chapel Hill High School
Hampton, Milyn Dutchtown High School
Huggins, Rubin Chapel Hill High School
Pahn, Mickey Ola High School
Glass-Vernon , Jordan Carrollton High School
Kirksy, Malik Morrow High School
Rivers, Paris Hampton HS
Belvin, Nyciem Luella High school
Haqq, Murad Eagle's Landing High School
Harris, Derrick Rockdale Co.
Hicks, Bryce Carrollton High School
Allen, Andrew Ola High School
Sanders, Lawrence Chapel Hill High School
Brown, Jayvon Morrow High School
Davis, Devion Carrollton High School
Redding, Zion Ola High School
McRae, Lucas Chapel Hill High School
Harper, Justin Dutchtown High School
Sellers Jr., Maurice Hampton HS
Crumbley, Philip Luella High school
Cramer, Khalil Dutchtown High School
Baldwin, Kaleb Rockdale Co.
McCoy, Donovan Carrollton High School
Francois, Josh Ola High School
Taitano, Benji Chapel Hill High School
Johnson, Andrew Locust Grove High School
Thompkins, Coby Morrow High School
Beauvais, Alexander Hampton HS
Theophile, Malachi Rockdale Co.
Hill, Kelvin Carrollton High School
Whatley, Joseph Ola High School
Collins, Thai Chapel Hill High School
King, Leonardo Morrow High School
Jackson, Kasen Dutchtown High School
Kendrick, Jeremiah Rockdale Co.
Johnson, Braylon Ola High School
Williams, Jakari Chapel Hill High School
Hunter, Burt Morrow High School
Hunt, Monty Eagle's Landing High School
Cyrius, Ralph Rockdale Co.
Madden, Garrison 11.02 Dutchtown High School
Fairnot, Dario 11.22 Hampton HS
Witherspoon, Derrick 11.26 Carrollton High School
Wimbush, Rodney 11.35 Locust Grove High School
Gibson, Demetrius 11.35 Hampton HS
Nunnally, Datakis 11.35 Chapel Hill High School
Cannon, Michael 11.39 Ola High School
Mosley, Jayden 11.50 Dutchtown High School
Pendleton, Jatony 11.52 Eagle's Landing High School
Aikens, Trevon 11.53 Locust Grove High School
Jones, Omar 11.57 Dutchtown High School
Higgins, Mike 11.57 Carrollton High School
Meadows, Jonathan 11.59 Eagle's Landing High School
Dacosta, Jordan 11.64 Chapel Hill High School
Stroud, Audreaus 11.67 Rockdale Co.
Barker, Dontavious 11.68 Carrollton High School
Virgo, Quacy 11.75 Dutchtown High School
Martin, Christian 11.76 Chapel Hill High School
Nelson, Shemar 11.78 Dutchtown High School
Parker Jr., Anthony 11.79 Ola High School
Holman, Nile 11.81 Chapel Hill High School
Lopez, Andre 11.91 Rockdale Co.
Warren-Weir, Davonte 11.91 Ola High School
Gibson, Christian 11.92 Rockdale Co.
Weatherford, Justin 11.92 Chapel Hill High School
Hardge, Antonio 11.96 Rockdale Co.
Richardson, Hayden 11.97 Ola High School
Moore, Makaibri 11.97 Rockdale Co.
Paul, Rudolph 11.98 Chapel Hill High School
Taylor, Tavares 12.01 Dutchtown High School
Nwaokolo, Chukwuka 12.07 Hampton HS
Harris, Regis 12.07 Chapel Hill High School
James, Quintavius 12.08 Morrow High School
Winkle, Kwame 12.22 Luella High school
Holsey, Tye 12.37 Ola High School
Roche, Billy 12.44 Marist
Lovett, Jelani 12.44 Chapel Hill High School
Henderson, Channing 12.46 Marist
Hayes, Will 12.58 Marist
Elmer, Orrin 12.60 Ola High School
Hood, Gabe 12.63 Marist
Crock, Carter 12.71 Marist
James, Omarii 12.75 Hampton HS
Djau, Jomaro 12.81 Ola High School
Woodhouse, David 12.82 Chapel Hill High School
Beal, Jack 12.87 Marist
Davenport, Donovan 12.92 Chapel Hill High School
Thorton, DeVaughn 13.15 Chapel Hill High School
Powell, Latrell 13.26 Ola High School
Kittrell, Austin 13.31 Marist
Bell, Micah 13.38 Ola High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Malik Dutchtown High School
Johns, David 15.26 Carrollton High School
Cook, Zaylen 15.66 Carrollton High School
Martin, Desmond 20.16 Rockdale Co.
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 118 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Dorian Chapel Hill High School
Hampton, Milyn Dutchtown High School
Walker, Christopher Hampton HS
Williams, Jakari Chapel Hill High School
Theophile, Malachi Rockdale Co.
Shirley, Harold Eagle's Landing High School
Thorton, DeVaughn Chapel Hill High School
Barker, Dontavious Carrollton High School
Belvin, Nyciem Luella High school
McCoy, Donovan Carrollton High School
Redding, Zion Ola High School
Jackson, Kasen Dutchtown High School
Johnson, Jana Hampton HS
Hunter, Burt Morrow High School
Haqq, Murad Eagle's Landing High School
Francois, Josh Ola High School
King, Da'Jarine Chapel Hill High School
Black, Jace Carrollton High School
Turner, Jeremiah Rockdale Co.
Foston, Tayshawn Hampton HS
Cyrius, Ralph Rockdale Co.
Mitchell, Zion Eagle's Landing High School
Powell, Latrell Ola High School
Glass-Vernon , Jordan Carrollton High School
Mason, Tyrin Luella High school
Whatley, Joseph Ola High School
Kirksy, Malik Morrow High School
Patterson, Jaylen Locust Grove High School
Hill, Jordan Dutchtown High School
Stephens, Kymion Hampton HS
Pompey, Cameron Eagle's Landing High School
Johnson, Braylon Ola High School
Taitano, Benji Chapel Hill High School
Hicks, Bryce Carrollton High School
Huggins, Rubin Chapel Hill High School
Thompson, Elijah Hampton HS
Brown, Jayvon Morrow High School
Beauvais, Alexander Hampton HS
Harris, Derrick Rockdale Co.
Ashby, Savoy Eagle's Landing High School
Collins, Thai Chapel Hill High School
Davis, Devion Carrollton High School
Crumbley, Philip Luella High school
Jones, Joel Ola High School
Hooks, Ronrico Chapel Hill High School
Johnson, Andrew Locust Grove High School
Huston, Jeremiah Dutchtown High School
Walker, Quintavius Hampton HS
Walston, Khalif-Sekou Morrow High School
Wright-Goss, Chris Eagle's Landing High School
Pahn, Mickey Ola High School
Wiks, Khristopher Chapel Hill High School
Miles, Taariq Carrollton High School
Burns, Jordan Rockdale Co.
Witherspoon, Derrick Carrollton High School
Sellers Jr., Maurice Hampton HS
Thompkins, Coby Morrow High School
James, Omarii Hampton HS
Moore, Makaibri Rockdale Co.
Hunt, Monty Eagle's Landing High School
Allen, Andrew Ola High School
Hudson, Melvin Chapel Hill High School
Hill, Kelvin Carrollton High School
Cramer, Khalid 22.22 Dutchtown High School
Madden, Garrison 22.88 Dutchtown High School
Wimbush, Rodney 23.14 Locust Grove High School
Fairnot, Dario 23.14 Hampton HS
Aikens, Trevon 23.20 Locust Grove High School
Cannon, Michael 23.38 Ola High School
Pendleton, Jatony 23.44 Eagle's Landing High School
Mosley, Jayden 23.48 Dutchtown High School
Faust, Patrick 23.57 Marist
Nelson, Shemar 23.61 Dutchtown High School
Jones, Omar 23.65 Dutchtown High School
Martin, Christian 23.82 Chapel Hill High School
Virgo, Quacy 23.96 Dutchtown High School
Howard, Ali 23.97 Dutchtown High School
Ard, Danarrion 24.24 Eagle's Landing High School
Thomas, Ervin 24.28 Morrow High School
Ponder II, Reginald 24.30 Dutchtown High School
Bell, Micah 24.33 Ola High School
Leggett, Dathan 24.41 Union Grove HS
Warren-Weir, Davonte 24.41 Ola High School
James, Quintavius 24.42 Morrow High School
Harper, Justin 24.42 Dutchtown High School
Taylor, Tavares 24.50 Dutchtown High School
Hardge, Antonio 24.50 Rockdale Co.
Paul, Rudolph 24.51 Chapel Hill High School
Rivers, Paris 24.59 Hampton HS
Gibson, Demetrius 24.71 Hampton HS
Nwaokolo, Chukwuka 24.78 Hampton HS
Borel, Xeybien 24.88 Union Grove HS
Piquant, Samuel 24.9 Union Grove HS
Djau, Jomaro 24.91 Ola High School
Harris, Regis 24.95 Chapel Hill High School
Denley, Mario 25.00h Union Grove HS
Lopez, Andre 25.01 Rockdale Co.
Dacosta, Jordan 25.07 Chapel Hill High School
Richardson, Hayden 25.09 Ola High School
Felty, Cooper 25.10 Marist
Griffin, Quenton 25.24 Union Grove HS
Watson, Nico 25.28 Marist
Stroud, Audreaus 25.30 Rockdale Co.
Huff, Gerald 25.34 Rockdale Co.
Lovett, Jelani 25.47 Chapel Hill High School
Winkle, Kwame 25.61 Luella High school
Crock, Carter 25.83 Marist
Beal, Jack 26.01 Marist
Roche, Billy 26.14 Marist
Hayes, Will 26.21 Marist
Baldwin, Kaleb 26.28 Rockdale Co.
Henderson, Channing 26.28 Marist
Martin, Devon 26.44 Union Grove HS
Bowe, Caleb 26.5 Union Grove HS
Kittrell, Austin 27.30 Marist
Griffin, Jalen 28.00h Union Grove HS
Rieves, Andrew 28.00h Union Grove HS
King, Leonardo 28.92 Morrow High School
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HS Boys 3,200 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pearson, Jake Locust Grove High School
Seabrooks, Raphael Morrow High School
Kilgore, Noah 10:39.43 Strong Rock Christian School
Townsend, Daniel 10:42.24 Locust Grove High School
Sires, Elijah 10:43.13 Ola High School
Labrum, Trenton 10:57.79 Locust Grove High School
Rice, Brendan 11:16.39 Carrollton High School
Jackson, Jeb 11:40.43 Carrollton High School
Jackson, Joshua 12:01.15 Rockdale Co.
Smythe, Tyrell 12:13.40 Rockdale Co.
Green, Matthew 12:53.06 Rockdale Co.
Meador, Kurt 13:00.00 Chapel Hill High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Malik Dutchtown High School
Thomas, Gabe Union Grove HS
Hammonds, Alexander Locust Grove High School
Bullock, Jayln Carrollton High School
Berry, Jayden Union Grove HS
Blouin, Paul Locust Grove High School
Cramer, Khalil Dutchtown High School
Billingsley, Malcolm Union Grove HS
Johns, David 40.83 Carrollton High School
Jackson, Davonte 41.50 Luella High school
Martin, Desmond 46.22 Rockdale Co.
Nazim, Kareem 49.18 Carrollton High School
Wash, Devin 51.34 Union Grove HS
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 75 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lukiri, Kevin Hampton HS
Mosley, Josh Chapel Hill High School
Stroud, Audreaus Rockdale Co.
Wright-Goss, Chris Eagle's Landing High School
Mason, Tyrin Luella High school
Thompson, Elijah Hampton HS
Tarver, Ricky Morrow High School
Ojedapo, Temi Rockdale Co.
Collier, Miles Chapel Hill High School
Bullock, Jayln Carrollton High School
Griffin, Richard Locust Grove High School
Stephens, Kymion Hampton HS
Broughton, Mikai Rockdale Co.
Wiks, Khristopher Chapel Hill High School
McLamb, Kameron Chapel Hill High School
Sellers Jr., Maurice Hampton HS
Davis, Michael Morrow High School
Beauvais, Alexander Hampton HS
Mendez, Josue Rockdale Co.
Morgan, Connor Strong Rock Christian School
Ashby, Savoy Eagle's Landing High School
Garrison, Ben Chapel Hill High School
Marsh, Jaylen Carrollton High School
Walker, Quintavius Hampton HS
Harris, Derrick Rockdale Co.
Johnson, Jana Hampton HS
Seabrooks, Raphael Morrow High School
Burns, Jordan Rockdale Co.
Hudson, Melvin Chapel Hill High School
Pompey, Cameron Eagle's Landing High School
Walker, Christopher Hampton HS
Bell-Gardner, Keewaan Morrow High School
Johnson, Miles Locust Grove High School
Huston, Jeremiah Dutchtown High School
Shirley, Harold Eagle's Landing High School
Miles, Taariq Carrollton High School
Rieves, Andrew 1:00.00h Union Grove HS
Piquant, Samuel 1:00.00h Union Grove HS
Thomas, Ervin 1:00.28 Morrow High School
Griffin, Jalen 1:01.00h Union Grove HS
Martin, Desmond 1:01.06 Rockdale Co.
Patterson, Jaylen 1:01.37 Locust Grove High School
Thomas, Joshua 1:02.42 Eagle's Landing High School
Guillermo Benn, Zion 1:02.75 Morrow High School
Baldwin, Kaleb 1:03.67 Rockdale Co.
Hunt, Jeremiah 1:04.14 Rockdale Co.
Kendrew, Cameron 1:09.40 Strong Rock Christian School
Cramer, Khalid 50.05 Dutchtown High School
Faust, Patrick 51.59 Marist
Parham, Justin 51.92 Carrollton High School
Copeland, Kayvion 53.40 Carrollton High School
Anderson, NaJiib 54.01 Rockdale Co.
Purifoy, Antoine 54.28 Chapel Hill High School
Jackson, Davonte 54.33 Luella High school
Meadows, Jonathan 54.44 Eagle's Landing High School
Howard, Ali 54.94 Dutchtown High School
Huff, Gerald 55.32 Rockdale Co.
Walston, Khalif-Sekou 55.39 Morrow High School
Felty, Cooper 55.76 Marist
Hooks, Ronrico 56.16 Chapel Hill High School
Taylor, Deymond 56.30 Rockdale Co.
Hodgson, Von 56.39 Luella High school
Ard, Danarrion 56.80 Eagle's Landing High School
Tolley, Conner 56.85 Hampton HS
Theophile, Malachi 56.87 Rockdale Co.
Mitchell, Zion 57.36 Eagle's Landing High School
Warren, Gavin 57.48 Union Grove HS
Blouin, Paul 57.89 Locust Grove High School
Wash, Devin 57.97 Union Grove HS
Borel, Xeybien 58.00h Union Grove HS
Thomas, Gabe 59.00h Union Grove HS
Turner, Jeremiah 59.38 Rockdale Co.
Martin, Devon 59.44 Union Grove HS
Richardson, Aidan 59.76 Luella High school
Pringle, Jack 59.97 Locust Grove High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Rockdale Co.
Relay Team A Ola High School
Relay Team A Dutchtown High School
Relay Team B Rockdale Co.
Relay Team B Ola High School
Relay Team B Dutchtown High School
Relay Team A Morrow High School
Relay Team B Hampton HS
Relay Team A 43.50 Hampton HS
Relay Team A 44.97 Locust Grove High School
Relay Team A 46.00h Union Grove HS
Relay Team B 48.00h Union Grove HS
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Rockdale Co.
Relay Team B Eagle's Landing High School
Relay Team A Morrow High School
Relay Team B Dutchtown High School
Relay Team A Hampton HS
Relay Team B Morrow High School
Relay Team B Hampton HS
Relay Team A Rockdale Co.
Relay Team A Locust Grove High School
Relay Team E Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team A Eagle's Landing High School
Relay Team A Dutchtown High School
Relay Team A 3.38h Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team C 3:30.00h Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team D 3:40.00h Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team A 3:42.00h Union Grove HS
Relay Team B 3:45.00h Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team B 3:50.00h Union Grove HS
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 78 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Dorian Chapel Hill High School
Johnson, Miles Locust Grove High School
Ojedapo, Temi Rockdale Co.
Herra, Luis Morrow High School
Ponce, Bryan Hampton HS
Joseph, Malachi Eagle's Landing High School
Cyrius, Ralph Rockdale Co.
Woods, Haneef Ola High School
Harvey, Daniel Eagle's Landing High School
Johnson, Titus Morrow High School
Hardnett, Cordale Rockdale Co.
williams, Christopher Hampton HS
White, Delton Eagle's Landing High School
Charlery, Finley Rockdale Co.
Turner, Jeremiah Rockdale Co.
Bell-Gardner, Keewaan Morrow High School
Cozart, Kaleab Chapel Hill High School
Brazley, Donovan Eagle's Landing High School
Broughton, Mikai Rockdale Co.
Huff, Gerald Rockdale Co.
Henderson, Traven Rockdale Co.
Griffin, Richard Locust Grove High School
Tarver, Ricky Morrow High School
Lee, Jalani Eagle's Landing High School
Mallett, Jaylen 1:59.38 Marist
O'Rielly, Colin 2:00.00h Marist
Parham, Justin 2:04.12 Carrollton High School
Palmisano, Diego 2:04.74 Marist
Gastaldi, Lorenzo 2:07.01 Marist
Bland, Jamari 2:08.10 Chapel Hill High School
Sires, Elijah 2:08.99 Ola High School
Gaffney, Grant 2:09.73 Marist
Estrada, Christian 2:11.75 Ola High School
Wilson, Steven 2:12.12 Eagle's Landing High School
Taylor, Jmar 2:12.76 Luella High school
Tumi, John 2:13.41 Carrollton High School
Dixon, Jadon 2:13.45 Eagle's Landing High School
Richards, Brice 2:14.21 Marist
Gribbins, Benjamin 2:15.59 Ola High School
Strickland, Caden 2:16.00h Marist
Taylor, Deymond 2:16.42 Rockdale Co.
Rolen Jr., Markese 2:17.21 Dutchtown High School
Hullum, Christopher 2:17.27 Rockdale Co.
Gaffney, Ian 2:18.00h Marist
Bempah, Jabari 2:18.55 Chapel Hill High School
Barashango, Tai'Re 2:18.71 Union Grove HS
Davis, Khayri 2:19.41 Union Grove HS
McMahon, Mason 2:20 Union Grove HS
Galm, Levi 2:20.22 Chapel Hill High School
Hodgson, Von 2:20.88 Luella High school
Vasquez, Santiago 2:20.93 Locust Grove High School
Woldu, Enoch 2:21.38 Marist
Warren, Gavin 2:22 Union Grove HS
Kirk, Charlie 2:22.00h Marist
Patin, Jude 2:22.00h Marist
Jaynes, Patton 2:22.00h Marist
Woldu, Musse 2:22.00h Marist
Jenkins, Trevon 2:22.00h Chapel Hill High School
Gonzalez, Patrick 2:22.00h Marist
Jones, Jacob 2:23.97 Hampton HS
Markwalter, Everett 2:24.87 Marist
Jefferson, Nicholas 2:25.59 Rockdale Co.
Cladd, Dexter 2:25.71 Hampton HS
Hurdle, Marek 2:30 Union Grove HS
Williams, Marcus 2:30.28 Rockdale Co.
Bird, Wesley 2:31.24 Ola High School
Guillermo Benn, Zion 2:31.45 Morrow High School
Richardson, Aidan 2:31.83 Luella High school
Khan, Azan 2:33.08 Union Grove HS
Roche, Steve 2:33.20 Dutchtown High School
McCarthy, Johnny 2:36 Union Grove HS
Heard, Mason 2:41.51 Union Grove HS
Sewell, Gabe 2:42.00h Chapel Hill High School
Heard, Logan 2:45 Union Grove HS
Meija, Egon 2:45 Union Grove HS
Macias, Carlos 2:45.00h Union Grove HS
Taylor, Qhalil 2:50.00h Chapel Hill High School
Moore, Josiah 2:52.00h Chapel Hill High School
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HS Boys Discus 48 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lowe, Dominick 117-3 Locust Grove High School
Von-Hubbard, Derrick 112-9 Chapel Hill High School
Holts, Montavious 111-9 Carrollton High School
Hudson, Drake 110-10 Chapel Hill High School
Gibson, Christian 110-8 Rockdale Co.
Mason, Jamari 100-0 Carrollton High School
Adrian, Godley 100-0 Union Grove HS
Woodard, Noah 98-0 Eagle's Landing High School
George, Cooper 94-9 Locust Grove High School
Denley, Mario 93-10 Union Grove HS
Milfort, Jamar 93-10 Chapel Hill High School
Winther, Benjamin 93-5.5 Marist
Barr, Christian 90-0 Carrollton High School
Bogle, Brandon 89-8 Hampton HS
Dixon, Christian 85-11 Dutchtown High School
Lowe, Logan 84-7 Locust Grove High School
Patterson, Darius 77-1 Rockdale Co.
Studstill, David 58-2 Strong Rock Christian School
Goodine, Zachary 55-4.5 Strong Rock Christian School
Mangual, John 55-4 Ola High School
Schwendinger, Davis 49-11 Strong Rock Christian School
Hill, Terrance Eagle's Landing High School
Allen, Davian Ola High School
Kelly, Khristian Ola High School
Russell, Kwamie Ola High School
Wood, Logan Ola High School
Pickett, John Locust Grove High School
Daise, Gabe Union Grove HS
Mackey, Jerimiah Union Grove HS
Rush, Emelio Union Grove HS
Crawford, Jayvon Union Grove HS
Cook, Jonathan Hampton HS
Mendez, Josue Rockdale Co.
Johnson, Chance Rockdale Co.
Snell, Malcom Rockdale Co.
Willoughby, Tahmores Rockdale Co.
Capleton, Keshon Rockdale Co.
Opoku, Justin Rockdale Co.
Hubbard, Kyle Rockdale Co.
Elder, Antonio Morrow High School
Bradley, Gabriel Morrow High School
Little, Javarr Morrow High School
Thomphis, Zakkia Morrow High School
Workman, Charlie Chapel Hill High School
Weatherly, Jeffery Chapel Hill High School
Milfort, David Chapel Hill High School
Teal, Ayden Chapel Hill High School
Teal, Alex Chapel Hill High School
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HS Boys High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Higgins, Mike 6-4 Carrollton High School
Edmondson, Kahari 6-0 Chapel Hill High School
Hullum, Christopher 5-10 Rockdale Co.
Berry, Jayden 5-0 Union Grove HS
Blouin, Paul Locust Grove High School
Piquant, Samuel Union Grove HS
Moore, Croix Rockdale Co.
Beauvais, Alexander Hampton HS
Rivers, Paris Hampton HS
Kendrick, Jeremiah Rockdale Co.
Sanders, Lawrence Chapel Hill High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 37 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leggett, Dathan 21-10 Union Grove HS
Gibson, Christian 20-0 Rockdale Co.
Ponder II, Reginald 19-8 Dutchtown High School
Elmer, Orrin 19-0.5 Ola High School
Weatherford, Justin 18-11.5 Chapel Hill High School
Powell, Latrell 18-5.5 Ola High School
Hill, Jordan 18-4 Dutchtown High School
Terry, Peyton 18-3 Union Grove HS
Collier, Miles 18-1.5 Chapel Hill High School
Holsey, Tye 18-0 Ola High School
Felty, Cooper 17-10 Marist
Parker Jr., Anthony 17-6 Ola High School
Thorton, DeVaughn 17-1.25 Chapel Hill High School
Belvin, Nyciem 17-0.75 Luella High school
Kittrell, Austin 17-0.5 Marist
Crock, Carter 16-2 Marist
Hood, Gabe 14-7 Marist
Smith, Malik Dutchtown High School
Taylor, Tavares Dutchtown High School
Hampton, Amari Eagle's Landing High School
Ashby, Savoy Eagle's Landing High School
Haqq, Murad Eagle's Landing High School
Berry, Jayden Union Grove HS
Billingsley, Malcolm Union Grove HS
Bowe, Caleb Union Grove HS
Anderson, NaJiib Rockdale Co.
Moore, Makaibri Rockdale Co.
Kindell, Joseph Rockdale Co.
Fairnot, Dario Hampton HS
Gibson, Demetrius Hampton HS
Tolley, Conner Hampton HS
James, Omarii Hampton HS
Sellers Jr., Maurice Hampton HS
Hayes, Will Marist
Hunter, Burt Morrow High School
Sanders, Lawrence Chapel Hill High School
Taitano, Benji Chapel Hill High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nazim, Kareem 11-5 Carrollton High School
Locarnini, Aidan 10-6 Marist
Austin, Sam 10-6 Chapel Hill High School
Davenport, Donovan 9-6 Chapel Hill High School
Pappas, Greg 7-6 Marist
Patel, Kieran 7-0 Marist
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HS Boys Shot Put 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lowe, Dominick 44-0.5 Locust Grove High School
Hudson, Drake 40-7 Chapel Hill High School
Holts, Montavious 39-8 Carrollton High School
Adrian, Godley 37-10 Union Grove HS
George, Cooper 37-2.5 Locust Grove High School
Von-Hubbard, Derrick 37-0 Chapel Hill High School
Bogle, Brandon 36-7.5 Hampton HS
Dixon, Christian 36-7 Dutchtown High School
Woodard, Noah 35-2.25 Eagle's Landing High School
Denley, Mario 35-1 Union Grove HS
Mason, Jamari 35-0 Carrollton High School
Lang, Jayden 34-0.5 Hampton HS
Winther, Benjamin 33-1 Marist
Willoughby, Tahmores 32-3 Rockdale Co.
Barr, Christian 31-1.5 Carrollton High School
Mackey, Jermiah 30-10 Union Grove HS
Milfort, Jamar 30-4 Chapel Hill High School
Gibson, Christian 29-8.5 Rockdale Co.
Cook, Jonathan 29-1 Hampton HS
Patterson, Darius 28-0.5 Rockdale Co.
Goodine, Zachary 27-1 Strong Rock Christian School
Johnson, Chance 26-2 Rockdale Co.
Lowe, Logan 25-11 Locust Grove High School
Studstill, David 24-9 Strong Rock Christian School
Crawford, Jayvon 24-5 Union Grove HS
Mangual, John 20-1.5 Ola High School
Hill, Terrance Eagle's Landing High School
Allen, Davian Ola High School
Kelly, Khristian Ola High School
Russell, Kwamie Ola High School
Wood, Logan Ola High School
Pickett, John Locust Grove High School
Schwendinger, Davis Strong Rock Christian School
Daise, Gabe Union Grove HS
Rush, Emelio Union Grove HS
Wyatt, William Hampton HS
Mendez, Josue Rockdale Co.
Snell, Malcom Rockdale Co.
Capleton, Keshon Rockdale Co.
Opoku, Justin Rockdale Co.
Hubbard, Kyle Rockdale Co.
Bradley, Gabriel Morrow High School
Elder, Antonio Morrow High School
Little, Javarr Morrow High School
Thomphis, Zakkia Morrow High School
Teal, Alex Chapel Hill High School
Teal, Ayden Chapel Hill High School
Weatherly, Jeffery Chapel Hill High School
Milfort, David Chapel Hill High School
Workman, Charlie Chapel Hill High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Davonte 43-4 Luella High school
Parker Jr., Anthony 41-0 Ola High School
Purifoy, Antoine 38-10.5 Chapel Hill High School
Wash, Devin 36-9 Union Grove HS
Kittrell, Austin 36-9 Marist
McRae, Lucas 36-8 Chapel Hill High School
Elmer, Orrin 36-0 Ola High School
Hampton, Amari Eagle's Landing High School
Pearson, Jake Locust Grove High School
Thomas, Gabe Union Grove HS
Anderson, NaJiib Rockdale Co.
Burns, Jordan Rockdale Co.
Stubbs, Brayden Strong Rock Christian School
Crock, Carter Marist
Hayes, Will Marist
Hood, Gabe Marist
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HS Girls 1,600 Meter Run 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wood, Laila Rockdale Co.
Sandle, Trinity Dutchtown High School
Tejada, Karen Rockdale Co.
Mason, Mackenzie Locust Grove High School
Thomas, Parris Hampton HS
Haake, Emma Union Grove HS
White, Savannah Hampton HS
Little, Ruby 5:05.98 Marist
Grisik, Johna 5:19.89 Marist
Parsons, Gabby 5:22.21 Union Grove HS
Selover, Kate 5:32.00h Marist
Pizzo, Nicole 5:32.25 Marist
Butts, Francie 5:40.33 Chapel Hill High School
Parsons, Bianca 5:40.87 Union Grove HS
Alexander, Riley 5:44.0 Carrollton High School
Huffstetler, Kate 5:52.73 Marist
Brantley, Carson 5:55.89 Union Grove HS
Lange, Paige 5:56.00h Marist
Arena, Maya 5:58.76 Marist
Dunn, Lilly 5:59.59 Union Grove HS
Barrios, Nicole 6:00.00h Marist
Hawkins, Kalkidan 6:02.97 Union Grove HS
Ware, Anna Kate 6:10.0 Carrollton High School
Moseley, Abigail 6:10.0 Carrollton High School
Mills, Kate 6:10.28 Carrollton High School
Benson, Ashley 6:20.00h Marist
Greene, Jordan 6:21.18 Locust Grove High School
Maloney, Grace 6:22.77 Marist
Dieser, Adele 6:23.37 Marist
Freeman, Autumn 6:30.00h Locust Grove High School
Webb, Caitlin 6:54.40 Luella High school
Rothermiel, Julia 7:00.00h Union Grove HS
Ditty, Olivia 7:21.99 Locust Grove High School
Hill, Sydney 7:31.66 Union Grove HS
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 60 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Idaewor, Olamotse Ola High School
Winchester, Sanai Chapel Hill High School
Davis, Asia Luella High school
bickham, alani Hampton HS
Brown, Shameka Morrow High School
Threadcraft, Niyanna Locust Grove High School
Holiday, Zatroya Eagle's Landing High School
Drayton, Dana Rockdale Co.
Johnson, Destinee Chapel Hill High School
Henry, Ashanti Strong Rock Christian School
Fitzpatrick, Lillian Ola High School
Matar-Lee, Amani Luella High school
Agene, Divine Ola High School
Harris, Aaliyah Morrow High School
Davis, Talina Rockdale Co.
Ramey, Nina Morrow High School
Blouin, Taya Locust Grove High School
Jones, Justice Chapel Hill High School
Felder, Mahoganii Morrow High School
Sims, Aaliyah Dutchtown High School
Fleetwood, Samaya Ola High School
Morsford, Chyna Morrow High School
Sangster, Jaydah Chapel Hill High School
castlin, jada Hampton HS
Knight, Landin Ola High School
Brown, Destinee Morrow High School
Rozier, Mary Eagle's Landing High School
Daley, Anneillia Rockdale Co.
Day, Jada 12.39 Eagle's Landing High School
Hood, Kennedy 12.71 Morrow High School
Johnson, Victoria Joy 12.80 Strong Rock Christian School
Washington, Halani 12.82 Rockdale Co.
Washington, Naomi 12.94 Rockdale Co.
Barkley, Amari 12.97 Dutchtown High School
Cooper, Jaida 12.97 Ola High School
Witherspoon, Kalani 13.20 Carrollton High School
Clarke, Bridgette 13.34 Morrow High School
Clayton, Blaiklyn 13.37 Ola High School
Grigsby, Sophia 13.46 Marist
Brown, Jasmine 13.58 Eagle's Landing High School
Jenkins, Jada 13.58 Ola High School
Turnbull, Abigail 13.63 Chapel Hill High School
Batts, Julianna 13.72 Carrollton High School
Brown, Nailah 13.80 Strong Rock Christian School
Johnson, Ariel 13.80h Chapel Hill High School
Moore, Emmani 13.88 Hampton HS
Koindie, Kyria 13.91 Rockdale Co.
Jackson, Laurin 14.14 Strong Rock Christian School
Euart, Kate 14.21 Marist
Linehan, Leilani 14.21 Carrollton High School
Farmer, Za'Niyah 14.28 Morrow High School
Miller, LaShanti 14.50 Morrow High School
Noble, Kameron 14.63 Luella High school
Mask, Ansley 14.73 Ola High School
Liddell, Alani 14.78 Eagle's Landing High School
Jardina, Elizabeth 14.79 Marist
Lauterbach, Kate 14.85 Marist
Haymer, Jasmin 14.98 Rockdale Co.
Thornberry, Kendall 15.63 Ola High School
Reaves, Lauren 16.19 Ola High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Acree, Trinity Rockdale Co.
Coleman, Kaylyn 19.64 Dutchtown High School
Johnson, Victoria Joy 19.65 Strong Rock Christian School
Jackson, Laurin 20.55 Strong Rock Christian School
Johnson, Millian 21.33 Carrollton High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 69 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jackson, Jace Luella High school
Wilborn, Alexandria Hampton HS
Fleetwood, Samaya Ola High School
Brown, Shameka Morrow High School
Haymer, Jasmin Rockdale Co.
Henry, Ashanti Strong Rock Christian School
Daley, Anneillia Rockdale Co.
Winchester, Sanai Chapel Hill High School
Harris, Aaliyah Morrow High School
Davis, Asia Luella High school
Idaewor, Olamotse Ola High School
Jackson, Kayla Dutchtown High School
Rozier, Mary Eagle's Landing High School
Felder, Mahoganii Morrow High School
Drayton, Dana Rockdale Co.
Morsford, Chyna Morrow High School
Matar-Lee, Amani Luella High school
Scales, Rae'da Dutchtown High School
Bailey, Tyloni Rockdale Co.
Holiday, Zatroya Eagle's Landing High School
Agene, Divine Ola High School
Brown, Destinee Morrow High School
Davis, Talina Rockdale Co.
Sims, Aaliyah Dutchtown High School
Johnson, Destinee Chapel Hill High School
Day, Jada 25.78 Eagle's Landing High School
Harris, Joya 25.95 Marist
Hood, Kennedy 26.25 Morrow High School
Clayton, Blaiklyn 26.64 Ola High School
Jenkins, Jada 26.67 Ola High School
Barkley, Amari 26.82 Dutchtown High School
Witherspoon, Kalani 26.98 Carrollton High School
Washington, Halani 27.02 Rockdale Co.
Brown, Jasmine 27.24 Eagle's Landing High School
Moore, Ariel 27.63 Chapel Hill High School
Ramey, Nina 27.70 Morrow High School
Kidd, Aladie 27.86 Carrollton High School
Batts, Julianna 28.13 Carrollton High School
Bryant, Jessica 28.16 Marist
Clarke, Bridgette 28.19 Morrow High School
Washington, Naomi 28.24 Rockdale Co.
Grigsby, Sophia 28.38 Marist
Bracy, Torie 28.55 Union Grove HS
Noble, Kameron 28.77 Luella High school
Etheridge, Colby 28.91 Marist
Sharpe, Katelyn 29.14 Hampton HS
Davis, D'Mija 29.14 Eagle's Landing High School
Moore, Emmani 29.35 Hampton HS
Reives, Asia 29.41 Union Grove HS
Atterbury, Kenya 29.51 Union Grove HS
Koindie, Kyria 29.53 Rockdale Co.
Euart, Kate 29.61 Marist
Linehan, Leilani 29.78 Carrollton High School
Liddell, Alani 29.84 Eagle's Landing High School
Farmer, Za'Niyah 29.96 Morrow High School
Neeland, Destiny 30.0 Union Grove HS
Rodgers, Bailey 30.0 Union Grove HS
Jardina, Elizabeth 30.19 Marist
Brown, Nailah 30.30 Strong Rock Christian School
Anderson, Lauren 30.31 Union Grove HS
Miller, LaShanti 30.38 Morrow High School
Dorris, Azariyah 31.27 Hampton HS
Thornberry, Kendall 31.39 Ola High School
Reaves, Lauren 31.40 Ola High School
Fitzpatrick, Lillian 31.52 Ola High School
Ogunfeitimi, Abiola 32.51 Chapel Hill High School
Patel, Riya 38.00 Strong Rock Christian School
McClanahan, Taylor 40.00 Strong Rock Christian School
Patel, Krisha 46.00 Strong Rock Christian School
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HS Girls 3,200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Land, Mylah 12:30.0 Carrollton High School
Walter, Alexia 13:14.72 Carrollton High School
Greene, Jordan 14:27.92 Locust Grove High School
Webb, Caitlin 15:06.15 Luella High school
Ditty, Olivia 16:21.83 Locust Grove High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Parsons, Gabby 48.00 Union Grove HS
Dunson, Seven 52.07 Rockdale Co.
Scott, Sade 52.14 Rockdale Co.
Hope, Jordyn 52.49 Locust Grove High School
Chambers, Christine 54.00h Union Grove HS
Charles, Camryn 55.00 Union Grove HS
Coleman, Kaylyn 55.80 Dutchtown High School
Tucker, Jordan 56.62 Strong Rock Christian School
Muhammad, Zoe 59.81 Carrollton High School
Johnson, Millian 59.98 Carrollton High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 45 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Felder, Mahoganii Morrow High School
Adams, Zoe Rockdale Co.
Kennedy, Jenee Chapel Hill High School
Lapriore, Lilly Strong Rock Christian School
Dorris, Azariyah Hampton HS
Jackson, Kayla Dutchtown High School
Brown, Destinee Morrow High School
Threadcraft, Niyanna Locust Grove High School
Jackson, Jace Luella High school
Scales, Rae'da Dutchtown High School
Tejada, Karen Rockdale Co.
Copeland, Kamryn Chapel Hill High School
Brown, Shameka Morrow High School
Freeman, Autumn Locust Grove High School
Harris, Aaliyah Morrow High School
Douglas, Aniya Ola High School
Wilborn, Alexandria Hampton HS
Bailey, Tyloni Rockdale Co.
Ridley, Jaeva 1:00.34 Luella High school
Ramey, Nina 1:00.59 Morrow High School
Palmer, JaBresha 1:02.77 Luella High school
Harris, Joya 1:03.04 Marist
Bryant, Jessica 1:04.30 Marist
Charles, Mikylah 1:05.00h Union Grove HS
Hope, Jordyn 1:05.20 Locust Grove High School
Wood, Laila 1:05.31 Rockdale Co.
Davis, D'Mija 1:06.48 Eagle's Landing High School
Sharpe, Katelyn 1:06.81 Hampton HS
Charles, Camryn 1:06.82 Union Grove HS
Etheridge, Colby 1:07.22 Marist
Clarke, Bridgette 1:07.82 Morrow High School
Scott, Sade 1:07.83 Rockdale Co.
Morrow, Ava 1:07.87 Strong Rock Christian School
Obioma, Joann 1:08.93 Chapel Hill High School
Bracy, Torie 1:09.00h Union Grove HS
Dunson, Seven 1:09.18 Rockdale Co.
Kidd, Aladie 1:09.25 Carrollton High School
Calhoun, Cydney 1:11.02 Eagle's Landing High School
Farmer, Za'Niyah 1:12.99 Morrow High School
Neeland, Destiny 1:15.00h Union Grove HS
Durham, Faith 1:15.85 Union Grove HS
Miller, LaShanti 1:17.84 Morrow High School
Banks, Rachel 1:20.00 Strong Rock Christian School
Silva, Kamryn 1:25.00 Strong Rock Christian School
McClanahan, Taylor 1:30.00 Strong Rock Christian School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Strong Rock Christian School
Relay Team A Morrow High School
Relay Team B Union Grove HS
Relay Team A Rockdale Co.
Relay Team A Ola High School
Relay Team B Rockdale Co.
Relay Team A 55.00h Union Grove HS
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Ola High School
Relay Team A Rockdale Co.
Relay Team B Rockdale Co.
Relay Team A Morrow High School
Relay Team B Morrow High School
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Union Grove HS
Relay Team A 4:25.00h Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team B 4:30.00h Chapel Hill High School
Relay Team C 4:40.00h Chapel Hill High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 44 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Despaza, jaiden Hampton HS
Tejada, Karen Rockdale Co.
Crow, Mallory Strong Rock Christian School
Mason, Mackenzie Locust Grove High School
Lapriore, Lilly Strong Rock Christian School
Sandle, Trinity Dutchtown High School
Love, Hailey Hampton HS
Little, Ruby 2:22.00h Marist
Grisik, Johna 2:22.00h Marist
Selover, Kate 2:29.65 Marist
Parsons, Bianca 2:32.13 Union Grove HS
Lewis, Sophia 2:36.44 Chapel Hill High School
Ridley, Jaeva 2:37.60 Luella High school
Pizzo, Nicole 2:38.00h Marist
Huffstetler, Kate 2:38.00h Marist
Palmer, JaBresha 2:38.63 Luella High school
Lange, Paige 2:39.00h Marist
Wood, Laila 2:40.15 Rockdale Co.
Hawkins, Kalkidan 2:41.15 Union Grove HS
Benson, Ashley 2:43.17 Marist
Arena, Maya 2:44.00h Marist
Barrios, Nicole 2:44.00h Marist
Mills, Bre'Asia 2:45 Ola High School
Brantley, Carson 2:45.00h Union Grove HS
Charles, Mikylah 2:45.00h Union Grove HS
Dunn, Lilly 2:45.84 Union Grove HS
Maloney, Grace 2:48.00h Marist
Dieser, Adele 2:48.48 Marist
Thomas, Parris 2:49.28 Hampton HS
Reed, Brianna 2:52.00h Union Grove HS
Harris, Torrica 2:52.24 Chapel Hill High School
Owens, Jordan JoJo 2:52.43 Chapel Hill High School
Joyner, Shaniya 2:55 Ola High School
Russell, Kwamia 2:55 Ola High School
Mills, Niara 2:55 Ola High School
Bland, Ta'Shy'La 2:55 Ola High School
Silva, Kamryn 2:56.90 Strong Rock Christian School
Rothermiel, Julia 3:00.00h Union Grove HS
Haake, Emma 3:10.00h Union Grove HS
Banks, Rachel 3:10.77 Strong Rock Christian School
Hill, Sydney 3:16.02 Union Grove HS
Liddell, Alana 3:21.47 Eagle's Landing High School
Adams, Zoe 3:26.66 Rockdale Co.
Wilder, Kirah 3:30.00h Chapel Hill High School
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HS Girls Discus 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marsh, Jada 114-11 Carrollton High School
Munford, E'Mya 113-4 Hampton HS
Garmon, Emma 94-5 Strong Rock Christian School
Miller, Naya 89-3 Chapel Hill High School
Wilson, Nyla 80-2 Eagle's Landing High School
Gilbert, Jayla 78-5.75 Carrollton High School
Green, Davionna 59-7.5 Carrollton High School
Brown, Amber 57-10 Marist
Heaston, Kenya 49-0 Luella High school
Yeadon, Raven 39-4 Dutchtown High School
Nowell, Kyndal 24-4 Ola High School
Kusi, Nyla 18-9 Ola High School
Liddell, Alana Eagle's Landing High School
Blouin, Taya Locust Grove High School
Collins, Isabelle Strong Rock Christian School
Johnson, Isabella Carrollton High School
Meeks, Courtney Carrollton High School
Ward, A'Jaiah Carrollton High School
Tejada, Nelsy Rockdale Co.
Adams, Sky Rockdale Co.
Sewell, Jasmin Chapel Hill High School
Miller, Ashley Chapel Hill High School
Goforth, Layne Chapel Hill High School
Familusi, Tami Chapel Hill High School
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HS Girls High Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Speck, Skyelar 4-8 Union Grove HS
Dishman, Aubrey 4-6 Carrollton High School
Rodgers, Bailey 4-6 Union Grove HS
Atterbury, Kenya 4-4 Union Grove HS
Ogunfeitimi, Abiola 4-3 Chapel Hill High School
Brown, Nailah Strong Rock Christian School
Dorris, Azariyah Hampton HS
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HS Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hood, Kennedy 18-4.75 Morrow High School
Acree, Trinity 16-3.5 Rockdale Co.
Cooper, Jaida 15-4 Ola High School
Jackson, Laurin 14-9.25 Strong Rock Christian School
Johnson, Victoria Joy 14-7.5 Strong Rock Christian School
Rodgers, Bailey 13-10 Union Grove HS
Lauterbach, Kate 13-9 Marist
Grigsby, Sophia 13-3.25 Marist
Thornberry, Kendall 13-2.5 Ola High School
Knight, Landin 9-8 Ola High School
Rozier, Mary Eagle's Landing High School
Davis, D'Mija Eagle's Landing High School
Davis, Asia Luella High school
Witherspoon, Kalani Carrollton High School
Matar-Lee, Amani Luella High school
Sangster, Jaydah Chapel Hill High School
Turnbull, Abigail Chapel Hill High School
Copeland, Kamryn Chapel Hill High School
Owens, Jordan JoJo Chapel Hill High School
Jones, Justice Chapel Hill High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Walker, Malahne 11-6 Chapel Hill High School
Euart, Kate 8-6 Marist
McDevitt, Ally 7-6 Marist
Mask, Ansley 7-0 Ola High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gilbert, Jayla 35-0 Carrollton High School
Marsh, Jada 33-0 Carrollton High School
Muhammad, Zoe 32-8.5 Carrollton High School
Garmon, Emma 31-11.5 Strong Rock Christian School
Wilson, Nyla 30-1 Eagle's Landing High School
Miller, Naya 30-0.5 Chapel Hill High School
Brown, Amber 29-3 Marist
Green, Davionna 26-10.25 Carrollton High School
Heaston, Kenya 23-3 Luella High school
Yeadon, Raven 22-2 Dutchtown High School
Meeks, Courtney 20-7 Carrollton High School
Kusi, Nyla Ola High School
Nowell, Kyndal Ola High School
Blouin, Taya Locust Grove High School
Collins, Isabelle Strong Rock Christian School
Johnson, Isabella Carrollton High School
Ward, A'Jaiah Carrollton High School
Tejada, Nelsy Rockdale Co.
Adams, Sky Rockdale Co.
Familusi, Tami Chapel Hill High School
Goforth, Layne Chapel Hill High School
Miller, Ashley Chapel Hill High School
Sewell, Jasmin Chapel Hill High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Chambers, Christine 33-5 Union Grove HS
Atterbury, Kenya 31-2 Union Grove HS
Morrow, Ava 30-8.5 Strong Rock Christian School
Charles, Camryn 30-8 Union Grove HS
Lauterbach, Kate 29-10 Marist
Grigsby, Sophia 29-8.5 Marist
Moore, Emmani 29-4 Hampton HS
Batts, Julianna 28-0 Carrollton High School
Johnson, Millian 26-0 Carrollton High School
Freeman, Autumn Locust Grove High School
Banks, Rachel Strong Rock Christian School
Gilbert, Annaliese Union Grove HS
Witherspoon, Kalani Carrollton High School
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