Mills 102 Invitational 2020

Cumming, GA

Athlete Entries

Boys Race 195 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hong, Tyler Lovett
Chi, Willie Lambert HS
Cowan, Jack Harrison High School
George, William Lovett
Stewart, Gabriel Harrison High School
Zelnak, William Lovett
Moody, Davis Lambert HS
Fornasiero, Christopher Lovett
Bocko, Cooper 15:22.27 Lambert HS
Chapman, Colin 15:47.46 Lambert HS
McVey, Kaden 15:59.49 Harrison High School
Bekele, Lucas 16:04.45 Lambert HS
Balboa, Samuel 16:10.09 Walton High School
Doty, Tyler 16:11.99 West Forsyth High School
Nicholason, Adam 16:17.37 Lambert HS
Pitts, Patrick 16:18.11 Lovett
Urbanowicz, Joe 16:22.81 Lovett
Boyle, Brian 16:31.64 Harrison High School
Bell, Trent 16:32.90 West Forsyth High School
Sommer, Evan 16:33.08 Walton High School
Conway, Brick 16:33.37 Walton High School
Haden, Henry 16:41.40 Lovett
Latimer, Reid 16:44.15 Lambert HS
Miller, Matthew 16:49.09 Lambert HS
Stilwell, Calvin 16:50.21 Lambert HS
Bingham, Wylie 16:52.06 Walton High School
Kim, Tucker 16:53.63 Lambert HS
Cole, Andrew 16:54.91 Harrison High School
Coy, Al 16:55.30 Lovett
Pentland, JT 17:11.11 Lambert HS
Vos, Joey 17:12.72 West Forsyth High School
Conner, Will 17:13.31 West Forsyth High School
Waddell, Harrison 17:16.14 Walton High School
Patel, Kushan 17:21.27 Lambert HS
Nicholason, Colin 17:21.44 Lambert HS
McElroy, Matthew 17:24.96 Lambert HS
Denker, Bennett 17:25.37 Lovett
Coy, Parker 17:27.89 Lovett
Surio, Brendan 17:35.47 Lambert HS
Helms, Grant 17:39.99 Walton High School
Portelli, Aidan 17:40.10 West Forsyth High School
Minecci, Joseph 17:42.32 Walton High School
Longo, Gianpaolo 17:44.27 Harrison High School
Laine, William 17:44.33 Harrison High School
Merder, Jake 17:44.52 Lambert HS
Bridgers, Mason 17:45.11 Walton High School
Armentrout, Owen 17:45.67 Lovett
Murray, Aidan 17:46.10 West Forsyth High School
Nicholason, Liam 17:46.14 Lambert HS
Hao, Harry 17:47.40 Lambert HS
Nicholason, Hayden 17:50.52 Lambert HS
Shurling, Hunt 17:59.54 Lovett
Watson, Stone 18:02.86 Lambert HS
O'Neal, Grady 18:03.84 Lambert HS
Arndall, Manato 18:05.34 Lambert HS
Hicks, Henry 18:06.52 Lovett
Boyce, Maceo 18:06.82 Walton High School
Michalak, Jake 18:09.00 Walton High School
Hague, Bryce 18:09.53 Lambert HS
Kanaly, Conner 18:11.05 Lovett
Gallagher, Jack 18:11.43 Lovett
Jones, Caleb 18:11.79 Walton High School
Sisk, Jack 18:11.83 Harrison High School
Holmgren, Miller 18:17.42 Harrison High School
Connelly, Ben 18:18.99 Harrison High School
Smith, Slade 18:19.13 Harrison High School
Michalak, Drew 18:19.87 Walton High School
Stuler, Andrew 18:22.38 West Forsyth High School
Grubb, Will 18:22.66 Harrison High School
Lucas, Owen 18:24.00 Harrison High School
Schmidt, Luke 18:24.11 West Forsyth High School
Vignone, Andrew 18:26.41 Walton High School
Burge, Holt 18:33.10 Lovett
Brownlee, Bryce 18:34.46 Harrison High School
Rhame, Grant 18:36.15 Lovett
Madden, Wilson 18:36.19 Lovett
Kim, Minjae 18:38.12 Lambert HS
Lee, Stan 18:38.51 Lambert HS
Pyburn, Connor 18:38.62 Walton High School
Cappon, Jake 18:39.43 West Forsyth High School
Wolfe, Justin 18:40.77 West Forsyth High School
Van Rensselear, Ben 18:41.10 Harrison High School
Amazon, Hayden 18:44.52 Harrison High School
Cato, Garrett 18:47.16 West Forsyth High School
Lummus, Brennan 18:47.51 Lovett
Hart, Houston 18:47.78 Walton High School
Esz, Ryan 18:52.73 Lambert HS
Hall, Jake 18:53.84 Harrison High School
Guinter, Caleb 18:55.37 West Forsyth High School
Chase, Parker 18:56.80 West Forsyth High School
O'Neal, Shane 18:57.52 Lambert HS
Lawson, Patrick 19:00.06 Lambert HS
Parker, Jackson 19:04.03 Lambert HS
Campbell, Thomas 19:07.40 Harrison High School
Wible, Matthew 19:08.04 Lambert HS
Schwenk, Will 19:09.91 Lambert HS
Margate, Michael 19:12.54 Harrison High School
Castle, Jerred 19:12.60 Lambert HS
Fernandes, Diego 19:12.64 West Forsyth High School
Boyle, Thomas 19:13.41 Harrison High School
Connor, Chase 19:15.24 Walton High School
Elwart, Nolan 19:15.50 Walton High School
Wood, Patrick 19:15.84 Lambert HS
Godbee, Peyton 19:17.30 Harrison High School
Sivakumar, Kavin 19:18.03 Lambert HS
Singh, Eshan 19:18.21 Lambert HS
Wilson, Elijah 19:21.90 West Forsyth High School
Martinez, Aaron 19:21.93 West Forsyth High School
Wolfe, Timothy 19:27.27 Harrison High School
Pilley, Rahul 19:27.39 Lambert HS
Schmoyer, Cole 19:27.46 West Forsyth High School
Hayworth, Drew 19:27.87 Harrison High School
Stahl, Weston 19:32.83 West Forsyth High School
Kloss, Ryan 19:34.52 Harrison High School
Criswell, Jonah 19:41.39 Harrison High School
Mabry, Chad 19:42.20 Harrison High School
Mitchell, William 19:49.50 Harrison High School
Reichner, Ryan 19:50.62 West Forsyth High School
Chintawar, Sumedh 19:51.87 Lambert HS
Vagner, Jackson 19:52.32 West Forsyth High School
Robinson, Josh 19:57.45 Lovett
Haas, Quinn 20:06.15 Walton High School
Knapp, Brody 20:07.19 West Forsyth High School
Kwon, Albert 20:08.23 Lambert HS
Lin, Timothy 20:08.71 Walton High School
Knapp, Griffin 20:13.06 West Forsyth High School
Mann, Ashton 20:13.07 Harrison High School
Acampora, Kyle 20:13.12 Harrison High School
Mulhall, Emerson 20:13.68 West Forsyth High School
Weir, Logan 20:16.49 Harrison High School
Mitchell, Jax 20:17.50 Walton High School
Fischer, Max 20:20.38 Lambert HS
Larsen, Noah 20:22.86 Harrison High School
Pallmann, Joey 20:24.71 Lambert HS
Webster, Donovan 20:25.86 Harrison High School
Chamberlain, Eric 20:28.20 Walton High School
Sullivan, Timothy 20:32.43 West Forsyth High School
Burns, Bobby 20:36.50 Harrison High School
Childs, Ben 20:38.90 Lovett
Jones, Logan 20:43.34 Harrison High School
Fink, Peter 20:44.27 Walton High School
Raj, Akshay 20:44.51 Lambert HS
Cousins, Luca 20:50.59 Lovett
Kashin, Henry 20:56.45 Lambert HS
Phillips, Miles 21:03.63 Lovett
Guynn, Campbell 21:10.46 Harrison High School
Pillai, Nayan 21:10.92 Lambert HS
Follis, Landon 21:11.74 Harrison High School
Sendilraj, Vineeth 21:22.31 Lambert HS
Reeder, Nicholas 21:27.71 Lambert HS
Ezekiel, Austin 21:32.61 Lambert HS
Davis, Matthew 21:33.19 Harrison High School
Nelson, Robbie 21:33.47 Harrison High School
Roesch, Jacob 21:38.10 West Forsyth High School
Sareddy, Vishal 21:39.68 Lambert HS
Duffy, Aiden 21:42.62 Walton High School
Simon, Anthony 21:44.28 West Forsyth High School
Beltran, Juan 21:47.20 Walton High School
Wilson, Barrett 21:48.42 Harrison High School
Lowe, Kyle 21:49.90 Harrison High School
Sendilraj, Varun 21:52.36 Lambert HS
Caviness, Blake 21:56.30 Lambert HS
Peterson, Evan 21:58.02 Harrison High School
Jones, Carson 21:59.83 Harrison High School
Hayes, Ethan 22:09.71 Lambert HS
Dow, Chase 22:14.80 Lambert HS
Sywy, Dean 22:16.56 Lambert HS
Herlihy, Lance 22:24.13 West Forsyth High School
Schroeder, Daniel 22:27.74 Lambert HS
Menendez, Alex 22:30.33 Harrison High School
Kim, Daniel 22:36.39 Lambert HS
Niederjohn, Max 22:37.14 Walton High School
Hawkins, Griffin 22:37.80 Lambert HS
Pasonski, Matthew 22:45.10 Lambert HS
Bass, Andrew 23:10.26 Harrison High School
Kaufman, Spencer 23:25.15 Lambert HS
Crabb, Adam 23:25.39 Harrison High School
Konopczynski, Jacek 23:33.55 Harrison High School
Baker, Brandon 23:41.83 Lambert HS
Soundararajan, Noah 23:46.40 West Forsyth High School
Service, Owen 23:48.57 West Forsyth High School
Bhatt, Vedant 24:01.58 West Forsyth High School
Pedarre, Zachariah 24:07.70 West Forsyth High School
Urquhart, Harri 24:38.78 Harrison High School
Griffin, Ben 24:52.17 West Forsyth High School
Urquhart, Andrew 24:55.01 Harrison High School
Radtke, Andrew 25:08.90 Lambert HS
Daves, Devin 25:40.31 West Forsyth High School
Farber, Stone 26:07.71 Harrison High School
Goelz, Austin 26:46.62 Harrison High School
Prouty, Jacob 28:24.10 West Forsyth High School
Korich, Jordan 29:17.20 Lambert HS
Kilpatrick, Matthew 29:21.30 Lambert HS
Steinhauser, Max 29:30.92 Harrison High School
Drury, Eli 33:24.64 Lambert HS
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Girls Race 123 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Coy, Anephan Lovett
Carter, Mikayla Lovett
Strang, Kate Lovett
Burwell, Sarah 18:44.92 Walton High School
Lamberson, Sydney 19:11.03 Lovett
Chapman, Emily 19:25.00 Lambert HS
Krogman, Ava 19:33.94 West Forsyth High School
Murray, Rachel 19:37.77 West Forsyth High School
Wildman, Ellie 19:41.90 Lovett
Lawson, Charlotte 19:44.48 Lambert HS
Walker, Hannah 19:46.40 Walton High School
Harris, Caroline 19:49.32 Lambert HS
Feeney, Amanda 19:51.40 Lambert HS
Michaud, Riley 19:53.89 Walton High School
Cammarota, Bella 19:56.28 Lambert HS
Simon, Brooke 19:59.89 West Forsyth High School
Curtis, Kate 20:00.20 Harrison High School
Keeter, Arden 20:05.04 Walton High School
McNeice, Emily 20:09.63 Walton High School
Gaharan, Isabelle 20:20.29 Lambert HS
Lockwood, Meleah 20:22.60 Lambert HS
Merkel, Cami 20:30.70 West Forsyth High School
Hess, Marley 20:32.78 Harrison High School
Anderson, Audrey 20:38.59 West Forsyth High School
Hustead, Julia 20:39.25 West Forsyth High School
Grogan, Helen 20:52.60 Lambert HS
Canter, Annalei 20:52.70 Harrison High School
Chichester, Riley 20:55.53 Lambert HS
Latimer, Morgan 21:00.44 Lambert HS
Ordway, Zoe 21:05.51 West Forsyth High School
DeLuca, Virginia 21:07.14 West Forsyth High School
Gilliland, Celia 21:09.10 Lovett
Pachon, Anna 21:09.13 Walton High School
Jain, Saloni 21:13.64 Walton High School
Burrow, Jenna 21:16.81 West Forsyth High School
Slavov, Sophia 21:22.70 West Forsyth High School
Longo, Lidia 21:23.45 Harrison High School
Delgado, Daniela 21:24.00 Walton High School
Ghegan, Sophia 21:24.50 Lovett
Williams, Zelda 21:25.34 Walton High School
Coleman, Margaret Anne 21:27.90 Lovett
Weir, Zoey 21:34.42 Harrison High School
Williams, Caroline 21:35.00 Lovett
Curtis, Riley 21:41.13 Harrison High School
Calmer, Kennedy 21:45.68 Walton High School
Padilla, Elizabeth 21:47.74 Lambert HS
Margate, Sarah 21:48.79 Harrison High School
Martin, Ellie 21:49.92 Harrison High School
Haggerty, Grace 21:51.35 Walton High School
Holt, Avery 21:54.29 Lambert HS
Barnwell, Laine 21:56.28 Lovett
Tapley, Sabrina 21:57.63 Lambert HS
Geveke, Kylee 21:57.97 Harrison High School
Feinour, Evie 21:59.40 Lovett
Panneer, Ria 22:03.88 Lambert HS
Dusack, Norah 22:06.50 Walton High School
Sheldon, Elizabeth 22:10.71 Walton High School
Wickramanayake, Nevinka 22:12.84 Lambert HS
Franklin, Chloe 22:18.51 Lambert HS
Tigue, Courtney 22:22.87 Lambert HS
Cole, Morgan 22:28.46 Harrison High School
Phenix, Ellie 22:28.66 Walton High School
Summers, Genevieve 22:45.76 Lambert HS
Ghegan, Alden 22:46.70 Lovett
Valdez, Maria 22:58.05 Harrison High School
Shade, Kendal 22:58.19 West Forsyth High School
Courts, Sophie 23:07.10 Lovett
Smith, Gaby 23:09.49 Harrison High School
Williams, Aspen 23:17.26 Walton High School
Brown, Cara 23:20.29 West Forsyth High School
Childs, Katharine 23:42.24 Lovett
Grady, Tanner 23:42.50 Lovett
Morris, Madeleine 24:06.60 Lovett
Parfenov, Natalia 24:14.50 Walton High School
Worful, Alaina 24:21.38 West Forsyth High School
McGruder, Ansley 24:28.00 Harrison High School
Savage, Hannah 24:33.45 West Forsyth High School
Roach, Cana 24:33.69 Lovett
Patel, Soumya 24:57.35 Lambert HS
Martin, Brooke 24:57.59 Harrison High School
Wood, Caroline 25:05.40 Lovett
Nilsen, Sarah 25:08.56 Lambert HS
Hill, Samantha 25:22.83 West Forsyth High School
Budge, Riley 25:32.88 Lambert HS
Ilango, Vamsika 25:34.70 Lambert HS
Talati, Srishti 25:37.23 Lambert HS
Moore, Abby 25:40.53 Lambert HS
Walker, Lilla 25:49.02 Lovett
Jow, Emma 25:57.10 Walton High School
Coriell, Kelsey 25:58.72 Lambert HS
Taylor, Kylie 26:04.48 West Forsyth High School
Stachura, Zoe 26:08.66 Lambert HS
Potts, Isabella 26:08.85 Lambert HS
Bishop, Cassidy 26:09.27 Harrison High School
Feinour, Gibbs 26:24.80 Lovett
Muppalla, Dhanya 26:35.16 Walton High School
Sindhwani, Kanishka 26:41.00 Walton High School
Houk, Wiley 27:05.30 Lovett
Nigam, Anushi 27:05.95 Lambert HS
Thakkar, Vanessa 27:18.85 West Forsyth High School
Maracle, Amaya 27:19.83 Lambert HS
Bogarde, Ava 27:25.54 Lambert HS
Buffington, Savannah 27:29.14 Harrison High School
Desai, Ayanna 27:33.86 Lovett
Willis, Ashton 27:36.60 Walton High School
Brown, Caroline 27:45.09 Lovett
Aldridge, Sarah 27:50.60 West Forsyth High School
Mason, Courtney 27:56.53 Harrison High School
Soosaidas, Riona 28:02.23 West Forsyth High School
Sharp, Alex 28:33.73 West Forsyth High School
Roman, Ashley 28:38.20 Lambert HS
Eslinger, Ashley 28:54.63 West Forsyth High School
Ngugi, Sarah 29:00.71 Harrison High School
Johnson, Lillyan 29:16.70 West Forsyth High School
White, Sadie 29:19.77 Harrison High School
McGowan, Omie 29:20.29 Harrison High School
Peavy, Madison 29:33.10 Lovett
Newton, Riley 29:46.37 Lovett
Kosasi, Jocelyn 31:51.40 West Forsyth High School
Sander, Rachel 32:32.00 Lambert HS
Musheno, Kate 32:59.72 Harrison High School
Dabrowa, Libby 33:38.68 Harrison High School
Russo, Nicole 34:27.90 West Forsyth High School
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