Augusta Eagles Invitational 2020

Augusta, GA

Augusta Eagles Invitational 2020 vs Augusta Eagles Invitational 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +53 204 151
Overall Average -5:49:36.08 25:41.09 6:15:17.17
1st-10th Place -25.50 17:52.56 18:18.06
1st-25th Place -51.62 18:56.68 19:48.30
1st-50th Place -1:08.37 20:00.12 21:08.49
1st-100th Place -2:12.33 21:48.44 24:00.77
Common Athletes -- -- 40
Ran Faster -18 11 29
Ran Season Best -2 4 6
Average Time -45:03.49 24:10.85 1:09:14.34
Median Time +11.00 23:18.00 23:07.00
Middle 80% Times +32.64 23:35.62 23:02.98
Top 10% Times +29.60 17:56.00 17:26.40
Top 25% Times +35.32 19:18.96 18:43.64
Top 50% Times +19.69 20:33.01 20:13.32
Bottom 50% Times -1:30:26.67 27:48.69 1:58:15.35
Bottom 25% Times -3:01:56.42 30:51.25 3:32:47.67
Bottom 10% Times -7:35:25.58 35:07.57 8:10:33.15
Average Difference -45:03.49 -- --
Median Difference +15.91 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +33.49 -- --
Top 10% Difference +22.78 -- --
Top 50% Difference +15.35 -- --
Top 25% Difference +27.09 -- --
Top 50% Difference +15.35 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:30:22.32 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -3:01:56.42 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -7:35:25.58 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Hayes Trapp Augusta Prep HS +5.83 17:16.43 17:10.60
Warren Shepherd Augusta Eagles HS +10.05 17:21.85 17:11.80
Ben Monnig Augusta Prep HS +1:10.90 18:42.60 17:31.70
Jamie Townes Westside Augusta +1:23.24 19:14.74 17:51.50
Peter Mahoney Augusta Eagles HS +4.33 18:23.13 18:18.80
Susannah Heinz Augusta Eagles HS +16.29 19:29.29 19:13.00
Colin Schmacht Augusta Prep HS +2:05.49 21:33.49 19:28.00
Patrick Rowan Augusta Eagles HS +41.90 20:33.90 19:52.00
Hagan Boyen Brentwood School +2:42.59 22:59.59 20:17.00
Steven Joseph Augusta Prep HS +12.74 20:34.74 20:22.00
Chandler Lines Augusta Eagles HS +31.26 20:58.26 20:27.00
Isaiah Thomas Augusta Eagles HS -3:16.09 20:42.91 23:59.00
Sean Medcalfe Westside Augusta -52.95 20:50.05 21:43.00
Jacob Hackenberry Briarwood Academy +1:03.92 21:58.92 20:55.00
Isaiah Marshall Westside Augusta -5.66 21:02.34 21:08.00
Micah MacConney Augusta Eagles HS +16.03 21:23.03 21:07.00
Joel Baumgarten Augusta Eagles HS -1:36.83 21:15.17 22:52.00
Andrew Mahoney Augusta Eagles HS -1:33.24 21:45.76 23:19.00
Ethan Lovell Augusta Eagles HS +2:23.86 24:09.86 21:46.00
Augustine Weaver Augusta Eagles HS -1:16.47 21:46.53 23:03.00
Dallas Gardner Augusta Eagles HS +2:17.67 24:05.67 21:48.00
Lane Hancock Brentwood School +3:25.41 25:46.41 22:21.00
Jonathan Jabaley Augusta Eagles HS +0.50 23:07.50 23:07.00
Ian Bittinger Augusta Eagles HS -13.00 23:18.00 23:31.00
Seth Taylor Brentwood School +1:16.30 24:52.30 23:36.00
Matt Swint Brentwood School +15.91 23:56.91 23:41.00
Joshua Doss Augusta Eagles HS +1:10.64 25:01.64 23:51.00
Lauren Hood Brentwood School +2:04.91 26:02.81 23:57.90
Sadie Ballou Augusta Eagles HS +1:34.90 25:36.90 24:02.00
Corrie Heinz Augusta Eagles HS +44.22 24:50.72 24:06.50
Emma Boyen Brentwood School +1:40.20 27:11.10 25:30.90
Anne Marie Sheppard Brentwood School +16.91 26:34.21 26:17.30
Ellie Atkinson Brentwood School +1:26.62 27:48.62 26:22.00
Madelyn Weaver Augusta Eagles HS -21.10 26:43.00 27:04.10
Emerson Sheppard Brentwood School -3:12.14 27:59.26 31:11.40
Ella Andrews Brentwood School +2:27.66 31:46.06 29:18.40
Samantha Sniffen Augusta Eagles HS +3:41.74 35:27.34 31:45.60
Christopher Miller Augusta Eagles HS -30:25:13.33 32:46.67 30:58:00.00
Lindsey Jones Briarwood Academy +3:07.27 35:55.37 32:48.10
Maura Stolpe Augusta Eagles HS -3:17.99 36:20.91 39:38.90