Region 2-5A XC Championship 2020

Fayetteville, GA

Region 2-5A XC Championship 2020 vs GHSA Region 3-AAAAA Meet 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -22 225 247
Overall Average +27.47 22:55.19 22:27.72
1st-10th Place +24.55 16:51.28 16:26.73
1st-25th Place +14.44 17:23.08 17:08.64
1st-50th Place +3.47 18:04.38 18:00.91
1st-100th Place +20.58 19:25.62 19:05.04
Common Athletes -- -- 28
Ran Faster 8 18 10
Ran Season Best -8 3 11
Average Time -12.71 21:11.21 21:23.92
Median Time -45.91 20:29.94 21:15.85
Middle 80% Times -4.03 21:15.54 21:19.57
Top 10% Times -32.60 17:09.98 17:42.57
Top 25% Times -46.26 17:39.39 18:25.64
Top 50% Times -38.13 18:43.09 19:21.22
Bottom 50% Times +12.70 23:39.33 23:26.62
Bottom 25% Times +11.39 25:18.99 25:07.60
Bottom 10% Times -52.96 26:10.31 27:03.27
Average Difference -12.71 -- --
Median Difference +21.76 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -0.35 -- --
Top 10% Difference -17.85 -- --
Top 50% Difference -37.95 -- --
Top 25% Difference -35.03 -- --
Top 50% Difference -37.95 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +12.52 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +20.65 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -23.45 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Gabe Peacock McIntosh High School -28.59 16:58.11 17:26.70
Kolby Smith Starrs Mill High School -1:58.56 17:00.32 18:58.88
Jacob Raville Whitewater High School -21.12 17:31.50 17:52.62
Austin Carmichael McIntosh High School -3.84 17:44.56 17:48.40
Drew Moore Starrs Mill High School -2:11.63 17:50.42 20:02.05
Kevin Danley Whitewater High School -31.33 18:07.33 18:38.66
Joshua Todd Whitewater High School -1:09.10 18:23.47 19:32.57
Darby Olive Starrs Mill High School +27.35 19:34.07 19:06.72
Hannah Moore McIntosh High School +55.75 20:03.27 19:07.52
Nick Diaz Starrs Mill High School -2:26.78 19:30.69 21:57.47
Jack Cannady Whitewater High School -1:58.27 19:36.98 21:35.25
Emily McBride McIntosh High School -17.25 19:39.79 19:57.04
Marina Serra McIntosh High School +3:10.68 22:53.85 19:43.17
Tucker Posey Starrs Mill High School -37.69 19:51.08 20:28.77
Paris Alsup McIntosh High School -3:41.49 20:11.67 23:53.16
Allie Walker Starrs Mill High School -40.23 20:29.94 21:10.17
Audra Daniel Starrs Mill High School +1:21.63 22:25.45 21:03.82
Eva Symonds Whitewater High School +3.18 21:19.03 21:15.85
Jack Mills McIntosh High School +21.76 21:40.84 21:19.08
Duncan Anderson Starrs Mill High School +1:54.28 23:25.50 21:31.22
Erin Schmidt Starrs Mill High School -9.30 22:00.33 22:09.63
Camille Ford McIntosh High School +3:18.79 25:49.85 22:31.06
Elizabeth Miller Starrs Mill High School -52.38 23:08.22 24:00.60
Robert Bexley McIntosh High School +3:44.04 26:56.68 23:12.64
Sophia Bauer Starrs Mill High School +1:14.14 24:51.12 23:36.98
Elizabeth King Whitewater High School -3:39.69 24:53.31 28:33.00
Caleb Oliver Starrs Mill High School -5.64 25:32.07 25:37.71
Kyle Dobso Starrs Mill High School -1:14.70 25:44.39 26:59.09