Walton JV Relays 2020

Marietta, GA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 42.53 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 44.87 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 45.00 Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team A 45.00h Hillgrove
Relay Team A 45.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 45.01 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 45.01 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 45.50h Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 46.50 Roswell High School
Relay Team B 46.50h Allatoona HS
Relay Team B 47.50 Roswell High School
Relay Team B 50.00h Pope High School
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HS Boys 4x110 Shuttle Hurdle Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Allatoona HS
Relay Team A Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team A Hillgrove
Relay Team A Allatoona HS
Relay Team A Pope High School
Relay Team A 1:18.00h Kennesaw Mountain
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HS Boys 4x1600 Meter Relay 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A Allatoona HS
Relay Team A Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team A Marietta High School
Relay Team B Lassiter High School
Relay Team B Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team A 19:25.00 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 20:00.00 Pope High School
Relay Team A 20:45.00 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 20:50.00 Hillgrove
Relay Team B 21:00.00 Roswell High School
Relay Team B 21:10.00 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 21:45.00 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team B 22:00.00 Pope High School
Relay Team B 22:20.00 Hillgrove
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HS Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A Pope High School
Relay Team A Allatoona HS
Relay Team A Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team A 1:35.18 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 1:37.00 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 1:42.00h Roswell High School
Relay Team A 1:48.00h Kennesaw Mountain
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hillgrove
Relay Team A 3:28.23 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 3:34.95 Marietta High School
Relay Team B 3:34.95 Marietta High School
Relay Team B 3:40.23 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 3:40.23 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 3:42.00h Roswell High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 3:47.25 Pope High School
Relay Team B 3:50.00h Allatoona HS
Relay Team B 3:50.00h Roswell High School
Relay Team B 3:57.25 Pope High School
Relay Team A 4:02.84 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team B 4:10.00h Harrison High School
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team B Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 8:15.02 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 8:55.00h Roswell High School
Relay Team A 8:58.09 Pope High School
Relay Team B 8:59.00h Roswell High School
Relay Team A 9:15.00h Harrison High School
Relay Team A 9:15.00h Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 9:25.00h Hillgrove
Relay Team A 9:30.00h Allatoona HS
Relay Team B 9:30.00h Harrison High School
Relay Team B 9:38.09 Pope High School
Relay Team B 9:48.00h Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 9:49.86 Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team B 9:49.86 Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team B 9:50.00h Hillgrove
Relay Team B 9:55.00h Allatoona HS
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HS Boys 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Allatoona HS
Relay Team B Pope High School
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A Allatoona HS
Relay Team B Lassiter High School
Relay Team A Hillgrove
Relay Team A 1:42.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 1:43.26 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 1:48.00h Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team B 1:50.00h Roswell High School
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HS Boys Discus 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cameron, Piers 120-5 Pope High School
Giraldo, Nicolas-Joseph 119-9 Marietta High School
Mattingly, Eli 101-3 Allatoona HS
Mahlango, Sandiso 100-9 Marietta High School
Vinyard, Jobn 94-9 Lassiter High School
Bauman, Brian 93-10 Pope High School
Ested, Justin 93-4.5 Kennesaw Mountain
Levy, Evan 92-7 Pope High School
Joseph, Marc-Rubens 89-10 Hillgrove
Mowery, Tate 86-10 Harrison High School
Williams, Jeremiah 82-7 Hillgrove
Grigenas, Jonas 82-4 Marietta High School
Petty, Blake 81-0 Harrison High School
Springer, Nick 80-9 Harrison High School
Hare, Kimani 79-6.5 Kennesaw Mountain
Lorenz, Cameron 75-10 Lassiter High School
Cooper, Conner 71-9 Hillgrove
Muller, Blaine 63-8 Roswell High School
Attaochu, David 62-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Bolen, Michael Allatoona HS
Bolls, Judson Allatoona HS
Carpet, Alex Roswell High School
Brunner, Matthew Roswell High School
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HS Boys Distance Medley Relay 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team A Allatoona HS
Relay Team B Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team B Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 11:18.00 Pope High School
Relay Team A 11:56.32 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 11:56.32 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 12:10.00 Pope High School
Relay Team A 12:38.00 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 12:45.00 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 12:48.00 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team B 12:50.00 Roswell High School
Relay Team B 13:15.00 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 14:25.00 Hillgrove
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HS Boys High Jump 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
King, Nick 5-10 Lassiter High School
Nixon, Theron 5-8 Pope High School
Ross, Chris 5-4 Allatoona HS
Van Dyke, Dalton 5-2 Kennesaw Mountain
McNeil, Mykah 5-2 Kennesaw Mountain
Nilson, Luke 5-0 Roswell High School
Crite, Ethan 5-0 Roswell High School
Nunes, Elbio 5-0 Kennesaw Mountain
Luttrell, Ryan 5-0 Pope High School
Little, Robert Allatoona HS
Pierre-Loise, Christopher Allatoona HS
Watanabe, Sosuke Pope High School
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HS Boys Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Mathis, Christian 19-10.5 Marietta High School
Gutzmer, Miles 19-10.5 Pope High School
Wilkinson, Daniel 18-5 Marietta High School
Hosack, Bo 17-11.5 Pope High School
Nixon, Theron 17-7.5 Pope High School
McNeil, Mykah 17-5.5 Kennesaw Mountain
Breeze, Austin 16-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Suchan, Cole 16-3 Lassiter High School
Kesser, Steven 16-1 Allatoona HS
Rodgers, David 16-0.25 Allatoona HS
Buntin, David 16-0 Kennesaw Mountain
Little, Robert 15-9 Allatoona HS
Boggs, Jake 14-5 Lassiter High School
Franklin, Alijah Hillgrove
Ocean, Zavier Hillgrove
Doouglas, Kever Hillgrove
Linowes, Levi Riverwood International Charter
Fredrick, Jeremiah Marietta High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hurley, Alex 12-6 Marietta High School
Shearer, Cameron 11-0 Marietta High School
Dodge, Dallas 9-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Lubbell, Eli 9-6 Pope High School
Kenner, Drew 9-2 Hillgrove
Wideman, Andrew 9-0 Pope High School
Landa, William 8-6 Hillgrove
Adams, Jesse 8-0 Allatoona HS
Moore, Brody 8-0 Allatoona HS
Buss, Michael 8-0 Marietta High School
Hare, K'Hari 7-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Wright, Jake 7-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Cash, Tyler 7-0 Allatoona HS
Tartaglia, Avery 7-0 Pope High School
Gonzalez Marino, Daniel Hillgrove
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HS Boys Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brown, Marice 55-3.75 Marietta High School
Bulock, Titan 49-9 Marietta High School
Cameron, Piers 45-9 Pope High School
Cervantes, Carlos 38-4 Marietta High School
Mattingly, Eli 37-1 Allatoona HS
Vinyard, Jobn 36-1.5 Lassiter High School
Gonet, Nick 36-0 Hillgrove
Ested, Justin 35-4.25 Kennesaw Mountain
Joseph, Marc-Rubens 35-0.75 Hillgrove
Springer, Nick 34-11 Harrison High School
Clarke, Jeremy 34-8 Harrison High School
Anderson, Chase 32-1.5 Lassiter High School
Hare, Kimani 32-0.5 Kennesaw Mountain
Mowery, Tate 30-8 Harrison High School
Bauman, Brian 30-4 Pope High School
Lorenz, Cameron 30-2 Lassiter High School
Gomes, Guilherme 29-5 Pope High School
Bolen, Michael 29-1 Allatoona HS
Muller, Blaine 28-8 Roswell High School
Attaochu, David 28-6.5 Kennesaw Mountain
Williams, Bryce Hillgrove
Guglielmo, James Roswell High School
Hinds, Matt Roswell High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brewster, Antonio 39-9.5 Marietta High School
Baltz, Jack 39-6 Marietta High School
Tabb, Christian 37-5.25 Pope High School
Wideman, Andrew 36-5 Pope High School
Kesser, Steven 36-4 Allatoona HS
Suchan, Cole 35-5.75 Lassiter High School
McCann, Jermaine 35-5 Marietta High School
Wright, Greg 33-11.25 Pope High School
Nilson, Luke Roswell High School
Pierre-Loise, Christopher Allatoona HS
Lee, Malachi Allatoona HS
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B 1:00.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 51.64 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 51.90h Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 52.50h Marietta High School
Relay Team B 52.94 Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 53.64 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 54.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 55.00 Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 55.00h Hillgrove
Relay Team A 56.00 Roswell High School
Relay Team B 56.00 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 57.00 Riverwood International Charter
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Shuttle Hurdle Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hillgrove
Relay Team A Allatoona HS
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 1:18.50h Kennesaw Mountain
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HS Girls 4x1600 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Allatoona HS
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 23:13.00 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 23:30.00 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 24:00.00 Pope High School
Relay Team A 24:02.07 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 25:00.00 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team B 26:00.00 Pope High School
Relay Team B 26:00.00 Harrison High School
Relay Team B 26:10.00 Hillgrove
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HS Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A Allatoona HS
Relay Team A Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team A 1:56.75 Pope High School
Relay Team A 1:57.00 Marietta High School
Relay Team A 1:59.00h Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Hillgrove
Relay Team A 2:05.00h Roswell High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:12.86 Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team A 4:14.97 Pope High School
Relay Team A 4:31.58 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 4:31.75 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 4:31.75 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 4:35.00h Marietta High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 4:40.46 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team B 4:54.97 Pope High School
Relay Team B 4:55.00h Allatoona HS
Relay Team A 5:00.00h Roswell High School
Relay Team B 5:00.00h Roswell High School
Relay Team B 5:10.00h Harrison High School
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team B Lassiter High School
Relay Team A Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team A 10:30.90 Pope High School
Relay Team A 10:50.00 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 11:04.12 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 11:15.00 Allatoona HS
Relay Team B 11:30.90 Pope High School
Relay Team A 11:48.00 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team B 12:00.00 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Hillgrove
Relay Team B 12:00.00 Harrison High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Sprint Medley Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Hillgrove
Relay Team B Allatoona HS
Relay Team A Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team B Lassiter High School
Relay Team A Allatoona HS
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Pope High School
Relay Team A 2:00.00h Marietta High School
Relay Team A 2:04.00h Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team A 2:07.00h Roswell High School
Relay Team B 2:07.00h Roswell High School
Relay Team B 2:20.00h Pope High School
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HS Girls Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gay, Majestic 85-6 Riverwood International Charter
Blackburn, Jasmine 84-6 Hillgrove
Usher, Shainiq 83-4 Kennesaw Mountain
Iorillo, Tori 79-10 Harrison High School
Theophile, Malaika 75-9 Marietta High School
Collier, Kharrington 69-9.5 Marietta High School
Franciso, Ashley 64-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Campbell, Madeline 64-3 Pope High School
Bentley, Marlow 61-10 Harrison High School
Padilla, Sole 59-10 Riverwood International Charter
Paschall, Nadya 56-1 Roswell High School
Collins, Tori 55-10 Roswell High School
Moore, Paige 54-9 Harrison High School
Parker-O'Connor, Briana 48-2 Hillgrove
Garcia, Lorelly 46-1 Pope High School
Andrade, Amanda 44-1 Riverwood International Charter
Ducksworth, Aaniyah 42-3 Kennesaw Mountain
Lerner, Gabby 40-8 Roswell High School
Bond, Emily Hillgrove
Baylark, Kennedy Pope High School
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HS Girls Distance Medley Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Allatoona HS
Relay Team A Riverwood International Charter
Relay Team A 13:50.00 Hillgrove
Relay Team A 14:00.00 Pope High School
Relay Team A 14:00.16 Roswell High School
Relay Team B 14:30.00 Roswell High School
Relay Team A 14:38.68 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 15:00.00 Pope High School
Relay Team A 15:07.00 Harrison High School
Relay Team A 15:30.00 Kennesaw Mountain
Relay Team B 16:17.00 Harrison High School
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HS Girls High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Felton, Nyah 4-8 Hillgrove
Green, Jasmine 4-8 Riverwood International Charter
Northrop, Jolee 4-6 Pope High School
Remili, Fatima 4-6 Pope High School
Alston, Destinee 4-4 Riverwood International Charter
Strong, Bethanie 4-4 Roswell High School
Cuen, Presley 4-2 Roswell High School
Cuen, Peyton 4-0 Roswell High School
Ford, Mycah 0-0 Hillgrove
Crump, Kyla Riverwood International Charter
Dottin, Ayva Hillgrove
Terrell, Kaitlyn Lassiter High School
Bradford, Sophia Pope High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richards, Ryann 15-4.5 Hillgrove
Green, Jasmine 15-0.5 Riverwood International Charter
Dottin, Ayva 15-0 Hillgrove
Hubbard, Megan 14-8.25 Pope High School
Sage, Leah 14-4.25 Pope High School
Delk, Madison 14-3.5 Kennesaw Mountain
Strong, Bethanie 13-5 Roswell High School
Holden, Tiyona 13-4.5 Marietta High School
King, Aryelle 12-10 Hillgrove
Helms, Casey 12-6 Lassiter High School
Satterfield, Da'Nya 12-6 Kennesaw Mountain
Cuen, Presley 12-4 Roswell High School
Han, Emily 12-1.25 Pope High School
Ubani, Melissa 12-0 Kennesaw Mountain
Foster, Miracle 11-5.5 Marietta High School
Evans, Kiara Lassiter High School
Donofrio, Jessie Lassiter High School
Olaribigbe, Elizabeth Marietta High School
Wells, Julia Gray Riverwood International Charter
Humphrey, Siaka Riverwood International Charter
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HS Girls Pole Vault 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Northrop, Jolee 10-0 Pope High School
Richards, Ryann 8-6 Hillgrove
Allen, Veronica 8-0 Marietta High School
Cuen, Peyton 7-6 Roswell High School
Landa, Victoria 7-0 Hillgrove
Morris, Chloe 7-0 Hillgrove
Morris, Ella 6-9 Lassiter High School
Bailey, Katie 6-6 Riverwood International Charter
Horwitz, Chloe 6-6 Riverwood International Charter
Sengupta, Amelie 6-6 Pope High School
Ransom, Ameerah 5-3 Riverwood International Charter
Binder, Samantha Lassiter High School
Paton, Sam Lassiter High School
Botha, Nicole Pope High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Iorillo, Tori 33-7 Harrison High School
Gay, Majestic 30-3.5 Riverwood International Charter
Usher, Shainiq 29-11 Kennesaw Mountain
Blackburn, Jasmine 27-7 Hillgrove
Franciso, Ashley 26-11 Kennesaw Mountain
Bond, Emily 26-4 Hillgrove
Turner, Amaya 25-9 Hillgrove
Moore, Paige 24-8 Harrison High School
Padilla, Sole 23-7.25 Riverwood International Charter
Theophile, Malaika 22-11 Marietta High School
Creighton, Mikala 22-11 Harrison High School
Paschall, Nadya 22-10 Roswell High School
Garcia, Lorelly 20-8 Pope High School
Lerner, Gabby 20-4 Roswell High School
Collins, Tori 19-10 Roswell High School
Andrade, Amanda 19-2 Riverwood International Charter
Hoffman, Addi 18-2 Lassiter High School
Valcourt, Aaliyah 17-1 Kennesaw Mountain
Campbell, Madeline 14-3 Pope High School
Huffman, Bailey Pope High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Green, Jasmine 34-3.5 Riverwood International Charter
Ford, Mycah 34-3 Hillgrove
Dottin, Ayva 32-10 Hillgrove
Huffman, Bailey 31-11.5 Pope High School
Crump, Kyla 31-10 Riverwood International Charter
Hamilton, Alonjé 31-7 Marietta High School
Barnwell, Gabriel 31-3 Marietta High School
Helms, Casey 30-3 Lassiter High School
Northrop, Jolee 29-4.5 Pope High School
Olaribigbe, Elizabeth 29-3.25 Marietta High School
Strong, Bethanie 28-7 Roswell High School
Bradford, Sophia 27-10 Pope High School
Wells, Julia Gray 27-5 Riverwood International Charter
Cuen, Peyton 26-11 Roswell High School
Hardman, Georgia Roswell High School
Joseph, Christina Hillgrove
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