Warhawk XC Preview 2019

McDonough, GA
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Timing/Results First Call Timing

Athlete Entries

High School JV Boys 5,000 Meter Run 53 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Guerra, Alejandro Riverside Military Academy
Bootcheck, Jackson Union Grove
Lawson, Ian Union Grove
Locus, Ezekiel Greene Co.
Jernigan, KeShawn Greene Co.
Holmes, Darius Eagle's Landing High School
Porter, Donye Eagle's Landing High School
Belanger, Chris Riverside Military Academy
Goddard, Jacob Union Grove
Weaver, Charleston Greene Co.
Armstrong, Gonnie Greene Co.
Nguyen, Henry Eagle's Landing High School
Ndombou, Roddy Eagle's Landing High School
Jenkins, Quentin Eagle's Landing High School
Brown, Glen Riverside Military Academy
Hamilton, Hayden Union Grove
Groover, Hudson Union Grove
Brown, Jacameron Greene Co.
Lewis, Timmy Greene Co.
Martinez, Abraham Eagle's Landing High School
Harvey, Daniel Eagle's Landing High School
Gomez, Leo Riverside Military Academy
Gammage, Ty Union Grove
Benford, Quan Greene Co.
Gibson, Travez Greene Co.
White, Delton Eagle's Landing High School
Lawrence, Jamarl Greene Co.
Sawyer, Chandler Eagle's Landing High School
Fowler, Kelvin Eagle's Landing High School
Patel, Aumkar Union Grove
Martinez, Danile Riverside Military Academy
Scarlett, Adrian Union Grove
Webb, John Greene Co.
Wright, Jarian Greene Co.
Carpenter, Willie Eagle's Landing High School
Brazley, Dante Eagle's Landing High School
McDowell, Fletcher Riverside Military Academy
Wilson, Steven Eagle's Landing High School
Daniel, Robert Riverside Military Academy
Macias, Vincent Union Grove
McCarthy, Johnny Union Grove
Brown, Martavious Greene Co.
Dickey, David Eagle's Landing High School
Smith, Christian Greene Co.
Fedrick-Alexander, Dontae Eagle's Landing High School
Lambert, JaRay Eagle's Landing High School
Crafford, Charles Riverside Military Academy
Castello, Alex Union Grove
Porter, Jesse Greene Co.
Martinez, Jesse Greene Co.
Mesler, Nolan Eagle's Landing High School
Giles, Alando Eagle's Landing High School
Dixon, Jadon Eagle's Landing High School
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High School JV Girls 5,000 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pope, Shayla Greene Co.
Hood, Alexis Eagle's Landing High School
Dow, Kendall Union Grove
Lopez, Natalia Greene Co.
Dominguez, Estrella Greene Co.
Wright, Marie Union Grove
Garay, Lindsay Union Grove
Escutia, Yasmin Greene Co.
Benford, Quanas Greene Co.
Price, Jayda Eagle's Landing High School
Charles, Mikylah Union Grove
Heath, Kayla Greene Co.
Webb, Abby Greene Co.
Carey, Kylee Union Grove
Porter, Jesaria Greene Co.
Agular, Alison Greene Co.
Rimer, Olivia Union Grove
Carlton, Jaydee Greene Co.
Dunn, Carla Greene Co.
Munoz-Trejo, Kristian Greene Co.
Robinson, Albany Union Grove
Burdette, Serenity Greene Co.
Haake, Emma Union Grove
Tirado, Brianna Greene Co.
Brown, Maeli Union Grove
Shurling, Ava Greene Co.
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High School Varsity Boys 5,000 Meter Run 73 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Yordy Greene Co.
Cudemous, Alan Riverside Military Academy
Harris, Will Union Grove
Duvivier, Romans Dutchtown High School
Brumelow, Kenneth Newton
Davis, Khayri Union Grove
Smith, Quenten Greene Co.
Lopez, Osvaldo Greene Co.
Ismail, Hamdy Riverside Military Academy
Flores-Martinez, Alfredo Greene Co.
Heard, Logan Union Grove
Lindsay, Cooper Riverside Military Academy
Johnson, Travis McDonough HS
Shurling, Lawson Greene Co.
Carmichael, Willie Dutchtown High School
Jimeson, Tahj Newton
Jimmenez, Kenny Union Grove
McCarthy, Jackson Union Grove
Armstrong, Jalik Greene Co.
Lockett, Exavier Newton
Pope, Andre Greene Co.
Erickson, Austin Riverside Military Academy
Griffin, Jaden Union Grove
Rudkin, Caden Dutchtown High School
Hickenbottom, Jerome Luella High school
Boone, Matthew Newton
Jackson, Devin Union Grove
Ramirez, James Greene Co.
Terry, Kevin Union Grove
Tirado, Fernando Greene Co.
Culverson, Jacoby Henry County High School
Pombo, Alex Riverside Military Academy
Thompson, James Greene Co.
Rieves, Andrew Union Grove
Alcerreca, Luis Riverside Military Academy
Khan, Azan Union Grove
Young, Hakeem McDonough HS
Atanacio, Thonali Dutchtown High School
Price, Quintorris Newton
Troy, Alex Union Grove
Castillo, Luis Greene Co.
Wheeler, Jayden Newton
Escutia, Edgar Greene Co.
Alliya, Adomu Riverside Military Academy
Lynch, Kyle Union Grove
Barahona, Ruben Riverside Military Academy
Idaewor, Michael Dutchtown High School
Cain, Jaden Newton
Lutz, Jeremy Union Grove
Chatman, Quindrell Greene Co.
Heard, Mason Union Grove
Blount, Stephen Greene Co.
Lopez, Leo Greene Co.
Brown, Christopher Riverside Military Academy
Warren, Gavin Union Grove
Cleckley, Randall Dutchtown High School
julien, reggie Newton
Maddux, Kameron Newton
Peterson, William Union Grove
Marin-Camacho, Hector Greene Co.
Wynn, Brendon Greene Co.
Radcliff, Adam Riverside Military Academy
Escutia, Cristian Greene Co.
Lancaster, Vijay Union Grove
Knoop, Vitaly Riverside Military Academy
Booth, Jessie McDonough HS
Livingston, Chris Greene Co.
Armstead III, Lawrence Dutchtown High School
Tucker, Tyler Newton
Macias, Carlos Union Grove
Brumm, John Union Grove
Dennis, Kzon Greene Co.
Knights, Kijana Newton
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High School Varsity Girls 5,000 Meter Run 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reed, Hailey Union Grove
Zepeda, Erendira Greene Co.
Levasseur, Audrey Luella High school
Sullivan, Daila-Cymone Dutchtown High School
Howard, Laila McDonough HS
Drewes, Alicia Union Grove
Baker, Alena Henry County High School
Mote, Brennah Union Grove
Higdon, Amber Greene Co.
Rice, Kalani McDonough HS
Rolen, Damya Dutchtown High School
Reed, Brianna Union Grove
Sotelo, Melani Greene Co.
Thomas, Jhada Dutchtown High School
Hall, Asia McDonough HS
Arnold, Anaya Newton
Zeugel, Gracie Union Grove
Camacho, Sherlyn Greene Co.
Bell, Ashanti McDonough HS
Sanders, Zoey Dutchtown High School
Durham, Faith Union Grove
Dailey, Isabella Union Grove
Hemingway, Jurnee Greene Co.
Robertson, Victoria Greene Co.
Ejikiame, Chiko McDonough HS
Godinez, Joana Newton
Sawyer, Kennedy Union Grove
Ramirez, Lineth Greene Co.
Faison, Samyia Dutchtown High School
Johnson, Savanna McDonough HS
Rothermeil, Julia Union Grove
Mangham, Jordan Union Grove
Lewis, Kaylee Greene Co.
Waldon, Teyonna McDonough HS
Rolen, Daje Dutchtown High School
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