Lassiter Invitational 2020

Marietta, GA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Venable, Kason Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Hishaw, Cameron Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Jackson, Tyler Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Whitfield, Andrew 11.29 Sequoyah High School
Eldred, Austin 11.29 Walton High School
Rhodes, Jaylan 11.30 Gainesville High School
Lu, Wen 11.62 Walton High School
Hallum, Tyler 11.70 Lassiter High School
Canty, Channing 11.80 Lassiter High School
Alves, Zach 11.91 Mount Bethel Christian
Dollar, Jack 11.92 Walton High School
Piskorz, Jack 11.95 Sequoyah High School
Bush, Chammarion 11.96 Gainesville High School
Pintado, Alexander 11.99 Gainesville High School
Rolle, Dion 12.11 Sequoyah High School
Miley, Jaylen 12.14 Sequoyah High School
Reed, Deondre 12.17 Gainesville High School
Oluwatomisin, Loleyi 12.21 Mount Bethel Christian
Mayer, Luke 12.23 Lassiter High School
Freeman, Jack 12.35 Walton High School
Anderson, Brandal 12.50 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Mastbrook, Dan 12.80 Mount Bethel Christian
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hecker, Ben Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Miller, Jordin Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Jones, Porter Walton High School
Coleman, Trent Lassiter High School
Johnson, Quadtrellis 16.45 Gainesville High School
Stephens, Noah 17.29 Walton High School
Waters, Ramsey 19.07 Gainesville High School
Pierre, Vinson 19.61 Gainesville High School
Cheek, Markelle 21.72 Gainesville High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miley, Jaylen Sequoyah High School
Williams, Allen Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Miley, Jordan Sequoyah High School
Anderson, Brandal Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Whitfield, Andrew 23.05 Sequoyah High School
Rhodes, Jaylan 23.26 Gainesville High School
Rajbhandari, Pranav 23.32 Walton High School
Assam, Noah 23.54 Walton High School
Piskorz, Jack 23.75 Sequoyah High School
Bush, Chammarion 23.76 Gainesville High School
George, Aaron 23.86 Walton High School
Reed, Deondre 24.25 Gainesville High School
Mack, Jayzon 24.26 Lassiter High School
Dillahunty, Jaylen 25.10 Lassiter High School
Bennett, Jeremiah 25.35 Gainesville High School
Nodar, Joseph 25.43 Walton High School
Walsh, Evan 25.48 Lassiter High School
Chavez, Fabian 25.76 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Guscott, Ayden 26.58 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Villarreal, Patrick 26.79 Mount Bethel Christian
Oluwatomisin, Loleyi 27.01 Mount Bethel Christian
Villareal, Christian 30.02 Mount Bethel Christian
Hedden, Robert 31.85 Mount Bethel Christian
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HS Boys 3,200 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burn, Matthew Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Hankins, Charlie Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Jessup, John 10:15.73 Gainesville High School
Pitts, Erik 10:18.30 Walton High School
Nunez, Johnny 10:19.98 Gainesville High School
Zimmer, Colin 10:44.66 Lassiter High School
Brodmyer, Devon 10:48.30 Lassiter High School
Brown, Kenyele 10:51.00 Walton High School
Ingram, Aiden 11:08.88 Sequoyah High School
Helms, Grant 11:09.00 Walton High School
Pokorny, Andrew 11:20.20 Lassiter High School
McCracken, Dillon 11:28.47 Lassiter High School
Boyce, Maceo 11:33.28 Walton High School
Leahy, Evan 11:46.34 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Serrano, Richard 11:51.39 Gainesville High School
Tucker, Clay 11:52.30 Sequoyah High School
Bejar, Raul 12:04.65 Gainesville High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Recinos, Julian Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Hecker, Ben Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Jones, Porter Walton High School
Lim, Samuel Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Johnson, Quadtrellis 43.21 Gainesville High School
Hallum, Tyler 43.72 Lassiter High School
Stephens, Noah 46.99 Walton High School
Joseph, Corey 47.10 Sequoyah High School
Cheek, Markelle 47.46 Gainesville High School
Waters, Ramsey 48.59 Gainesville High School
Pierre, Vinson 49.06 Gainesville High School
Bjerken, Sterling 49.39 Mount Bethel Christian
Gathuru, Telvin 52.29 Walton High School
Williams, Tyler 53.37 Walton High School
Crandall, Myles 53.63 Sequoyah High School
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sanders, Evan Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Williams, Allen Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Chavez, Fabian Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Hedden, Robert Mount Bethel Christian
Pollard, Evan Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Parsons, Riley Mount Bethel Christian
Bennett, Jeremiah 53.92 Gainesville High School
Danzig, Jack 54.12 Walton High School
Patel, Shaan 54.32 Walton High School
Willis, Xavier 54.55 Sequoyah High School
Pintado, Alexander 55.30 Gainesville High School
Cooper, Jackson 55.47 Lassiter High School
Mack, Jayzon 56.29 Lassiter High School
Harris, Ayden 56.84 Sequoyah High School
Bjerken, Sterling 57.52 Mount Bethel Christian
Traynor, Matthew 57.54 Sequoyah High School
Thompson, Andrew 57.55 Walton High School
Glawatz, Jack 57.74 Lassiter High School
Rodriguez, Armand 57.85 Gainesville High School
Branch, Michael 57.94 Walton High School
Campbell, Jordan 58.53 Sequoyah High School
Bridges, Keavin 59.00 Gainesville High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mount Bethel Christian
Relay Team A 44.50 Walton High School
Relay Team A 45.08 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 45.41 Sequoyah High School
Relay Team A 46.73 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 46.73 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 47.00 Sequoyah High School
Relay Team B 47.08 Gainesville High School
Relay Team B 48.00 Walton High School
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Sequoyah High School
Relay Team A 3:28.00 Walton High School
Relay Team A 3:39.88 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 3:42.34 Walton High School
Relay Team B 3:45.00h Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 3:53.91 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Relay Team B 3:59.88 Gainesville High School
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
James, William Mount Bethel Christian
Rodriguez, Ryan Lassiter High School
Parsons, Riley Mount Bethel Christian
Pokorny, Andrew 1:56.49 Lassiter High School
Marshall, Donangelo 1:59.38 Gainesville High School
Waddell, Harrison 2:04.30 Walton High School
Shaffer, Zac 2:05.58 Walton High School
Maldonado, Kenneth 2:07.04 Gainesville High School
Mekonen, Mikias 2:07.55 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Herrera, Matias 2:07.94 Lassiter High School
Hart, Houston 2:10.83 Walton High School
Lee, Gavin 2:12.93 Gainesville High School
Trujillo, Alex 2:17.41 Sequoyah High School
Helms, Josh 2:20.28 Sequoyah High School
Toomey, Andrew 2:21.74 Lassiter High School
Segovia, Jonathan 2:22.83 Gainesville High School
Michalak, Drew 2:22.93 Walton High School
Tucker, Collin 2:25.15 Sequoyah High School
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HS Boys Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pollock, Charlie 125-6 Walton High School
Whitehead, Dorean 124-9 Gainesville High School
Gagliano, Michael 119-11 Walton High School
Gayle, Lemuel 111-3 Gainesville High School
Loggins, Jacob 96-7 Walton High School
Tucker, Ayden 95-7 Sequoyah High School
Vinyard, Jobn 94-9 Lassiter High School
Mastbrook, Dan 87-4 Mount Bethel Christian
Maddox, Khaliq 79-3 Gainesville High School
Karg, Nathan 76-6 Lassiter High School
Ketcham, Marshell 74-5 Sequoyah High School
Kilgore, Hunter 73-3 Sequoyah High School
Lorenz, Cameron 69-6 Lassiter High School
Barrett, Zach 63-9 Sequoyah High School
Horton, Drew Mount Bethel Christian
Ferreira Reis, Felipe Walton High School
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HS Boys Distance Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team B Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 11:10.00 Gainesville High School
Relay Team A 11:10.00 Walton High School
Relay Team B 11:30.00 Gainesville High School
Relay Team B 12:30.00 Walton High School
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HS Boys High Jump 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cavazos, Juan 6-7 Gainesville High School
Whitfield, Andrew 6-0 Sequoyah High School
Adenupe, Toni 6-0 Walton High School
Mihalis, Mason 5-8 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Waters, Ramsey 5-8 Gainesville High School
Throne, Ryan 5-2 Sequoyah High School
Agborsangaya, Cletus 5-0 Gainesville High School
Wanzala, Amani 5-0 Walton High School
Harris, David 4-10 Walton High School
Villarreal, Patrick 4-8 Mount Bethel Christian
Villareal, Christian 4-4 Mount Bethel Christian
McGraw, Drew Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Miller, Jordin Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Sanders, Evan Lakeside HS, DeKalb
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HS Boys Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Campbell, Nathan 21-7 Sequoyah High School
Whitfield, Andrew 21-6.5 Sequoyah High School
Cavazos, Juan 19-6.25 Gainesville High School
Tanner, Zyhir 18-11.5 Gainesville High School
Narayan, Yash 18-8.75 Lassiter High School
Willis, Xavier 18-5.5 Sequoyah High School
Alves, Zach 18-5 Mount Bethel Christian
Miley, Jaylen 18-1 Sequoyah High School
Ali, Yusif 18-0 Gainesville High School
Soyemi, Joshua 17-5.75 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Thompson, Andrew 17-1.75 Walton High School
Stephens, Noah 17-0 Walton High School
Canty, Channing 16-5.5 Lassiter High School
Guscott, Ayden 15-5.5 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Miller, Jordin Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Lu, Wen Walton High School
Anderson, Brandal Lakeside HS, DeKalb
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HS Boys One Mile Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Labasi, Jake Sequoyah High School
McGraw, Drew Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Shamsy, Adam Lassiter High School
Tucker, Jack Sequoyah High School
Zimmer, Colin Lassiter High School
Arendt, Jason Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Trujillo, Alex Sequoyah High School
Abajobir, Abbaagommool Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Cockrell, Brennen Lassiter High School
James, William Mount Bethel Christian
Helms, Josh Sequoyah High School
Erens, Jack Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Leeuwenburg, Preston Lassiter High School
Old, Connor 4:32.47 Walton High School
Balboa, Samuel 4:44.51 Walton High School
Garcia, Jose 4:52.00h Gainesville High School
Ayala, Aiden 4:55.00h Gainesville High School
Gallagher, Danial 5:00.00h Gainesville High School
Islas, David 5:00.00h Gainesville High School
Vignone, Andrew 5:14.34 Walton High School
Bridgers, Mason 5:14.89 Walton High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ventura, Eitan 12-6 Lassiter High School
Morris, Jackson 11-9 Lassiter High School
Mallard, Ian 11-6 Gainesville High School
Kendall, Alex 11-6 Sequoyah High School
Mai, Jimmy 11-0 Gainesville High School
Albers, Matthew 11-0 Lassiter High School
McKeen, Jack 9-6 Sequoyah High School
Balboa, Joseph 8-9 Walton High School
Payne, Spencer 8-1 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Sharma, Shalin 7-6 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Globerman, Ben Walton High School
McLain, Connor Walton High School
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HS Boys Shot Put 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Scott, Makius 49-8.75 Gainesville High School
Hoffman, Asher 43-6.5 Walton High School
Whitehead, Dorean 40-0 Gainesville High School
Gayle, Lemuel 37-4.5 Gainesville High School
Vinyard, Jobn 36-1.5 Lassiter High School
Gerard, Drew 36-0.5 Walton High School
Anderson, Ryan 32-9 Walton High School
Tucker, Ayden 32-7 Sequoyah High School
Kilgore, Hunter 32-6 Sequoyah High School
Ketcham, Marshell 31-11 Sequoyah High School
Lorenz, Cameron 30-2 Lassiter High School
Eichelzer, Philip 30-2 Walton High School
Backus, Cameron 30-0 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Karg, Nathan 28-1.5 Lassiter High School
Allen, Douglas 27-10 Sequoyah High School
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HS Boys Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reed, Deondre 41-9.75 Gainesville High School
Tanner, Zyhir 40-8.25 Gainesville High School
Campbell, Nathan 38-10.25 Sequoyah High School
Williams, Tyler 36-4 Walton High School
Morris, Jackson 35-10.75 Lassiter High School
Suchan, Cole 35-5.75 Lassiter High School
Venable, Kason 33-3.5 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Guscott, Ayden 33-1.5 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Soyemi, Joshua Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Wanzala, Amani Walton High School
Bridges, Keavin Gainesville High School
Andrews, Jalani Gainesville High School
Sanders, Evan Lakeside HS, DeKalb
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Anderson, Isabella Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Beausoliel, Samara Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Montefusco, Kira 12.39 Lassiter High School
Fairfax, Ashley 12.50 Walton High School
McRae, Mya 12.88 Sequoyah High School
Cook, April 13.0 Sequoyah High School
Bacon, Callie 13.29 Sequoyah High School
Tappin, Katherine 13.32 Walton High School
Jeffers, Ariah 13.61 Gainesville High School
Evans, Aaliyah 13.67 Lassiter High School
Brown, Taylor 13.91 Gainesville High School
Ramaswamy, Karthika 13.99 Walton High School
Leake, Camille 14.08 Sequoyah High School
Godwin, Jennifer 14.16 Lassiter High School
Topps, Amyah 14.24 Gainesville High School
Capps, Lydia 14.30 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Mater-Lee, Amani 14.47 Gainesville High School
Kapoor, Kaya 14.53 Walton High School
Thomas, Nakila 14.94 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Greene, Gretchen Sequoyah High School
Harrison, Katie Lassiter High School
Mondragon, Naydelin Gainesville High School
Rose, Emma Lassiter High School
Carter, Angelique Lassiter High School
Gomez, Hannah Lassiter High School
Blue, Endigo 17.42 Walton High School
Sturdivant, Taylor 17.64 Gainesville High School
Destin, Annelyssa 19.88 Sequoyah High School
Mann, Lily 21.38 Sequoyah High School
Cheeks, Destiny 21.98 Gainesville High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gardner, Chloe Lassiter High School
Cook, April Sequoyah High School
Gilyard, Dasia 26.12 Walton High School
Simpson, Elise 26.83 Walton High School
Montefusco, Kira 27.24 Lassiter High School
Canty, Kyah 27.36 Gainesville High School
Pruitt, Morgan 27.71 Walton High School
Jeffers, Ariah 27.96 Gainesville High School
Febles, Andrea 28.00 Gainesville High School
McRae, Mya 28.23 Sequoyah High School
Onwukeme, Amarachi 28.91 Walton High School
Johnson, Gabrielle 28.97 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Leake, Camille 29.10 Sequoyah High School
Evans, Aaliyah 29.20 Lassiter High School
Williams, Macy 29.47 Sequoyah High School
Lemons, Odelia 29.92 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Williams, Triniti 31.97 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Barrett, Sarah 32.99 Gainesville High School
Thomas, Nakila 34.19 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
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HS Girls 3,200 Meter Run 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Aromin, Sammi Lassiter High School
Skelton, Ellie Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Thompson, Ashley 11:45.24 Gainesville High School
Michaud, Riley 12:03.95 Walton High School
Keeter, Arden 12:13.00 Walton High School
Waites, Stella 12:52.25 Sequoyah High School
Cushenberry, Taylor 12:57.43 Lassiter High School
Warnick, Gabriella 13:15.00 Walton High School
Calderon, Emily 13:24.49 Gainesville High School
Trask, Malia 13:29.25 Lassiter High School
Dusack, Norah 13:35.01 Walton High School
Penado, Jessica 13:46.83 Gainesville High School
Calderon, Kimberly 14:43.25 Gainesville High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Stewart, Kayla Sequoyah High School
Blue, Endigo Walton High School
Watson, Abrianna Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Mondragon, Naydelin 1:00.71 Gainesville High School
Mann, Lily 1:01.40 Sequoyah High School
Greene, Gretchen 1:03.76 Sequoyah High School
Castillo, Isabela 47.64 Sequoyah High School
Sturdivant, Taylor 48.77 Gainesville High School
Julien, Naila 50.21 Walton High School
Bickford, Libby 52.09 Lassiter High School
Berman, Brooke 55.52 Lassiter High School
Cheeks, Destiny 56.64 Gainesville High School
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Williams, Triniti Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Wise, Virginia Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Johnson, Gabrielle Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Castillo, Isabela 1:00.14 Sequoyah High School
Young, Mya 1:03.02 Walton High School
Canty, Kyah 1:05 Gainesville High School
Robertson, Jada 1:06.20 Gainesville High School
Rose, Emma 1:06.54 Lassiter High School
Johnson, Ally 1:06.66 Sequoyah High School
Bacon, Callie 1:06.79 Sequoyah High School
Williams, Liz 1:06.86 Walton High School
Crutchfield, Alison 1:07.42 Lassiter High School
Caccamo, Bella 1:07.45 Sequoyah High School
Griciute, Gabriele 1:09.02 Lassiter High School
Poljanycka, Marie 1:09.89 Walton High School
Hoyte, Grace 1:09.98 Walton High School
Mondragon, Naydelin 1:11.03 Gainesville High School
Walden, McKayla 1:14.75 Gainesville High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 49.68 Walton High School
Relay Team A 51.16 Sequoyah High School
Relay Team B 51.16 Sequoyah High School
Relay Team A 51.64 Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 53.42 Gainesville High School
Relay Team B 55.00 Walton High School
Relay Team B 55.43 Lassiter High School
Relay Team B 58.42 Gainesville High School
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:20.00 Walton High School
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 4:24.23 Sequoyah High School
Relay Team B 4:24.23 Sequoyah High School
Relay Team B 4:30.00 Walton High School
Relay Team B 4:30.00h Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 4:30.68 Gainesville High School
Relay Team B 4:40.68 Gainesville High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hobby, Maddie Lassiter High School
Cushenberry, Taylor Lassiter High School
Grogan, Gracie Mount Bethel Christian
Burwell, Sarah 2:27.22 Walton High School
Sturdivant, Taylor 2:27.71 Gainesville High School
Bazan, Isabela 2:28.06 Walton High School
Johnson, Ally 2:29.52 Sequoyah High School
Walker, Hannah 2:30.85 Walton High School
Lodde, Elise 2:34.46 Lassiter High School
Williams, Zelda 2:35.16 Walton High School
Caccamo, Bella 2:43.54 Sequoyah High School
Pineda, Allison 3:00.00h Gainesville High School
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HS Girls Discus 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Barrett, Sarah 84-6 Gainesville High School
Destin, Annelyssa 70-0 Sequoyah High School
White, Emma 69-0 Walton High School
Brown, Taylor 68-8 Gainesville High School
Minetos, Juliana 68-4 Walton High School
Karami, Joy 67-8 Sequoyah High School
Folger, Isabella 64-8 Gainesville High School
Montgomery, Kate 63-11 Mount Bethel Christian
Rhodes, Michal 62-4 Lassiter High School
Hoffman, Addi 51-6 Lassiter High School
Short, Colleen 51-2 Walton High School
Reisman, Caroline 49-0 Gainesville High School
Dondanville, Tatum 42-2 Sequoyah High School
Gant, Madison Mount Bethel Christian
Weatherly, Elise Mount Bethel Christian
Dukes, Trinity Lassiter High School
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HS Girls Distance Medley Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team B Lassiter High School
Relay Team A Lassiter High School
Relay Team A 13:00.00 Walton High School
Relay Team A 13:30 Gainesville High School
Relay Team B 14:30 Gainesville High School
Relay Team B 14:30.00 Walton High School
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HS Girls High Jump 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wilson, Jada 5-4 Lassiter High School
Castillo, Isabela 5-2 Sequoyah High School
Williams, Macy 5-0 Sequoyah High School
Robertson, Jada 4-8 Gainesville High School
Estrella, Sofia 4-5 Walton High School
Cheeks, Destiny 4-0 Gainesville High School
Sampson, Gabby Gainesville High School
Adenupe, Tomisin Walton High School
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HS Girls Long Jump 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bacon, Callie 17-0.25 Sequoyah High School
McRae, Mya 15-6.5 Sequoyah High School
Capps, Lydia 15-3 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Cohn, Franscesca 15-0.75 Lassiter High School
Williams, Liz 14-11.5 Walton High School
Anderson, Lauren 14-9.25 Sequoyah High School
Steele, Hannah 14-7.75 Sequoyah High School
Blackwood, Ingrid 14-7.25 Lassiter High School
Topps, Amyah 14-4.75 Gainesville High School
Wise, Virginia 14-2.75 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Erickson, Eliana 13-10 Lassiter High School
Mater-Lee, Amani 13-7.25 Gainesville High School
Lemons, Odelia Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Hoyte, Grace Walton High School
Harris, Kristine Walton High School
Sundaram, Janani Walton High School
Barrett, Sarah Gainesville High School
Sampson, Gabby Gainesville High School
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HS Girls One Mile Run 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haakmeester, Skyler Lassiter High School
Ehmig, Madison Sequoyah High School
Pillai, Navya Lassiter High School
Shugart, Amelia Lassiter High School
Chamberlain, Ellen 5:24.80 Walton High School
Vlassis, Avery 5:40.00h Gainesville High School
McNeice, Emily 5:41.42 Walton High School
Rogers, Susanna 5:45.00h Sequoyah High School
Haggerty, Grace 6:01.09 Walton High School
Calmer, Kennedy 6:12.58 Walton High School
Penado, Jessica 6:15.00h Gainesville High School
Pineda, Allison 6:30.00h Gainesville High School
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HS Girls Pole Vault 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Valentine, Rachel 12-1 Walton High School
Williams, Macy 10-0 Sequoyah High School
Cohn, Franscesca 9-6 Lassiter High School
Erickson, Eliana 9-6 Lassiter High School
Wright, Amber 8-9 Lassiter High School
Johnson, Ally 8-0 Sequoyah High School
Tucker, Abby 8-0 Walton High School
Li, Rachel 7-6 Walton High School
Castro, Caroline 6-6 Gainesville High School
Jerguson, Claire 6-6 Sequoyah High School
Hight, Keira 6-0 Sequoyah High School
Funderburke, Caroline Walton High School
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HS Girls Shot Put 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leake, Camille 28-0.5 Sequoyah High School
Rhodes, Michal 27-8 Lassiter High School
Brown, Taylor 26-10.5 Gainesville High School
Johnson, Gabrielle 26-8 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
White, Emma 26-3.5 Walton High School
Karami, Joy 25-9 Sequoyah High School
Sanchez, Jasmine 24-5 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Minetos, Juliana 22-4 Walton High School
Reisman, Caroline 22-0 Gainesville High School
Folger, Isabella 21-2 Gainesville High School
Short, Colleen 19-0.5 Walton High School
Dondanville, Tatum 17-11 Sequoyah High School
Hoffman, Addi 17-10.5 Lassiter High School
Weatherly, Elise Mount Bethel Christian
Montgomery, Kate Mount Bethel Christian
Gant, Madison Mount Bethel Christian
Sizemore, Gabrielle Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Dukes, Trinity Lassiter High School
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HS Girls Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jeffers, Ariah 35-7.75 Gainesville High School
Destin, Annelyssa 35-3 Sequoyah High School
Steele, Hannah 33-6.5 Sequoyah High School
Canty, Kyah 32-8.75 Gainesville High School
Evans, Aaliyah 32-0 Lassiter High School
Erickson, Eliana 31-5.5 Lassiter High School
Anderson, Lauren 31-1.75 Sequoyah High School
Capps, Lydia 30-4.25 Lakeside HS, DeKalb
Cohn, Franscesca 26-5 Lassiter High School
Sampson, Gabby Gainesville High School
Wise, Virginia Lakeside HS, DeKalb
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