GA Region 5-AAAA XC Championship 2019

Western Douglas County, Ga

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 5,000 Meter Run 135 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Noble, Jake Cartersville High School
Schmittou, Jacob Central High School
Abledanes, Tomas Cedartown
Fritchley, Nathan LaGrange
Bempah, Jabari Chapel Hill High School
Bergiel, Blaise Central High School
Jacobo, Brian Cedartown
Davis, Kaleb Sandy Creek
Archer, Bill Cartersville High School
Arredondo, Anthony Chapel Hill High School
Ramirez, Young Cedartown
Pina, Daniel Cartersville High School
Walker, Jacob Troup Co.
Beall, Bo LaGrange
McDonald, John LaGrange
Turner, Samuel Central High School
Grinage, Colin Cartersville High School
Peters, Sam Cartersville High School
Carnes, Rick Central High School
Guzman, Uriel Cedartown
Anderson, Joseph Sandy Creek
Cribb, Riley Cartersville High School
Mixon, Chase Chapel Hill High School
Slater, Brenden Central High School
Walker, Dante Cedartown
Crites, Carter LaGrange
Juarez, Hermene Cedartown
Hale, AJ Sandy Creek
Florence, Max Cartersville High School
Bland, Jamari Chapel Hill High School
Lanier, Mason Troup Co.
Penn, Miller LaGrange
Bartlett, Wesley Troup Co.
Toviave, Evans Cartersville High School
Alvarez, Ivan Cartersville High School
Yoder, Jay Central High School
Allred, Will LaGrange
Walker, Seth Cartersville High School
Conerly, Latson Central High School
Blackmon, Brodie Cedartown
Sewell, Gabe Chapel Hill High School
Davis, Dawson Central High School
Patel, Sid Cedartown
Walker, Kamen Sandy Creek
Wilson, Matthew Cartersville High School
Szezygiel, Joshua Chapel Hill High School
Baxter, Britt Cedartown
Taff, Owen Cartersville High School
Webb, Clay Troup Co.
Ceja, Manuel LaGrange
Franklin, Terry LaGrange
Williamson, Jaret Central High School
Perez Frias, Alexander Cartersville High School
Gage, Carson Cartersville High School
Crow, Reid Central High School
James, Knox Cedartown
Costen, Caleb Sandy Creek
McCann, Colin Cartersville High School
Jenkins, Trevon Chapel Hill High School
Rodriguez, Mike Central High School
Jacobo , Giovani Cedartown
Burgos, James LaGrange
McElwee, Ethan Cedartown
Bannister, Nigel Sandy Creek
Graves, Jake Cartersville High School
Johnson, Kyle Chapel Hill High School
Harris, Austin Central High School
Jean-Pierre, Michael Chapel Hill High School
Ellenburgh, Isaiah Cedartown
Patton, Andy LaGrange
Cardwell, Tyler Troup Co.
Wilson, Banks Cartersville High School
Hernandez-Santos, Omar Cartersville High School
Martinez, Jonathan Central High School
Martin, Alex LaGrange
Dennis, Donovan Cartersville High School
Weldon, Nathan Central High School
Butler, Nic Cedartown
Morris, Andrew Chapel Hill High School
Denney, Sachal Central High School
Walters, Logan Cedartown
Callaway, Matthew LaGrange
Ohaya, Chidozie Sandy Creek
Borkowsky, Wyatt Cartersville High School
Benefield, Dalton Cedartown
Carpenter, Camden Cartersville High School
Szczygiel, Tyler Chapel Hill High School
Stegall, Sidney Cartersville High School
Key, Ryan Troup Co.
Little, Charlie Cedartown
Patton, Luke LaGrange
Brown, Jaylen LaGrange
Gay, Christian Troup Co.
Williams, Garrett Central High School
Richards, Bryce Cartersville High School
Hyman, Paul Cartersville High School
Davis, Tanner Central High School
Copeland, Anthony Sandy Creek
Nelson, Cole Cartersville High School
Haskins, Malik Chapel Hill High School
Rainwater, Clint Central High School
Sun, Daniel Cedartown
Fritchley, Aaron LaGrange
Huff, Logan Central High School
Turpin, Noah Cedartown
Smith, Juan Sandy Creek
Ross, Clay Cartersville High School
Badgero, Evan Chapel Hill High School
Langley Jr, Shawn Chapel Hill High School
Statham, Will Cedartown
Rose, Clayton Central High School
Ceja, Christian LaGrange
Bearden, Jacob Troup Co.
Corcoran, Jack Cartersville High School
Milian, Ulysses Cartersville High School
Larry, Cameron LaGrange
Booth, Levi Cartersville High School
Altman, Walker Central High School
Ornelas, Miguel Cedartown
Galm, Levi Chapel Hill High School
Munro, Duncan Central High School
Segura, Leo Cedartown
Bowie, Alex LaGrange
Thompson, DeMarco Sandy Creek
Brennan, Jackson Cartersville High School
Benefield, Bailey Cedartown
Dabbs, Austen Cartersville High School
Jones, Leyton Chapel Hill High School
Jordan, Brandon Troup Co.
McClain, Drew Cedartown
Santiago, Julian LaGrange
Taylor, Zachary Troup Co.
Rios, Alex Cartersville High School
Adams, Jackson Cartersville High School
Elderdice, Trey Central High School
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High School Girls 5,000 Meter Run 81 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Leverett, Catherine Troup Co.
Munoz, Metztli Cartersville High School
Fritchley, Tatum LaGrange
Rhaney, Zamya LaGrange
Davis, Chelsea Sandy Creek
Worthan, Rileigh Cartersville High School
Smith, Morgan Central High School
Bailey, Karisa Cartersville High School
Sims, Madilyn Chapel Hill High School
Carnes, Anna Central High School
Owens, Bella Cedartown
Beesley, Emily Troup Co.
Raj, Riya Cartersville High School
Jean-Pierre, Kayla Chapel Hill High School
Nix, Sophie LaGrange
Anderson, Natalie Central High School
Hackett, Amira Sandy Creek
Bishop, Kate Cartersville High School
Howard, Kori Chapel Hill High School
Bolden, Grace Central High School
Escutia, Lusero Cedartown
Sewell, Sade Chapel Hill High School
Anderson, Heidi Central High School
Jester, Jacquera Cedartown
Atkins, Trinity Cartersville High School
Barintine, Anna Troup Co.
Terry, Alice Cartersville High School
Skipworth, Lily LaGrange
Morman, Chloe LaGrange
Lomba, Noa Sandy Creek
Walker, Morgan Cartersville High School
Smith, Zoe Central High School
Herrera, Samantha Cartersville High School
Young, Jamya Chapel Hill High School
Kilgore, Cadie Central High School
Escutia, Noelia Cedartown
Wallace, Whitney Troup Co.
Betancourt, Jaxiry Cartersville High School
Adair, Wallis Chapel Hill High School
Martinez, Delfina LaGrange
Doerr, Anna LaGrange
Williams, Mikielle Sandy Creek
Gilstrap, Madison Cartersville High School
Ayers, Anna Central High School
Harris, Torrica Chapel Hill High School
Cook, Abby Central High School
Reid, Chloe Cedartown
Spinks, McKinsey Cartersville High School
McCartney , Amanda Troup Co.
Kelly, Trista Cartersville High School
Smith, Ivorie LaGrange
Bousquet, Ceres Sandy Creek
Stewart, Jordan Central High School
Duong, Linda Cartersville High School
Wagner, Isobel Chapel Hill High School
Denney, Sinclaire Central High School
Parks, Gracie Cedartown
Perez Frias, Jennifer Cartersville High School
Hammond, Ashley Chapel Hill High School
Martinez, Gabi LaGrange
Rhaney, Zanay LaGrange
Hsu, Cassady Sandy Creek
Pruitt, Gracie Cartersville High School
Smith, Isabella Central High School
Butts, Francie Chapel Hill High School
Heath, Lauren Central High School
Butler, McKenzie Cedartown
Hold, Madison Cartersville High School
Foster, Allie Troup Co.
Ngugi, Monica Cartersville High School
Farris, Lauren LaGrange
Symone Grant, Isis Sandy Creek
Williams, Maci Central High School
Sorme, Helen Sandy Creek
Balderas, Melanie Cartersville High School
Owens, Jordan JoJo Chapel Hill High School
Bryan, Payton Central High School
Bates, Lezlie Cedartown
Jones, Lauren Chapel Hill High School
Hicks, Alli Cedartown
Santos, Destiny Cartersville High School
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