3rd Annual Furlow Fast Feet Invitational 2018

3rd Annual Furlow Fast Feet Invitational 2018 vs 5th Annual Furlow Fast Feet Invitational 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +100 284 184
Overall Average -36.55 26:07.75 26:44.30
1st-10th Place -30.26 18:29.62 18:59.88
1st-25th Place -53.28 19:00.06 19:53.35
1st-50th Place -1:11.62 19:38.72 20:50.33
1st-100th Place -1:53.72 20:44.57 22:38.29
Common Athletes -- -- 12
Ran Faster 4 8 4
Ran Season Best 2 2 --
Average Time -46.45 25:41.91 26:28.36
Median Time -1:12.53 24:41.39 25:53.92
Middle 80% Times -47.59 27:07.01 27:54.60
Top 10% Times -40.74 18:36.40 19:17.14
Top 25% Times -41.26 19:18.06 19:59.32
Top 50% Times -23.75 21:02.64 21:26.39
Bottom 50% Times -1:09.15 30:21.18 31:30.33
Bottom 25% Times -2:23.05 33:31.98 35:55.03
Bottom 10% Times -2:44.80 35:33.50 38:18.30
Average Difference -46.45 -- --
Median Difference -1:12.53 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -35.74 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:39.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.75 -- --
Top 25% Difference -24.45 -- --
Top 50% Difference -23.75 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:09.15 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1:20.80 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -7:15.34 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Aaron Pinckard Schley County High -41.20 18:27.89 19:09.09
Dustin Howard Schley County High -2:38.77 18:44.91 21:23.68
Zyterrious Hudson Crisp Co. +2:06.61 21:31.79 19:25.18
John Lightner Schley County High -2:25.55 20:41.37 23:06.92
Maya Wynn Furlow Charter School +21.22 22:59.38 22:38.16
Caden Godwin Westwood Schools +55.18 23:50.48 22:55.30
David Lane Furlow Charter School -1:12.53 24:41.39 25:53.92
Caleb Smith Schley County High +10:28.28 36:48.51 26:20.23
Kaia MacLennan Schley County High -11:14.25 27:47.43 39:01.68
Savanna Hadley Westwood Schools -0.39 29:02.32 29:02.71
Lilly Bacon Schley County High -1:39.56 29:28.93 31:08.49
Talana Holloway Furlow Charter School -3:16.43 34:18.49 37:34.92