Meet Information
Perimeter Christian School
9500 Medlock Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30024
Meet info:
Meet open to middle school girls and boys teams. Challenging 2-mile course with great spectator viewing for start and finish and three challenging hills on the back side of the course.
3:00 - course is open (no official walk through)
3:45 - Coaches meeting
4:00 - Girls Race
4:30 - Boys race (Approx. based on girls finishing...)
Race Entry Fee: $30 per school. Must be received prior to the race.
Send payments to:
Scott W. Mosher
Perimeter Christian School
9500 Medlock Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30097
For questions contact:
Coaches Letter:
Perimeter Invitational Meet
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Coach Instructions
Welcome to Perimeter Christian School for the Perimeter Invitational. We look forward to hosting you for another fun day of racing!
***** Parking *****
Please note that the main entrance of Perimeter Church is under construction this entire school year. Your team may enter the Perimeter School campus via the 141/Medlock Bridge Parkway entrance or the Old Alabama Road entrance.
If you arrive BEFORE 3:30 pm: The schools carpool will take place until 3:30 pm daily. Please park in the back of the main parking lots near the fields, avoiding carpool traffic. Please see map below.
If you arrive AFTER 3:30 pm: You may park in any of the lots.
Note: There is a barricade in the Perimeter parking lot on weekdays prohibiting through traffic between 141 to Old Alabama. Please be aware of this as you proceed to your event.
Coaches meeting 3:45
Girls ~4:00
Boys ~4:30
You will find a map of the course below. We will run the girls first (~ 4:00) and boys shortly after. There will NOT be an official walk through; however, you are welcome to arrive early and walk the course. It will be clearly marked with tape, cones and spray paint, and spotters will be out on the course for first aid as well as helping with directions.
All teams and athletes need to be registered n the event page located at:
Registration Deadline for teams/runners is September 20th, 2016 at 9:59PM!
Also, please submit or bring your payment to me at the meet. The fee for each school is $30.
All runners will receive a bib number/shoe chip that needs to be worn during the race.
Chip and bib numbers must match and correspond to the name on the roster.
All unused chips and bibs Should be returned to the Check-In Tent prior to the race.
Volunteers will collect shoe chips as they come across the finish line.
Your school will receive a bill from Perfect Timing for any chips not returned at the end of the meet. Each chip costs $20.
Individual and Team scores will be announced at the end of the race and will be available online by the following day.
We will have team and individual awards at the end of the meet.
Things to know:
The course is a technical and challenging 2 miles with three hills packed closely together.
o Dollys Descent (near Spotter 1) leads to the lowest point on the course. It has numerous exposed roots and rocks requiring attention from the runners.
o There will be a combination of Off-road/woods and asphalt sections of the course.
o It will start and finish in the baseball fields located just off the Old Alabama entrance. This provides great spectating.
Perimeter Christian School
9500 Medlock Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30024
Meet info:
Meet open to middle school girls and boys teams. Challenging 2-mile course with great spectator viewing for start and finish and three challenging hills on the back side of the course.
3:00 - course is open (no official walk through)
3:45 - Coaches meeting
4:00 - Girls Race
4:30 - Boys race (Approx. based on girls finishing...)
Race Entry Fee: $30 per school. Must be received prior to the race.
Send payments to:
Scott W. Mosher
Perimeter Christian School
9500 Medlock Bridge Road
Johns Creek, GA 30097
For questions contact:
Coaches Letter:
Perimeter Invitational Meet
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Coach Instructions
Welcome to Perimeter Christian School for the Perimeter Invitational. We look forward to hosting you for another fun day of racing!
***** Parking *****
Please note that the main entrance of Perimeter Church is under construction this entire school year. Your team may enter the Perimeter School campus via the 141/Medlock Bridge Parkway entrance or the Old Alabama Road entrance.
If you arrive BEFORE 3:30 pm: The schools carpool will take place until 3:30 pm daily. Please park in the back of the main parking lots near the fields, avoiding carpool traffic. Please see map below.
If you arrive AFTER 3:30 pm: You may park in any of the lots.
Note: There is a barricade in the Perimeter parking lot on weekdays prohibiting through traffic between 141 to Old Alabama. Please be aware of this as you proceed to your event.
Coaches meeting 3:45
Girls ~4:00
Boys ~4:30
You will find a map of the course below. We will run the girls first (~ 4:00) and boys shortly after. There will NOT be an official walk through; however, you are welcome to arrive early and walk the course. It will be clearly marked with tape, cones and spray paint, and spotters will be out on the course for first aid as well as helping with directions.
All teams and athletes need to be registered n the event page located at:
Registration Deadline for teams/runners is September 20th, 2016 at 9:59PM!
Also, please submit or bring your payment to me at the meet. The fee for each school is $30.
All runners will receive a bib number/shoe chip that needs to be worn during the race.
Chip and bib numbers must match and correspond to the name on the roster.
All unused chips and bibs Should be returned to the Check-In Tent prior to the race.
Volunteers will collect shoe chips as they come across the finish line.
Your school will receive a bill from Perfect Timing for any chips not returned at the end of the meet. Each chip costs $20.
Individual and Team scores will be announced at the end of the race and will be available online by the following day.
We will have team and individual awards at the end of the meet.
Things to know:
The course is a technical and challenging 2 miles with three hills packed closely together.
o Dollys Descent (near Spotter 1) leads to the lowest point on the course. It has numerous exposed roots and rocks requiring attention from the runners.
o There will be a combination of Off-road/woods and asphalt sections of the course.
o It will start and finish in the baseball fields located just off the Old Alabama entrance. This provides great spectating.