Lion Friday Night Lights (Trinity Christian Sharpsburg) 2015

Peachtree City, GA

Meet Information

Event: Lion Friday Night Lights

Date: Friday, March 6, 2015

Track & Gates Open: 3:45 p.m. (please do not enter the gate until this time)

Location: Riley Track and Field

Address: 176 Wisdom Road

City: Peachtree City 30269

Entries Due: Thursday by 7:59 a.m

The Trinity Lions T&F program will be hosting the 3rd Annual Friday Night Lights. This event will take place on Friday, March 6th at Riley Field which is located in Peachtree City. This event will be a Middle School and Varsity combination event. In addition, ALL varsity programs that are members of private school independent (GISA, GICAA, etc..) associations have the ability to participate in this event.

Lion Friday Night Lights Important Details:

Entry Fee: No entry fee included for this event.

Gate Fee: All spectators will be charged at the gate before entering the facility

* Student Tickets: $3.00

* Adult Tickets: $5.00

Medals/Trophies: No medals or trophies at this event.

Entries: All meet entries will be completed online.

Registration Closes: Thursday, March 5th by 7:59 a.m.

USATF Starter: USATF will be providing a certified starter for this event.

Fully Automatic Timing: We will have FAT timing with a digital board showing results after each running and relay event. We will have several volunteers at the start/finish line to serve as back up timers.

Substitutions: Coaches can make substitutions during the event, but the student athlete entered in the event initially will be indicated on the results page.

Coaches From Other Schools: We ask Head and Assistant Coaches from each school participating in this event to volunteer as officials for all field events and assist in the exchange zones during all relays. We will also ask for volunteers to serve at the start/finish line as back up timers, including during distance events. Lastly, we will need ALL coaches and athletes to assist in moving hurdles on and off the track effectively. Your staff will receive an email initially giving you an opportunity to select two field events you prefer to work. Please understand field event officials will be selected based on responses and what is most fitting. Our T&F program will provide several volunteers or coaches from our staff will also serve in these areas.

Limits to Team Entries: 4 individual entries per event per team (all field events & sprints); 3 relays per event per team. Unlimited entries per team for the 800 meter, 1600 meter, and 3200 meter runs.

Uniforms/Jewelry: Understanding we will more than likely deal with colder temperatures, we simply ask for your team to wear matching uniforms or athletic attire that represents your school and includes your school colors. Student athletes are reminded they cannot compete while wearing jewelry, but watches are are allowed to be worn during events.

Facilities/Check-in Table: The Trinity Lions T&F program will be providing concessions at this event. Also, bathrooms are located on the first floor of the press box, outside of the fence area. Teams will be allowed to set up tents outside of the fence, next to the stadium bleachers on both sides, but not in the infield. We ask for all coaches to please keep your athletes off the infield and away from the timing system and finish line area during all running events. Of course, once your student athlete hears their event call, they will be asked to report to the check-in tent located in the infield area. All student athletes in competing in field events will check in where their event is located. Warm-ups are allowed in the infield once a student athlete is properly checked in for their event. Athletes are also able to use hurdles for warm-ups, but are reminded to place this equipment back where it was found. When the 4x400 meter relay (1600 meter relay) begins, all student athletes may report to the infield to cheer on their team, once they do not interfere with the timing system and or the event.

Public Announcer: We will provide a PA for this event. The PA will make important announcements before, during, and at the end of the meet, including event calls (1st, 2nd, and 3rd call).

Heats/Trials: This will be an all finals event as we will not host prelims. The field events will include 3 attempts only. Based on the amount of athletes participating officials may only measure the first throw and horizontal jump attempted for each participant. After this takes place officials would measure the top 8 distances/marks. We will start the High Jump at the lowest height depending on the minimum entry for the student athlete competing for both Middle School and Varsity. Middle School (girls and boys) will jump together followed by Varsity (girls and boys).

Scoring: The top eight places will be scored at this event: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1.

Results: We plan to announce the top 8 results as soon as they are completed. We also plan to post results on the lower part of the press-box.

MS Regulations: If you have a student athlete participating in the hurdle event(s), please indicate these details ahead of time. If a MS student athlete participates in the hurdles, there is a strong chance they will run in a Varsity heat.

* 100 meter Hurdles (30 girls, 33 boys)

* 300 meter Hurdles (30 girls, 33 boys).

* Discus (1k girls and boys)

* Shot Put (6lbs. girls, 4K boys).

Schedule of Events (Rolling Schedule):

4:10 p.m.

* Coaches and Volunteer Meeting located in the press-box.

4:20 p.m.

* TEAM Prayer & Verse at the 50 meter start line.

4:30 p.m.

* 1st Session Calls.

Field Events:

Discus Varsity Girls in 1st session; followed by Varsity Boys in 2nd session; followed by MS Boys and Girls in the 3rd session.

Shot Varsity Boys in 1st session; followed by Varsity Girls in 2nd session; followed by MS Girls and Boys in the 3rd session.

Long Jump (two pits) - MS Girls and Boys in 1st session; followed by Varsity Girls and Boys in 2nd session;

Triple Jump (two pits) - Varsity Girls and Boys Triple Jump in 3rd session.

High Jump MS Girls & Boys together in 1st session; followed by Varsity Girls & Boys together in the 2nd session. The event will start at the lowest height and move up based on the top performance.

Running and Relay Order:

1) MS Girls

2) MS Boys

3) Varsity Girls

4) Varsity Boys

Running Events taking place during the Field Event Sessions:

1) 100/110 meter Hurdles

* During 1st Session

2) 3200 Meter Run (Varsity only)

* During the 1st Session and 2nd Session

3) 50 meter dash (MS Event Only)

* 3rd Session

Running Events & Relays after Session 3 is completed:

* 6:15 p.m. or when all field Events are complete *

4) 4x100 meter relay (400 meter relay)

5) 1600 meter run

6) 400 meter dash

7) 100 meter dash

8) 800 meter

9) 200 meter dash

10) 300 meter Hurdles

11) 4x400 meter relay (1600 meter relay)

Thank you.


JP Weaver

Head Coach Track & Field - USATF Level 1 Coach & Official

Matthew 7:7