The Fridge Invitational 2013

Suwanee, GA

Revised Results 3-4

Licensed to Smart Event Management LLC - Contractor License
                                        HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/4/2013 10:30 AM
                       Fridge Invitational
 - 3/2/2013                        
                              Peachtree Ridge HS                               
Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Randolph, Kabree             Gainesville              14.17   10    14.163
  2 Willis, Geornay              Peachtree Ri             14.17    8    14.168
  3 Smith, Emara                 Paulding Co.             14.66    6   
  4 Williams, Michaela           Peachtree Ri             14.92    5   
  5 Harris, Ontreal              Gainesville              14.97    4   
  6 Cureton, Joi                 Peachtree Ri             15.27    3   
  7 Dean, Kadeejah               Gainesville              15.43    2   
  8 Montagu, Miracle             Paulding Co.             15.82    1   
Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Henderson, Meagan            Peachtree Ri             27.08   10   
  2 Willis, Geornay              Peachtree Ri             27.99    8   
  3 Randolph, Kabree             Gainesville              29.06    6   
  4 Smith, Emara                 Paulding Co.             30.41    5   
  5 Hutto, Alessia               Paulding Co.             30.61    4   
  6 Culler, Asia                 Peachtree Ri             32.18    3   
  7 Sims, Happi                  Gainesville              32.72    2   
  8 Perez, Malissa               Gainesville              33.39    1   
Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Henderson, Meagan            Peachtree Ri           1:02.05   10   
  2 Hayes, Sara                  Gainesville            1:04.54    8   
  3 Johnson, Daja                Peachtree Ri           1:06.72    6   
  4 Sims, Happi                  Gainesville            1:07.30    5   
  5 Callum, Shanequa             Peachtree Ri           1:10.06    4   
  6 Smith, Megan                 Paulding Co.           1:13.24    3   
  7 Jordan, Daylan               Gainesville            1:14.49    2   
Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Tucker, Paige                Peachtree Ri           2:28.39   10   
  2 Shy, Lexi                    Peachtree Ri           2:33.46    8   
  3 Hayes, Sara                  Gainesville            2:37.21    6   
  4 Colker, Jennifer             Peachtree Ri           2:44.66    5   
  5 Cook, Christine              Peachtree Ri           2:48.98    4   
  6 Dunlap, Taylor               Paulding Co.           2:56.60    3   
  7 Kinard, Tiffany              Peachtree Ri           3:01.38    2   
  8 Lopez, Naisha                Gainesville            3:01.39    1   
  9 Davis, Franceasca            Paulding Co.           3:11.03  
 10 Islas, Indira                Gainesville            3:11.30  
 11 Kinsey, Liala                Paulding Co.           3:15.32  
Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hoskins, Isabella            Peachtree Ri           5:43.48   10   
  2 Watkins, Kate                Peachtree Ri           5:52.18    8   
  3 Grubb, Allie                 Peachtree Ri           5:56.53    6   
  4 Crutchley, Taylor            Peachtree Ri           6:20.76    5   
  5 Todd, Nadia                  Gainesville            6:56.50    4   
  6 Rodman, Carlie               Paulding Co.           7:00.82    3   
  7 Young, Hunter                Paulding Co.           7:16.03    2   
  8 Espinoza, Lorena             Gainesville            7:18.07    1   
  9 Gates, Kayley                Paulding Co.           7:21.48  
 10 Islas, Indira                Gainesville            7:26.13  
Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Wilson, Laurel               Peachtree Ri          12:08.62   10   
  2 Williams, Caroline           Peachtree Ri          12:13.84    8   
  3 Spears, Haley                Peachtree Ri          12:45.02    6   
  4 Cryan, Bethany               Peachtree Ri          13:09.69    5   
  5 Todd, Nadia                  Gainesville           16:03.27    4   
  6 Young, Hunter                Paulding Co.          16:11.25    3   
  7 Malave, Isiaris              Paulding Co.          19:38.75    2   
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Purifoye, Kendra             Peachtree Ri             15.34   10   
  2 Wimpie, Kacie                Gainesville              18.55    8   
  3 Lay, Alexis                  Gainesville              18.69    6   
  4 Buffington, Mia              Gainesville              19.06    5   
  5 Tharpe-Harris, Naja          Peachtree Ri             20.51    4   
  6 Johnson, Alexus              Paulding Co.             20.89    3   
  7 Young, Tori                  Paulding Co.             21.19    2   
  8 Bowling, Geer                Paulding Co.             22.61    1   
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Purifoye, Kendra             Peachtree Ri             49.25   10   
  2 Buffington, Mia              Gainesville              54.67    8   
  3 Lay, Alexis                  Gainesville              57.26    6   
  4 Wimpie, Kacie                Gainesville              58.59    5   
  5 Stone, Loryn                 Paulding Co.           1:00.74    4   
  6 Bowling, Geer                Paulding Co.           1:06.01    3   
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Peachtree Ridge High School  'A'                      51.49   10   
  2 Gainesville High School  'A'                          52.95    8   
  3 Peachtree Ridge High School  'B'                      54.93    6   
  4 Paulding Co.  'A'                                     56.41    5   
  5 Gainesville High School  'B'                          57.04    4   
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Peachtree Ridge High School  'A'                    4:26.62   10   
  2 Peachtree Ridge High School  'C'                    4:35.04    8   
  3 Peachtree Ridge High School  'B'                    4:38.35    6   
  4 Gainesville High School  'A'                        5:14.21    5   
  5 Gainesville High School  'B'                        5:28.71    4   
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Peachtree Ridge High School  'A'                   11:20.64   10   
  2 Peachtree Ridge High School  'B'                   11:57.75    8   
  3 Paulding Co.  'A'                                  12:21.11    6   
  4 Gainesville High School  'A'                       12:53.71    5   
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Purifoye, Kendra             Peachtree Ri           5-00.00   10   
  2 Hayes, Sara                  Gainesville           J5-00.00    8   
  3 Lyles, Denisha               Gainesville            4-10.00    6   
  4 Hopson, Courtney             Peachtree Ri          J4-10.00    5   
Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kinard, Tiffany              Peachtree Ri           8-06.00   10   
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Cureton, Joi                 Peachtree Ri          15-00.50   10   
  2 Lyles, Denisha               Gainesville           14-08.00    8   
  3 Randolph, Kabree             Gainesville           14-04.50    6   
  4 Dunlap, Taylor               Paulding Co.          13-01.50    5   
  5 Harris, Ontreal              Gainesville           12-06.50    4   
  6 Ferrell, Nekel               Paulding Co.          12-03.00    3   
Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lyles, Denisha               Gainesville           31-02.50   10   
  2 Kelley, Kayla                Gainesville           29-04.50    8   
  3 Harris, Ontreal              Gainesville           28-10.50    6   
  4 Blanton, Makayla             Paulding Co.          25-10.50    5   
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Jackson, Sophia              Gainesville           26-09.00   10   
  2 Lee, Jennifer                Peachtree Ri          24-06.50    8   
  3 Spencer, Kayla               Peachtree Ri          22-11.00    6   
  4 Cook, Christine              Peachtree Ri          20-07.50    5   
  5 Bergbauer, Holly             Paulding Co.          19-06.00    4   
  6 Hood, Maggie                 Gainesville           19-05.50    3   
Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lee, Jennifer                Peachtree Ri             82-01   10   
  2 Williams, Kayla              Peachtree Ri          57-04.50    8   
  3 Spencer, Kayla               Peachtree Ri             55-11    6   
  4 Hood, Maggie                 Gainesville              52-08    5   
  5 Jackson, Sophia              Gainesville              41-05    4   
Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Horn, Joe                    Peachtree Ri             10.76   1  10   
  2 Marsh, josh                  Peachtree Ri             11.18   1   8   
  3 Jones, Jahbril               Lanier HS                11.35   1   6   
  4 Beckham, Terry               una                      11.50   1   5   
  5 Beck, Jarek                  Paulding Co.             11.52   1   4   
  6 Mondon, Yann                 Paulding Co.             11.67   1   3   
  7 Byrd, Chris                  Paulding Co.             11.77   1   2   
  8 Barnes, Ashton               Lanier HS                11.84   2   1   
  9 Jones, Jordan                Lanier HS                11.87   2 
 10 Borders, Donte               Peachtree Ri             11.91   2 
 11 Ragland, Orrin               Gainesville              11.95   1 
 12 Turner, Todderick            Gainesville              12.07   2 
 13 Leveritt, Lahius             Gainesville              12.62   2 
Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Horn, Joe                    Peachtree Ri             22.40   2  10   
  2 Marsh, josh                  Peachtree Ri             23.39   2   8   
  3 Beckham, Terry               una                      23.66   1   6   
  4 Ragland, Orrin               Gainesville              23.86   1   5   
  5 Mondon, Yann                 Paulding Co.             23.87   1   4   
  6 Brooks, Tohmas               Peachtree Ri             24.06   2   3   
  7 Hicks, Robert                Lanier HS                24.21   1   2   
  8 Byrd, Chris                  Paulding Co.             24.26   1   1   
  9 Turner, Todderick            Gainesville              24.57   2 
 10 Jones, Jordan                Lanier HS                24.71   1 
 11 Miller, Devon                Lanier HS                24.79   1 
 12 Drake, Cameron               Gainesville              24.80   1 
 13 Ingram, Isaac                Paulding Co.             24.95   2 
Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Woodard, Marcquel            Gainesville              50.86   1  10   
  2 Hicks, Robert                Lanier HS                53.64   1   8   
  3 Longoria, Alex               Gainesville              53.73   1   6   
  4 Cook, Canyon                 Lanier HS                53.85   1   5   
  5 Williams, Theo               Peachtree Ri             55.36   2   4   
  6 Salazar, Esteban             Gainesville              55.51   1   3   
  7 Jones, Devyn                 Peachtree Ri             56.21   2   2   
  8 Martin, Josh                 Peachtree Ri             56.66   2   1   
  9 Miller, Devon                Lanier HS                57.46   2 
 10 Lauture, Marcelin            Paulding Co.             57.95   1 
 11 N'Joroge, Gerald             Paulding Co.             58.68   2 
 12 Davis, Josiah                Paulding Co.           1:01.28   1 
 13 Mckinley, Jamari             Paulding Co.           1:03.98   2 
Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Woodard, Marcquel            Gainesville            2:09.28   10   
  2 Bright, Andrew               Peachtree Ri           2:10.58    8   
  3 Martinez, Ervin              Lanier HS              2:14.95    6   
  4 Longoria, Alex               Gainesville            2:15.78    5   
  5 Salazar, Esteban             Gainesville            2:16.01    4   
  6 Higgs, Derrick               Peachtree Ri           2:16.54    3   
  7 Adel, Arnold                 Peachtree Ri           2:17.91    2   
  8 Roy, Cameron                 Peachtree Ri           2:18.22    1   
  9 Lauture, Marcelin            Paulding Co.           2:18.25  
 10 Dempsey, Anthony             Paulding Co.           2:33.10  
 11 Moody, Logan                 Paulding Co.           2:35.41  
 12 Gazaway, Michael             Paulding Co.           2:35.79  
Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Bright, Andrew               Peachtree Ri           4:49.90   10   
  2 Penman, Isaac                Peachtree Ri           4:53.40    8   
  3 Adams, Nathan                Peachtree Ri           4:53.45    6   
  4 Martinez, Ervin              Lanier HS              4:57.39    5   
  5 Bingham, Clark               Paulding Co.           5:03.16    4   
  6 Callaway, Sully              Peachtree Ri           5:03.83    3   
  7 Harben, Daniel               Gainesville            5:05.92    2   
  8 Peacock, Tanner              Gainesville            5:18.59    1   
  9 Prince, Ryan                 Lanier HS              5:22.71  
 10 Rusch, Collin                Lanier HS              5:24.86  
 11 Moody, Logan                 Paulding Co.           5:25.29  
 12 Gazaway, Michael             Paulding Co.           5:32.63  
 13 Dempsey, Anthony             Paulding Co.           5:32.71  
 14 Jenkins, Justin              Lanier HS              5:36.81  
Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Roy, Cameron                 Peachtree Ri          10:45.09   10   
  2 Armstrong, Michael           Peachtree Ri          10:47.82    8   
  3 Rangel, Diego                Gainesville           11:04.28    6   
  4 Longobardi, Brian            Peachtree Ri          11:09.06    5   
  5 Ortega, Juan                 Gainesville           11:09.37    4   
  6 Callaway, Sully              Peachtree Ri          11:17.53    3   
  7 Tromp, Christopher           Lanier HS             11:44.83    2   
  8 Fisher, Nick                 Paulding Co.          11:52.82    1   
  9 Rusch, Collin                Lanier HS             11:53.77  
 10 Stubblefield, joshua         Paulding Co.          11:53.82  
 11 Brewer, Beau                 Paulding Co.          11:56.32  
 12 Toler, Zack                  Paulding Co.          11:56.36  
 13 Velasquez, Christian         Gainesville           12:16.20  
Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Pizarro, Justin              Peachtree Ri             15.35   1  10   
  2 Kelly, Dontaa                Paulding Co.             15.96   1   8   
  3 Jones, Devyn                 Peachtree Ri             16.13   1   6   
  4 Jennings, Lee                Gainesville              17.90   1   5   
  5 Grey, Ahmad                  Paulding Co.             18.61   1   4   
  6 Borders, DeAndre             Gainesville              19.70   1   3   
  7 Leazer, Tim                  Lanier HS                20.44   2   2   
  8 Walton, Jewell               Gainesville              21.80   2   1   
Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Pizarro, Justin              Peachtree Ri             42.10   1  10   
  2 Kelly, Dontaa                Paulding Co.             43.52   1   8   
  3 Jones, Devon                 Peachtree Ri             43.63   1   6   
  4 Berrios, Pablo               Lanier HS                44.14   1   5   
  5 Viengxay, Ricky              Lanier HS                44.57   1   4   
  6 Leazer, Tim                  Lanier HS                46.19   1   3   
  7 Jennings, Lee                Gainesville              48.66   1   2   
  8 Borders, DeAndre             Gainesville              48.93   2   1   
  9 Ledford, Dondre              Paulding Co.             49.51   2 
 10 Walton, Jewell               Gainesville              50.47   2 
 11 Jones, Devyn                 Peachtree Ri             57.07   1 
Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Peachtree Ridge High School  'A'                      44.72   10   
  2 Paulding Co.  'A'                                     45.30    8   
  3 Peachtree Ridge High School  'B'                      45.34    6   
  4 Lanier HS  'A'                                        45.49    5   
  5 Paulding Co.  'B'                                     46.53    4   
  6 Gainesville High School  'A'                          47.95    3   
  7 Gainesville High School  'B'                          49.16    2   
  8 Lanier HS  'B'                                        50.97    1   
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Gainesville High School  'A'                        3:42.81   10   
  2 Peachtree Ridge High School  'A'                    3:45.30    8   
  3 Peachtree Ridge High School  'B'                    3:51.00    6   
  4 Paulding Co.  'A'                                   4:07.39    5   
  5 Gainesville High School  'B'                        4:19.50    4   
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Gainesville High School  'A'                        8:54.35   10   
  2 Lanier HS  'A'                                      9:07.35    8   
  3 Paulding Co.  'A'                                   9:23.86    6   
  4 Peachtree Ridge High School  'A'                    9:32.48    5   
  5 Peachtree Ridge High School  'B'                    9:44.06    4   
  6 Gainesville High School  'B'                       11:01.09    3   
Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Turner, Terry                Paulding Co.           6-00.00   10   
  2 Broome, Derek                Peachtree Ri           5-08.00    8   
  3 Broadaux, Yannick            Paulding Co.          J5-08.00    6   
  4 Ingram, Isaac                Paulding Co.           5-02.00    3.50
  4 Jones, Devyn                 Peachtree Ri           5-02.00    3.50
  4 Leveritt, Lahius             Gainesville            5-02.00    3.50
  4 Williams, Grey Lee           Lanier HS              5-02.00    3.50
  8 Jennings, Lee                Gainesville           J5-02.00    0.50
  8 Gaudlock, Jashaun            Gainesville           J5-02.00    0.50
 10 Clark, Casey                 Lanier HS              5-00.00  
Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lazano, Joseph               Gainesville            9-06.00   10   
  2 Morris, Jonathan             Peachtree Ri          J9-06.00    8   
  3 Peacock, Tanner              Gainesville            7-00.00    6   
  4 Borders, DeAndre             Gainesville           J7-00.00    5   
Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Marsh, josh                  Peachtree Ri          20-04.00   10   
  2 Byrd, Chris                  Paulding Co.          19-00.00    8   
  3 McDonald, Antonio            Paulding Co.          18-08.00    6   
  4 Borders, Donte               Peachtree Ri          18-03.00    5   
  5 Owolabi, Emmanuel            Lanier HS             17-10.50    4   
  6 Mondon, Yann                 Paulding Co.          17-07.50    3   
  7 Drake, Cameron               Gainesville           17-02.00    2   
  8 Brooks, Tohmas               Peachtree Ri          17-00.00    1   
Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Valentine, Devon             Lanier HS             43-10.00   10   
  2 Hughes, Iajah                Peachtree Ri          43-00.00    8   
  3 Mckinley, Jamari             Paulding Co.          40-09.00    6   
  4 Drake, Cameron               Gainesville           38-01.50    5   
  5 Ragland, Orrin               Gainesville           37-08.00    4   
  6 Clausell, Tory               Paulding Co.          37-03.50    3   
  7 Jenkins, Justin              Lanier HS             35-01.50    2   
Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 West, Chauncey               Lanier HS             39-08.25   10   
  2 Van Allen, Dewey             Lanier HS             39-04.50    8   
  3 Grayson, Damian              Gainesville           38-06.25    6   
  4 Mukassa, Joseph              Peachtree Ri          38-05.50    5   
  5 Daniels, Darius              Lanier HS             38-03.50    4   
  6 Brown, Orlando               Peachtree Ri          36-04.50    3   
  7 Baldwin, Dale                Paulding Co.          36-00.00    2   
  8 Chafin, Blake                Paulding Co.          35-11.50    1   
  9 Quinones, Colton             Gainesville           33-10.50  
 10 McCall, Laceem               Peachtree Ri          32-04.50  
Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Quinones, Colton             Gainesville             124-01   10   
  2 McCall, Laceem               Peachtree Ri            115-03    8   
  3 Mukassa, Joseph              Peachtree Ri            113-04    6   
  4 Van Allen, Dewey             Lanier HS            113-00.50    5   
  5 Moore, Devonte               Paulding Co.         111-02.25    4   
  6 Grayson, Damian              Gainesville             107-06    3   
  7 Turner, Zachary              Gainesville          105-05.50    2   
  8 West, Chauncey               Lanier HS            104-04.25    1   
  9 Baldwin, Dale                Paulding Co.          88-04.25  
 10 Kharleed, Nahjier            Paulding Co.          67-05.50