The Bob Blastow Invitational 2012

Western Douglas County, Ga


Frightenly Fast First Weekend of Racing... Aug 26, 2012

           Sidney Speir and Brad Hort of McIntosh torching Clinton Farms Image by Christine Speir How many late August XC races have produced 4 sub 16 times in the Boys races and a sub 18 Girls performance? Granted, the weather was very kind until about 11am and almost all the athletes surely took advantage. Anyone who's not new to the Sport, knows the Bob Blastow layout at Clinton Farms is a fast trail, but NEGA and the Our Lady of Mercy course both got torched as well. The River Green Parkway also has a reputation as a fast and flat course (venue of the 2 Mile Stage Races) Westminster hosted the Kosh Classic and that course has a rep as being tough...