Runners of the Week 6 Runners of the Week 6

GIRLS Runners of the Week

Div    Athlete               School           Performance                Time

6A     Alexa Womack          Walton           Great American             18:46               

5A     Jennifer Cora         Lakeside-DK      Aubrae Gunderson Invite    19:22
4A     Morgan Ilse           Marist           Great American             18:30     
3A     Natalie Kile          Blessed Trinity  Darlington XC Festival     19:25   
2A     Ellie Bradach         Wesleyan         Great American             19:50   
1A     Kinslee Clevenger     Darlington       Darlington XC Festival     20:02
GISA   Jocelyn Brown         Johnson Ferry    Mill Springs Meet          20:33   
MS     Macki Walsh           Etowah           Darlington XC Festival     12:19

BOYS Runners of the Week    
Div    Athlete               School          Performance                 Time

6A     Eric Westog           Mill Creek      Great American              15:45
5A     Chase Fowers          Lakeside-Evans  Aubrae Gunderson Invite     16:08
4A     Daniel Navarro        Marist          Great American              15:57    
3A     Andrew Anastasaides   St. Pius X      Great American              16:07
2A     Orlando Burgos        Heard County    Sandy Creek Invite          16:42
1A     Kurt Crymes           Athens Academy  Aubrae Gunderson Invite     16:56
GISA   Jose Bautista         Mount DeSales   Southland Invite            17:18   
MS     Ben Davies            Holy Innocents  Darlington XC Festival      11:02