The 5A Girls Race from state which had the hottest conditions of the entire weekend
Random Runner Ramblings: State Wrap up
Now that XC season is over save for some post-season meets, it's time to reflect on the State Meet. Runners, I'm glad that more of you these days seem to embrace the challenge that is Carrollton. I know in the past I would often hear high school runners speak about Carrollton in frightened exclamations. "There are so many hills!" "It is the hardest course ever!" "There's a moat that's filled with alligators!" "It is at least 30 minutes slower per mile than Coach Wood!" The list goes on and on.
Yes, Carrollton does present some challenges, but don't we want that for our State Meet? For certain invitationals, a nice fast 5k course is great (idea: move Coach Wood so that it starts at the top of Stone Mountain). But for the biggest meet of the year, I like that there are some hills. Now if we can just get a crane to pick up the elementary school and move it elsewhere, then we'd have even more room!
While we are talking about State, we have to talk about the post State emotional hangover. Of course, if State went great for your and/or your team, then you might be energized and ready to tackle some post-season meets. If State did not go as you had hoped, then you may still feel motivated for some additional races, but you also might be feeling a little like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh.
To make it worse, you aren't surrounded by your teammates on a daily basis anymore, since regular practice is over. It's enough to make winter running feel like a bleak proposal. If this applies to you, I say, listen to your mind/body and coach. If y'all decide you need a break, take it! If y'all want to keep running, keep running! If you want to go home and watch tv and eat Little Debbies, do that (up to a certain point. And "a certain point" does not equal "until Track practice starts").
Most XC runners have been grinding since May/June, so that's at least 5 months of consistent training. You deserve a break, both mentally and physically. And I'm willing to bet that at some point, whether you reached all your goals or not, you'll get back to the simple joys of running. Like those random days when from the start you feel strong and powerful. Like the feeling of getting those new shoes that make you feel faster. Like the itch to dream up new goals and chase them.
All those moments and more await you between now and January. For now, just embrace wherever you are. And prepare yourself for having to yell "Track!" a billion times after the New Year.