Erin Fegans of Landmark Christian is the 2019 A Private 3200m Champion and 2019 A Private Cross Country State Champion. She will be running for the 'Wrambing Wreck' of Tech..
1) What were some of the highlights of your high school cross country and track careers?
When thinking back on my past four years of cross country and track I can only smile from all the friendships, hard work, growth, and accomplishments achieved over that time. Here are a few highlights from my seasons: My freshman year I was in for a surprise. With only 8 girls on the cross country team that season, we truly accomplished something extraordinary. That exact team won the 2016 1A Private girls State Cross Country Championship placing 5 girls in the top 10. That strong group of ladies followed it up by winning the Georgia Meet of Champions as a team. Our team average that season was an 18:36.71 which placed our small school number one for all classifications in the state of Georgia. We always said the cliche saying, "tiny but mighty". This truly shows that no matter how small a team is, it's all in the heart and hard work we put in. Coach Bill Thorn knew we had the talent to accomplish the big goals that season, and we proved it to ourselves. That was quite the first high school season that kept me wanting to push a little harder and dream a little bit bigger.
2016 1A Private State Champions (photo Dan McCauley) Nicole Fegans, Erin Fegans, Sarah Foreman, Lindsey Biggar, Mary Kellison Thorne, Anna Butler, Jenny Goodwin, and Julia Torres
Winning my first state championship title as a sophomore alongside my close friend and teammate Zack Truitt, who also achieved a state title, has to be at the top of my list. After seeing my sister dominate the previous year, I knew I had big goals to set. This was my greatest accomplishment up to this part of my running career. This picture captures the joy of Coach Roby Ross, Zack Truitt, and I after seeing all the long meets and hot practices pay off.

"Enjoy the moment," were the words yelled by Coach Caulfield as I charged down my final home stretch of high school cross country. There's something bittersweet about winning my final State Cross Country Championship in the Landmark uniform. I took it all in and didn't want it to end at the same time. I still don't know where all this time has gone.
2) How am I coping with the increasing possibility that the entire High School Outdoor season may be cancelled?
3) Aside from the competition, what was the best thing about being a part of your school's program?
Something I will cherish forever about Landmark Christian School's program is just how much the team becomes a family. Nothing will ever beat our Spring Break trips to Gulf Shores, AL. The parents work hard to make it happen. It is a Landmark tradition to travel to two meets over the Spring Break weekends and stay in beach houses. The purpose is to bond together as one team, while training hard to reach those goals we set for the region and state meets that follow it. Something else I enjoy as a team of course involves food. On Thursday nights during Cross Country season we meet together as one big happy family for pasta dinners. Those are two parts of the program I will miss immensely.
4) Are there any coaches or teammates that you've worked with over the past four years that you'd like to thank?
There are three High School Coaches whose God like character have shaped me into the runner and person I am today. They include Coach Thorn, Coach Ross, and Coach Caulfield.

5) What are your plans and goals for the future? Do you intend on continuing with the sport in college or in another capacity?
After High School I am ecstatic to attend Georgia Tech in the big city to continue my track and cross country career. I will be coached by Coach Alan Drosky and Assistant Coach Becky Megesi. I plan on running for the rest of my life, as the sport has become a part of who I am
Some future Georgia Tech teammates include:
Ashley Sechrest, McKenna Trapheagan, Me, Mari Cagle Lockhart (South Carolina), Katy Earwood, McKenna Croft, and Mackenzie Walls.
6) What advice would you give to a younger athlete who's hoping to have a successful and enjoyable high school career?
For any younger athlete my biggest piece of advice is to enjoy running for the fun of it. Do not forget what inspired you to start. It is important to always remember every race may not go as planned and you might not come out with a pr. There is always something to learn from every single race and none are ever wasted! Learn to celebrate the small achievements whether it's a new pr or a good practice. Lastly, always remember to cherish every moment running alongside your teammates and being pushed beyond what you thought was achievable by your Coaches and parents. Every single day you get to go outside and run is a blessing. Never take that for granted. I would do the past four years all over again in a heartbeat. I'm praying to see some of you all on the track this season or in the fall. Remember to wash your hands, keep your distance, and keep running those miles. With smiles,
Erin Fegans