Finally, the big day had arrived. It was race day and we couldn't be more ecstatic. We woke up at 7:00 and all met downstairs for breakfast. We left for the Glendoveer Golf Course at 8:30 and hung out in the athlete village leading up to the race. In the athlete village we listened to music, stretched, and watched the boys race on a live stream to avoid the rain.

At 11:10, the Southeast girls and I got announced then we jogged to the start line. The start of the race was no shortage of chaotic. Mud, water, spikes, and screams were everywhere. To be honest, the rest was a blur. It was not my best race, but I can confidently say that I finished on empty and I couldn't be happier with how it went! After the race, my fellow Southeast teammates and I walked back to the athlete lounge to put our muddy clothes in our lockers and change into something slightly less uncomfortable. Following that, I jogged my cool down and loaded up the bus to go back to the hotel. At the hotel, we cleaned up and ate a huge lunch.

Then we got back on the shuttle to go to the Nike Headquarters. At the headquarters, we listened to runners attempt karaoke and then listened to a motivational speech on the athlete mindset. After the speech, we ate dinner and left for the closing ceremony where they recognized all the top individuals and teams. Once the ceremony ended, we went back to the hotel for the dance. During the dance, we listened to music, played Mario Kart and all around the world ping pong, and had all kinds of snacks. From there, we concluded the outstanding experience and went up to our rooms to go to bed and prepare for the early morning departure. I feel so blessed to have gotten an opportunity like this, thank you so much Nike! This has been the most inspiring experience of my life and I could not be more grateful for all the joy it brought me. Now I can't wait to relax and then get back to work!