Interview w/ MS Distance Runner Steven McCartney

Steven McCartney began running track in the 2nd grade with Jefferson parks and recreation.  He started running cross country as a 6th grade and is now an 8th grader at McConnel MS.  Steven trains with his father about 2-3 times a week.  After experiencing an injury during cross country, Steven was able to focus in on this year's track season.  He saw early fruits of his labor on February 27th when he was able to run under 4:40 in the 1600m.  Steven has already run faster than the state record.

What events do you compete in? 

I run the 800m, 1600m, and 3200m.

What is your preparation like to get ready for competition? 

We have 2 workouts a week during the track meet weeks.  I'm very focused when it comes to running so I know how to approach each workout.  My dad is the distance coach at Archer High School so I'm able to train with some pretty great runners.  On race day I go with the flow of the meet. 
What qualities do you gain from running track that you can apply to everyday life?  

Track helps me to gain a good mindset to stay focused in school.  

Who inspires you and why? 

My father... he ran in high school and college.  Miles Collins and Skylar Taylor are Archer High School runners who inspire me every day.  

Can you remember your first race?  What was the experience like?  Did you know you were good? 

I was in the 2nd grade, running my 1st mile race.  I ran a 7:58. Looking at the picture - I was really small and looked like I was working really hard.  

What do you enjoy doing for fun? 

I like playing video games and reading books. 

What's one word that describes you? 


What is your most memorable track experience? 

Last year at the state meet - I out kicked a runner that was my main competition all year.  It felt great being able to out sprint someone for the first time.  

What do you like about track and field?  

You can always improve and set goals for yourself.  I really enjoy being able to run with others during training.  

Do you feel any pressure going into the MS championships?  What are your goals or expectations for this year's meet?  

I welcome the big races.  You have to thrive off the pressure.  It's all about the end result.  Being able to see your hard work pay off.  I want to break the state records in my events.