All Classes- NICK NYMAN of Starrs Mill, 1st at Carrollton Orthopedic in 16:22.
7A- ALEX DYCK of Wheeler, 1st at Cobb County Championships in 16:05.
6A- SULLY SHELTON of Harrison, 2nd at Carrollton Orthopedic in 16:48 (championship race)
5A- REESE HENRY of McIntosh, 2nd at Carrollton Orthopedic, 17:20 (4A-5A race)
4A- JUSTIN WACHTEL of Mary Persons, 1st at Bulldog Distance Classic in 16:09.
3A- SHANE SHELAFOE of East Jackson, 1st at Eagle Invitational in 16:42.
2A- JAYLEN THIGPEN of Bleckley County, 4th place at Bay Invitational (FL) in 17:56.
A Private- DEVIN WADE of Whitefield Academy, 3rd at Carrollton Orthopedic Invitational in 16:53.
A Public- COLIN McCABE OF Georgia Military Prep, 1st place at Morgan County Rick Boulis Invitational in 17:59.
Independent- NOAH GIPSON of Young Americans, 17:48 at GICAA Cannonball.