2017 Track and Field Clinic Info
The 2016 Georgia Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Clinic is fast approaching. This year we have another top notch line up of speakers including Olympic Coaches Harvey Glance and Don Babbitt, and High School National Champion Distance Coaches Art and Linda Kranick as well as several other highly regarded speakers.
To kick off the clinic, we will be hosting a Coaches social on Friday evening beginning at 6:00 p.m. at American Spirit Works, 199 Armour Drive, with a keynote from former world record holder and 1500 meter Olympic silver medalist Jim Ryun. Let me know if you plan to attend the social so we can get an approximate head count. We hope you are able to join us for a fun evening.
Attached is the general information sheet including an event schedule, registration information, and speaker bios. A final schedule including topics will be published in January. This year's clinic will have more than 25 sessions, with 5 different sessions each hour covering all disciplines. Coaches will receive all speaker notes and a boxed lunch with registration. Boxed lunches are guaranteed only to pre-registered coaches.
Atlanta Track Club
201 Armour Drive, Atlanta, Ga 30324
$75 per coach (non-member), $68 per (GATFXCCA Member)
$90 Event Day registration*
Online Registration closes January 11
*GATFXCCA Discount will not be valid on event day. Contact Cathi Monk if you have not received your GATFXCCA discount registration code.
Pay by Check - Coaches who wish to pay by check must submit payment no later than December 28. Payment by check after this date will be subject to event day registration pricing. I have attached a W9 should your school need one prior to submitting payment. Only booster club checks will be accepted.
Checks made payable to Atlanta Track Club
Mail to: Atlanta Track Club
c/o Enrique Tomas
201 Armour Drive, Atlanta, Ga 30324
Include contact information for the Head Coach with check payment.
We look forward to this year's clinic. You can contact me directly if you have any questions regarding the clinic.