
Woodland HS Stockbridge

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-04-10 Henry County JV Championship
2024-04-10 Henry County JV Championship
2024-03-27 Henry County Championship
2023-03-17 "Run With Wolves" Invitational
2023-03-04 "Guard the Den" Invitational
2023-02-18 Wolfpack All Comers Invitational *Canceled*
2022-03-26 HCMSAL Meet @ Woodland
2022-03-05 HCMSAL Meet @ Woodland
2022-02-18 Woodland
2021-04-16 WHS senior night
2018-10-12 Pack Attack Classic
2018-03-07 Henry Co. Middle School: WMS/OM/UGM
2018-03-05 Henry Co. Middle School: WMS/UGM/OM
2018-02-28 Henry Co. Middle School: WMS/SBM/ARM
2010-10-06 SMAA Jamboree #2
2010-09-11 The Pack Attack Classic - CANCELLED
2009-10-20 Henry County Championship
2009-09-19 Pack Attack Classic

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 - 26.00 21:00 - 37.00
16:00 - 28.00 22:00 - 38.00
17:00 - 30.00 23:00 - 40.00
18:00 - 31.00 24:00 - 42.00
19:00 - 33.00 25:00 - 44.00
20:00 - 35.00 26:00 - 45.00