Panther Pride Invitational 2025

Americus, GA
Registration Closes in 38 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

2025 Panther Pride Invitational

Information for Coaches:

Start time for track meets is 11am. There will be a Coachs meeting at 10:50am prior to each meet at the finish line. Please look over your areas of responsibility for the field events. Sheet attached. The Coach doing field events at the meet will be required to record distances in the field events for the other schools athletes for a composite list. If an athlete scratches, please mark that they scratched but also record their distance.

Athletes will have 2 attempts in field events during the meet. 

Coach U will email field event results to you the day after the meet. 

Buses will need to park behind the Home Concessions Stand on Oak Avenue. The area will be marked for your driver. 

Parents must remain in the stands at all times.

Southside Bleachers will be open for athletes/coaches. Northside bleachers will be open for Fans.

Schedule of events is attached. The Meet Director will have the Head Coach pull numbers for lane assignments.

Please have someone supervising your students in the bleachers.

Teams will sit in the South side bleachers opposite the spectators on the Northside. 

Please have only Coaches and participants in current events on the track.

Security will be in place throughout the stadium to assist. 

Please fill out the entry form attached and turn into Coach U before the meet starts. Coach U will be serving as the Meet Director.