Harrison JV Inv 2025

Kennesaw, GA

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

This meet has a 7 team capacity.

Coaches, we are allowing 9-12th graders to attend.  HOWEVER, these kids need to be NON-VARSITY caliber.  If you think this kid will make your REGION Roster in ANY event (including relays), then please leave them at home.

6 entries for All Individual Events.

2 Entries per Relay

$100 Entry Fee for Combined Boys & Girls Teams.  Make Checks payable to Hoya Track Booster Club

No Individual or Team Awards.

Coaches will NOT have to work any field events.  We will have Harrison Coaches, Parents & Athletes take care of that.


9:00am Field Events - All Horizontal Jumps will be run as flights, but anyone needing to HJ need to prioritize that event.  The athletes will be allowed to complete their attempts after they complete their HJ event  

The PV and HJ will run Boys & Girls simultaneously and will not lower heights once the bar has been raised. This should be the priority of any jumper.

SP & DT will be run in flights as normal.

Once we reach 10:45am,  the 1st call for running will be made.  We will not delay the running events.  The athletes will be allowed to go complete their field events after they run if needed.

11:00am Running Events (Girls followed by Boys)

  • 4x800m
  • 100/110m HH (Will run a lower height for JV)
  • 100m

  • 4x200m
  • 1600m
  • 4x100m
  • 400m
  • 300m IH
  • 800m (Dual Alley Waterfall Start)
  • 200m
  • 3200m
  • 4x400m