Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
This is a 3-lap (5K) course for high school and a 2-lap (2 mile) course for middle school. Sole Roots will professionally time all registered runners. The top 5 individuals in all races will receive medallions at the finish line.
Race Itinerary
Middle School Girls (top 10) - 9 am
Middle School Boys (top 10) - 9:25 am
Senior Recognition (seniors from all schools) 10:30 am
High School Girls - 10:50 am
High School Boys - 11:30 am
Once payment is received, you will get an email with the registration password.
$75 per team (i.e. $75/girls team & $75/boys team = $150 owed)
team = 5 or more runners
Individuals = $20/individual owed
Make your check out to HCHS
Haralson County High
Attn: Bookkeeper
1655 Georgia Highway 120
Spectator Tickets
Students and children will not be charged for this event. Tickets will only be sold via GoFan.