Meet Information
Our meet is closed as of 2/12/25. We can only take a limited number of teams due to stadium construction.
Cost is $100 per team (boys or girls only)
$175 per school (boys and girls)
South Effingham High School
c/o Track and Field
1220 Noel C. Conaway Road
Guyton, GA 31312
3 entries per event
1 relay team per school
3:30 - Coaches Meeting
4:00 Field Events Session 1
- Girls High Jump
- Girls Long Jump
- Boys Discus Throw
- Boys Pole Vault
- Girls Shot Put
- Boys Triple Jump
4:30 Field Events Session 2
- Girls Discus Throw
- Boys High Jump
- Girls Pole Vault
- Boys Long J ump
- Girls Triple J ump
- Boys Shot Put
6:00 - Running Events
- Sprint Medley - Non Scoring - For athletes not in the top 3)
- Distance Medley - Non Scoring - For athletes not in top 3)
- Throwers Relay
- 4 x 800 Meter Relay
After Field Events Are Completed
- 100/110 Meter Hurdles
- 100 Meter Dash
- 4 x 200 Meter Relay
- 1600 Meter Run
- 4 x 100 Meter Relay
- 400 Meter Dash
- 300 Meter Hurdles
- 800 Meter Run
- 200 Meter Dash
- 3200 Meter Run
- 4 x 400 Meter Relay