Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Please contact Coach Clawson to be put on the waiting list(
Entry fee is $125. Please make your check out to Deerfield-Windsor School.
All teams attending must provide a coach to work a field event.
Coaches Meeting at 2:30 at the finish line.
Field Events(begin at 3:00 - rotate between boys and girls)
Pole Vault(b/g)
High Jump
Triple Jump(b/g)
Long Jump(g/b)
Running Events(g/b)
3:00: Girls 1600m
3:15: Boys 1600m
3:30: Girls 3200m
4:00(rolling schedule):
100m/110m hurdles
100m Dash
4x100m Relay
400m Dash
300m Hurdles
800m Run
200m Dash
Boys 3200m Run
4x400m Relay