Harlem Home Meet #2 2025

Harlem, GA
Hosted by Harlem HS
Timing/Results Wolfpack Timing

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions



3 Athletes per event & 2 Relays per school Unlimited in 1600/3200

Order of Events:

3:30pm - First Session

* 300M Hurdles followed by 4x800 Relay

Boys/Girls Long Jump

Girls High Jump

Boys Shot

Girls Discus 

4:30 Second Session

* 3200M Girls then Boys

Boys/Girls Triple Jump

Boys High Jump

Girls Shot

Boys Discus

(Athletes in both field and running events will need to check out of the field event  to run and return immediately  to their field event to finish)

5:30Third Session (Times are approximate)

5:30pm - 100/110 Meter Hurdles

5:40pm - 100 Meter Run

5:50pm - 4x200 Meter Relay 

6pm - 1600 Meter Run

6:10pm - 4x100 Meter Relay

6:20pm - Big Man 4x100 Relay (Must be a shot/disc thrower only)

6:30pm - 400 Meter Dash

6:40pm - 800 Meter Run

6:50pm - 200 Meter Dash

10 minute break if needed

7:10pm - 4x400 Meter Relay