Harris County Wednesday Night #1 2025

Hamilton, GA

Meet Information


Any questions, e-mail Meet Director Coach Nesbitt- nesbitt-c@harris.k12.ga.us. Entry Fee:$75 per team(both girls and boys). You can bring a check to the meet or mail below. 

Mail entry fee to:

Harris County High School

Attention: Coach Nesbitt

8281 GA-116Hamilton, GA 31811

Make checks payable to: Harris County High School Track and Field  

Meet Information 


Admission is $5. You can purchase tickets at the gate or, they can be bought using gofan.


 Children under 8 are free. 

*New Schedule*

*3:50 pm Coaches Meeting* 

*4:10 pm Running Events (Rolling Schedule; Girls Heats followed by Boys Heats)*

100 Meter Girls/Boys

400 Meter Girls/Boys

800 Meter Girls/Boys

1600 Meter Girls/Boys

200 Meter Girls/Boys

*There will be no blocks for the 400m except for the last heat for each of the boys and girls races*

4:15 pm Field Events    

CANCELLED due to inclement weather and field conditions 


Concessions will be open on the home side.  

Coaches Hospitality

We will provide pizza and drinks for the coaching staff during the running events. 


There will be no awards for this meet. 

Team Tents

Make sure they are not in the way of spectators. 


Please have your buses park across the street at the indoor facility parking lot. A coach will be there to help direct you to the location.