Redskins Invitational 2025

Social Circle, GA

Meet Information

Heat Sheets

THE 6th Annual Redskins Invitational TRACK MEET

Sponsorship by: Demek Kemp (USATF Track Athlete) and The Bank of Social Circle

Social Circle High School

154 Alcova Dr.

Social Circle, Georgia 30025

Locations: Social Circle High School Stadium located on the Social Circle High School Campus

The Redskins Track and Field Facilities includes all of the following: (Track, Long Jump Pit, High Jump Pit, Pole Vault Pit, Shot Put Circle, and Discus Circle.

Meet Entry Information

Entries fees: Entries are $150 per School. ($80 for boys or girls team only). Please make checks payable to:

Social Circle Track and Field

And mail to:

Social Circle High School Track and Field

154 Alcova Dr.

Social Circle, GA 30025

Atten: Tim Kemp

Meet Entry: All entries must be made online at


At the meet you may submit athletes, but names will not be changed in the results.

We will follow the GHSA regulations regarding the number of events for each athlete.

E. A contestant in Track and Field may compete in a maximum of four (4) events and may not be entered in more

 than four events, excluding relays. If a contestant is entered in more than the allowable number of events, meet

management shall scratch the contestant from the excess event(s) by following the listed Order of Events.

A contestant may officially compete in:

1. Four individual events - NO Relay events.

(Ex: 100m - 200m - 400m - Long Jump)

2. Three individual events - May be listed on any number of relay events but compete in only one relay event. (Ex: 100m- 200m - Long Jump - 4 X 100 Relay)

3. Two individual events - May be listed on any number of relay events but compete in only two relay events. (Ex: High Jump - 100m Hurdles - 4 X 100 - 4 X 400 Relay)

4. One individual event - May be listed on all three relay events and compete in all three relay events.

(Ex: 800m run - 4 X 800 Relay -4 X 100 Relay - 4 X 400 Relay)


All field events will be run as a THREE attempt final. First and second attempt will be measured. All other attempts will have to reach the minimum marks to be measured as follows:

Each athlete will have 3 attempts except

for the high jump. The first attempt will be marked and all attempts there

after not meeting the minimum standard will not be marked.

Long Jump - Boys 17' 0"       Girls 14' 0"

Triple Jump - Boys 36' 0"      Girls 28' 0"

Shot Put - Boys 35' 0"            Girls 25'0"

Discus Boys 100' 0"               Girls 80' 0"

High Jump - Boys 5' 6"          Girls 4' 0"

Pole Vault Boys 9' 0"              Girls 7' 6"



All running events will be run as a final. The girl's heats will be first, followed by the boy heats.

3:30 Coaches Meeting

3:45 First Call Field events

4:00 Start of Field events

Girls Long Jump--- Boys to follow

Girls Shot Put--- Boys to follow 

Boys High Jump--- Girls to follow 

Boys Discus Throw--- Girls to follow 

Girls Triple Jump-- Boys to follow

Pole Vault  Boys / Girls

4:15 Girls/Boys 3200m Run

-After completion of the Field Events:

 The running events below will begin following field events and continue a rolling schedule after that.


Following Field Events

National Anthem

4 X 800 Relay

Girls/ Boys 100m/110m Hurdles

Girls/ Boys 100m Dash

Girls/Boys 4 X 200 Relay

Girls/Boys 1600m Run

Girls/Boys 4 100m Relay

Girls/Boys 400m Dash

Girls/Boys 300 Hurdles

Girls/Boys 800m run

Girls/Boys 200m Dash

(Throwers 4 X 100m Relay)

Girls/Boys 4 X 400m Relay

Presentation of team Awards