Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Welcome the Lights at Lanier Hosted by Lanier High School
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Cost $150 Boys and $150 Girls Both Girls and Boys - $175.00. Please make checks payable to Lanier High School Track and Field.
Contacts: Daryl Beard or call at678-765-4042 or 678-230-9864 cell
Admission: Adults $8.00
Tickets purchased :Go Fans
No Awards or Medals Given
FIELD EVENTS: Participants will get 3 attempts in the Discus Throw, Long Jump, Shot Put, and Triple Jump. No finals.
Session I: 3:30 PM
Girls Discus
Boys Shot Put
Long Jump (Boys) - Pit on Football Field
Pole Vault (Girls followed by boys)
Triple Jump (Girls) - Outside Gate Pit
High Jump (Boys followed by girls; Important note: We are starting boys first in the High Jump)
Session II: 4:30 PM (this is an estimate depending on how long it takes to complete the 3:30 field events)
Boys Discus
Girls Shot Put
Long Jump (Girls) - Outside Gate Pit
Triple Jump (Boys) Pit on the Football Field
RUNNING EVENTS: 4:15 - We will be on a Rolling Schedule
4:15PM 4x800
Girls' 100-Meter-High Hurdles (33")
Boys'110-Meter-High Hurdles
100M Dash
4x200M Relay
1600 Meter Run - Senior Night Activities
400 Meter Dash
Girls' 300 Meter Low Hurdles (30")
Boys' 300 Meter Intermediate Hurdles
800 Meter Run
200 Meter Dash
3200 Meter Run
4X400 Meter