Meet Information
This meet is open to Forsyth County Middle School XC teams only.
$50 entry fee per middle school (includes both girls and boys teams)
Entries close at 3pm Tuesday (8/27/23)
Please make checks payable to: "VCMS"
Send Meet fee to (or bring to the meet and give to Coach Polly Chase from VCMS):
Vickery Creek Middle School
c/o VCMS XC Club
6240 Post Rd, Cumming, GA 30040
Race schedule: (this may change depending on how many teams/athletes enter)
Girls Varsity Race 6:00pm (top 10 runners, must be able to finish 2 miles under 22 mins)
Boys Varsity Race 6:30pm(top 10 runners, must be able to finish 2 miles under 22 mins)
Girls/Boys Combined JV Race 7:00pm
Restrooms will be available at the Gym entrance.
Meet Expectations : Coaches, please do everything you can to help us keep you, your athletes and their families safe by following the meet expectations.
*** Please ask your parents to NOT park in the Elementary school bus lane lot (farthest lot from VCMS) as VCE has an after school program until 6:30pm and needs that bus lot to be clear for parent pickup. Thank you!
For further info, please contact Polly Chase at