Meet Information
Event Schedule Order
2 relays per team
1st Round of Field: 4:30pm
Boys: Shot Put, Long Jump(both)
Girls: Discus, High Jump, Long Jump
2nd Round of Field:
Boys: Discus, Triple Jump(both) , High Jump
Girls: Shot Put, Triple jump
Order of Running events (girls followed by boys):
5:00 pm 4 x 800M Relay (boys and girls)
100/110m Hurdles
100m dash
1600m Run
300 Hurdles
4x100m Relay
400m Dash
200m Dash
800m Run
4x400m Relay
Cost: $100 per gender; $175 for both genders; Check made payable to Clarke Central Track
Booster Club.
Mail to Clarke Central High school Attention: Coach Alexis Hunter-Lonon
Entries: 3 entries for individual events; 2 entry for relays
Entry deadline is Wednesday Feb 26,2025@ 12PM.
Infield: is reserved for athletes competing in the next event and coaches only. No parents or
other spectators are allowed on the infield. Failure to comply with this rule will result in
removal from the stadium and potential disqualification for the associated team. Coaches,
please help us enforce this!
Warmups: Once field events are complete, warmups will be allowed on the practice field
adjacent to the stadium.
Team Tents: team tents will be allowed on the visitor side only at the top of the stands.
Concessions: full concessions will be available.
Rules: All NFHS rules and GHSA rules will apply including jewelry and uniform rules. No
electronics in the restricted competition area. Check with event officials about non restricted
areas for athletes to view video or pictures. Protests or complaints must be given to the meet
director in writing. The Jury of Appeals will make the final decision on protests.
Clarke Central Home Track and Field Meet Information
Clarke Central High School has a Clear Bag Policy for all home athletic events.
Ticket Information:
Admission: $5.00
GoFan or cash at gate
Only GHSA Passes and Clarke Central Athletic Season Passes accepted.
Team Drop Off: Lower Stadium Gate on Waddell Street. NOTE: School is out at 3:35 and buses leave from this area at 3:50 so plan accordingly.
Team Bus Parking: Dearing Street Parking Lot.
Spectator Parking: Baxter Street Parking Lot or Dearing Street Parking Lot. NOTE: Do Not Park along the yellow curbs in the Waddell Street area. This is Athens-Clarke County property and vehicles will be ticketed and/or towed.
Stadium Entrance: Spectators can enter through the Main Stadium Gate or Lower Stadium Gate
Spectator Seating: Spectators are to sit in the Visiting Bleachers (metal bleachers).
Team Seating: Track and Field participants are to sit in the Home Bleachers (cement bleachers).
The Lower Stadium Concession Stand and Restrooms will be open for Track and Field meets.