Meet Information
Due to recent cancelations of a number of cross country races we have decided to open this meet up to the first 12 schools that request the password and register. The fee is $75 for one team and $125 for both teams(these fee is only for non region high school teams). The fee is to help cover the cost of hosting the meet. There will be a $5(cash) per vehicle charge. Please make checks payable to Baldwin High School Cross Country.
Coach Dexter Ricks / Meet Director
MS Girls - 4:00 (2 mile)
MS Boys- 4:15 (2 mile)
Awards Middle School- 4:40
HS Girls(Region 4 AAA Varsity Girls Only(7 runners per team)- 4:45 (5k)
HS Boys(Region 4 AAA JV and other registered teams)- 5:00 (5k) NO AWARDS
HS Girls(Region 4 AAA JV and other registered teams)- 5:15 (5k) NO AWARDS
HS Boys(Region 4 AAA Varsity Girls Only(7 runners per team)-5:30 (5k)
Awards Region Only- 6:00