Meet Information
MAYBE THE 3rd time is a charm!!! We have rescheduled for SATURDAY, March 23!!! Please join us.
I am excited for the opportunity to host our 3rd Annual Invitational and I hope you will join us. This meet is continuing to grow, so I hope we continue to have a great outing.
Start time will be at 11:00 am. I will keep you posted on any updates.
Admissions - $5 cash Or GoFan
Link for ticket: TBA
QR Code: TBA
o Teams should register on Milesplit.
o All Middle School teams allowed.
o $125 per school/team for the timing company. It is okay if you have to send the check in next week due to the timeframe of this rain date.
o Entries must be submitted by midnight tonight. Please NO race day additions please, but 1 for 1 is acceptable.
o 3 athletes per individual event; 2 relay teams per school
Meet Schedule:
10:30 AM - Coaches meeting
11:00 Boys - Long Jump, Discus; Girls - High Jump, Shotput
11:15 Girls/Boys Pole vault
11:45 Girls - Long Jump, Discus; Boys - High Jump, Shotput
- Triple jump after long jump concludes (girls/boys combines)
4 x 100m Relay
1600m Run
400m Dash
100m Dash
100m L. Hurdles
800m Run
200m Dash
300m L. Hurdles
3200m Run (girls/boys possibly combined)
4 x 400m Relay
Medals and Team Trophies presented.