Meet Information
Entry Information:
Entry fees are $150.00 for G/B. Please make check out to Apalachee High School.
Entry deadline is Thursday at 8:00 PM. No exceptions or write-ins the day of the meet. Only one for one change with no re-seeding.
3 Individual entries in all Field Events
3 Individual entries for 3200M
3 Individual entries for 1600M
Unlimited entries for 800M
3 Individual entries for 400M
3 Individual entries for 200M
Unlimited entries for 100M
3 Individual entries for 100M Hurdles
2 4x100M Relay team
2 4x400M Relay team
*Follow GHSA rules for entry limits in events. Each athlete can compete in 4 events this year.
Field Events: All staffs will be expected to help run/assist at field events to help us finish in a timely manner.
Individual medals awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Scoring/Awards: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 Trophy for 1st and 2nd overall.
Admission: $6.00 per person. All tickets purchased on Go Fan.
We will have full concessions for sell at the meet.
Tents can be used but must be set up on back row of bleachers or in grass area around stadium.
3 attempts on field events.
Teams attending:
Bethleham Christian
Burney-Harris-Lyons MS
West Jackson Middle School
Bethlehem Christian MS
Clarke MS
Haymon Morris MS
Malcom Bridge MS
Social Circle MS
Westside MS
*Please be at your field event assignment so we can get this completed in a timely manner.
Coaching assignments for Field Events:
Triple Jump: Social Circle MS, Westside MS, Apalachee Athletes and JRROTC
Long Jump: Apalachee Athletes and JRROTC, Malcom Bridge MS, Clarke MS
Shot Put: Apalachee Athletes and JRROTC, Bethlehem Christian MS, Haymond-Morris MS
Discus: Apalachee (Yike), Apalachee Athletes and JRROTC
High Jump: Apalachee (Fancher), Apalachee Athletes and JRROTC
Pole Vault: Apalachee (Miller), Apalachee PV athletes and JRROTC
4:30 PM
Girls Long Jump
Girls Shot
MS Girls Pole Vault
Boys Discus
Boys High Jump
Boys Triple Jump
4:30 PM 100M Hurdles
MS Girls
MS Boys
5:20 PM Start
Girls Triple Jump
Girls High Jump
Girls Discus
Boys Shot
MS Boys Pole Vault
Boys Long Jump
Exchange zones:
Zone 1: Apalachee Coaches/ Haymon Morris/Westside
Zone 2: Clarke MS/ Social Circle MS
Zone 3: Bethlehem Christian MS/ Malcom Bridge MS
Rolling schedule upon completion of field events. 4x100M will start 6:00PM. All times are estimated.
*Running events in this order: MS Girls then MS Boys.
4:30 100M Hurdles
4:50 3200M
5:45 4x100M Relay
6:10 1600M Run.
6:45 400M Dash
7:15 100M
7:45 800M
8:00 200M
8:30 4x400M
*Awards presented.