Lafayette Christian Cross Country Invitational 2023

Lagrange, GA

Meet Information

Come run a true cross country course 5K/3K with Lafayette Christian School in LaGrange.  The  spectator friendly meet will be chip timed by Sole Roots Running Company.  Awards will be presented to the two top teams and top 10 individuals for every division.  Concessions are available and parking is $5 per vehicle (cash or Venmo).

Schedule: Coaches meeting 4:15 pm, MSB 4:30, MSG 4:35, VB 5:15, VG 5:20.  Awards Ceremony.

Non-GAPPS School entry fees: $50 per team (ie: VB, VG, MSB, MSG)- Maximum is $200 per school. Individual fee: $10/runner (teams less than 5)

NOTE: Race is unlimited. Entry fee covers 7 chipped bibs per team registered (ie: VB, VG, MSB, MSG). Additional chipped race bibs are $2 each. (For example: VB and VG registration covers 14 chipped bibs. If you bring 20 Varsity boy or girl athletes, additional bib fee is $12.)

GAPPS Schools entry fees: $25/level (Varsity, Middle School)- Maximum $50/school. Individual fee: $5/runner (teams less than 5.)

NOTE: Race is unlimited. Entry fee covers 7 chipped bibs per team registered (ie: VB, VG, MSB, MSG). Additional chipped race bibs are $2 each. (For example: VB and VG registration covers 14 chipped bibs. If you bring 20 Varsity boy or girl athletes, additional bib fee is $12.

SoleRoots Contact Group Schools bringing 2023 race series bibs
: $25/level ($25 for MS, $25/V, or $50 for MS & V).