AAC Championship 2023

Alpharetta, GA

Girls 5K

Perfect Timing Group - Contractor License                  HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                          AAC Championship - 10/12/2023                          
                              Mill Springs Academy                               
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 1  Girls 5k Run CC
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Clark, Madison            11 The Cottage School    23:13.70                  
  2 Allen, Isabella           11 Core Communi          27:31.30                  
  3 Burch, Mary-Addison        9 The Cottage School    28:16.70                  
  4 McCarthy, Nora            12 Cumberland A          28:45.50                  
  5 Neil, Lily                 6 Tapestry Pub          30:28.20    1             
  6 Stanley, Kayden           12 Mill Springs          30:49.10                  
  7 Block, Mikaela            10 Tapestry Pub          32:29.90    2             
  8 Katz, Hannah              10 Core Communi          35:21.30                  
  9 McLaughlin, Zoe           10 The Howard School     35:52.80                  
 10 Srinivasa, Maya           12 The Howard School     37:41.12                  
 11 Quarles, Ishara            7 Tapestry Pub          43:29.36    3             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3   *4   *5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Tapestry Public Charter S     6    1    2    3                              
      Total Time:  1:46:27.46                                                    
         Average:    35:29.16