Meet Information
The Fowlkes Memorial Invitational is a great meet on a wonderful intown course. The two-loop, spectator friendly course is on grass and dirt paths, with no paved surfaces. About 2/3 of the course is through wood/forest terrain.
**This meet is full for high school teams. Please email to be put on the waiting list.
**Middle school teams, there is still room. Please email msouther for the password.
Meet Schedule:
Boys Varsity (top 10) - 8:00 AM
Girls Varsity (top 10) - 8:30 AM
Boys JV (10 runners) - 9:00 AM
Girls JV (10 runners) - 9:30 AM
CoEd Open (unlimited runners) - 10:00 AM
Boys Middle School - 10:45AM
Girls Middle School - 11:05 AM
The race will be professionally timed and chipped by The Perfect Timing Group.
Please ensure that any unused chips are turned in at the timing tent.
Bus drop off and parking:
Buses will enter by the NORTH entrance only. You will be directed to drop off athletes by the baseball field, and then will continue out of the park by the south entrance. Buses will be asked to park at Talley Elementary School, about two blocks from the park.
Spectator Parking and entrance:
Cars should enter by the CENTER entrance only. There will be a charge of $20 per car to park in Legacy Park. (There is very limited parking available in the park.)
Also available for parking will be the Columbia Theological Seminary (across Columbia Dr. from the park) and street parking in the neighborhood.
Tents will be able to set up on the baseball field near the course.
Course Map:
Entry Fees:
$125 per high school team, $225 for both genders.
$75 per middle school team, $125 for both genders.
Please mail to: Decatur Cross Country, 310 N. McDonough St., Decatur GA 30030
Top 10 individuals in each race will win medals
Top 2 teams in Varsity, JV, Middle School (in each gender) will win trophies