Meet Information
Dunwoody DEAL
Jumps/Throws - All finals 4-attempts only, no finals, 4 legal attempts measured.
Throwing events have 1 heats, on the Softball Pit, please make your athletes aware of this.
11:00 AM Field EventsGirls Long JumpBoys Long JumpGirls High JumpBoys High JumpGirls Pole VaultBoys Pole VaultBoys Shot/ GirlsGirls Discus /Boys
11:30 PM: Girls & Boys 4x800 Girls Triple Jump Boys Triple Jump
12:00 P.M. - Running Events - Rolling ScheduleAthletes should listen to announcements and be aware of when Please check-in at the front gate on the first call. The order of events will be girls followed by boys.
All events are finals based on time. We may consolidate heats if possible.
1. 4x800 M Relay
2. 100 M Hurdles
3. 100 M Dash
4. 4x200 Relay
5. 1600 M Run
6. 4x100 M Relay
7. 400 M Dash
8. 300 M Hurdles
9. 800 M Dash
10. 200 M Dash
11. 3200 M Run Girls & Boys Fast Heat
12. 4x400 M Relay