Bleckley County Clash of the Classes 2023

Cochran, GA

10th Grade Race Results

Warner Robins HS Cross Country                             HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                        Clash of the Classes - 8/26/2023                         
                        Bleckley County Elementary School                        
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 5  Mixed 2 Mile CC 10th Grade
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
Results - Girls 2 mile                                                    
  1 Gibbs, Ella              W10 Bleckley Cou          11:43.18    1             
  2 Catron, Isidora          W10 Wilcox County HS      13:29.31                  
  3 Herrington, Ava          W10 Bleckley Cou          14:23.38    2             
  4 Ramsey, Colbie           W10 Jasper County HS      14:49.56                  
  5 Crawford, Caroline       W10 Coffee HS             14:52.91                  
  6 Papczynski, Caroline     W10 Houston County        15:06.56                  
  7 Lynch, Claira            W10 Bleckley Cou          15:15.75    3             
  8 Proffitt, Lily           W10 Bleckley Cou          15:23.22    4             
  9 Storie, Carly            W10 Perry High School     16:22.88                  
 10 Kavuri, Sophie           W10 West Laurens          16:30.94                  
 11 Totty, Scout             W10 Bleckley Cou          16:43.34    5             
 12 Crawford, Ensley         W10 Coffee HS             17:09.09                  
 13 Bechtold, Tristyn        W10 Washington County     17:27.66                  
 14 Sanders, Kelsey          W10 Bleckley Cou          17:35.91    6             
 15 Harris, Emma             W10 Wilcox County HS      18:04.81                  
 16 Saussy, Adelie           W10 West Laurens          18:08.69                  
 17 Halaby, Angelica         W10 Statesboro H          18:34.47                  
 18 Edge, Izzy               W10 Treutlen              18:38.72                  
 19 Golden, Sarah claire     W10 Perry High School     18:44.38                  
 20 Destin-Scott, Tyeese     W10 Statesboro H          18:46.25                  
 21 Ford, Zybrionna          W10 Swainsboro H          19:02.91                  
 22 Sanchez, Sophia          W10 Hawkinsville HS       19:36.72                  
 23 Pritchett, Madalynn      W10 Houston County        19:37.06                  
 24 Uriostegui, Grace        W10 Fitzgerald            20:09.78                  
 25 Pardue, Cadence          W10 Perry High School     20:12.34                  
 26 Galarza, Yolanda         W11 Coffee HS             20:44.66                  
 27 Hays, Maesyn             W10 Jasper County HS      21:28.31                  
 28 Dennard, Ama'Jza         W10 Dublin High School    22:03.12                  
 29 Joyner, Vivian           W10 Perry High School     22:18.25                  
 30 Tavera, Andrea           W10 Coffee HS             22:31.72                  
 31 Head, Lauren             W10 Houston County        22:55.09                  
 32 Hulett, Hailey           W10 Telfair County HS     25:32.34                  
 33 Joiner, Abigail          W10 Telfair County HS     26:04.31                  
 34 Thompson, Ava            W10 Wilcox County HS      27:33.41                  
 35 Aguazul, Jailyn          W10 Fitzgerald            27:55.59                  
Results - Boys 2 Mile                                                       
  1 Harrell, Jack            M10 Bleckley Cou          11:47.97    1             
  2 Dailey, Levi             M10 West Laurens          12:07.81    2             
  3 Oxford, Dalton           M10 West Laurens          12:19.62    3             
  4 Garrett, Ryder           M10 Bleckley Cou          12:22.06    4             
  5 Rodriguez, Jorge         M10 Dodge County          12:52.66    5             
  6 LeBrocq, Liam            M10 Coffee HS             12:58.06                  
  7 Ball, Carsten            M10 Perry High School     13:19.66    6             
  8 Bramlett, Aiden          M10 Jasper County HS      13:20.03    7             
  9 Tipps, Liam              M10 Vidalia Heri          13:24.72                  
 10 Goolsby, Roswell         M10 Jasper County HS      13:26.12    8             
 11 Smith, Jackson           M10 Wilcox County HS      13:32.59                  
 12 Lyons, Colton            M11 Perry High School     13:37.03    9             
 13 Lopez, Fransisco         M10 Jasper County HS      13:39.75   10             
 14 Toussaint, Christian     M10 Warner Robins         13:40.78   11             
 15 Brimberry, Samuel        M10 Jasper County HS      13:47.44   12             
 16 Hampton, Luke            M11 Perry High School     13:50.72   13             
 17 Basquin, Brady           M10 Statesboro H          13:53.66   14             
 18 Locke, Nolan             M10 West Laurens          14:00.91   15             
 19 Warren, Konner           M10 West Laurens          14:03.53   16             
 20 Wilton-Serralde, Arturo  M10 Swainsboro H          14:04.50   17             
 21 Fillmore, Noah           M10 Houston County        14:05.53                  
 22 Johnson, Paul            M10 Statesboro H          14:14.06   18             
 23 Smith, Thomas            M10 Warner Robins         14:14.62   19             
 24 Taylor, Peyton           M10 Swainsboro H          14:15.28   20             
 25 Singelton, Thomas        M10 Perry High School     14:17.88   21             
 26 Dawson, Sebastian        M10 Warner Robins         14:18.72   22             
 27 Richardson, Parker       M10 Statesboro H          14:35.31   23             
 28 Harvey, Curtis           M10 Dublin High School    14:36.47   24             
 29 Diaz, Mario              M10 Warner Robins         14:44.25   25             
 30 Alamilla, Marco          M10 Fitzgerald            14:46.31                  
 31 Medina, Miguel           M10 Telfair County HS     14:54.66                  
 32 Olguin, Jovanny          M10 Jasper County HS      15:05.53   26             
 33 Mason, Lafavor           M10 Dodge County          15:12.78   27             
 34 Harbin, Mikey            M10 Jasper County HS      15:15.06   28             
 35 Bloodworth, Bo           M10 Wilcox County HS      15:21.31                  
 36 Curry, Carsten           M10 Houston County        15:25.00                  
 37 Thompson, Chase          M10 Washington County     15:27.03                  
 38 Anderson, Halen          M10 Dublin High School    15:37.09   29             
 39 Goodwill, Elias          M10 Coffee HS             15:39.84                  
 40 Bryant, Jasper           M10 Statesboro H          15:40.25   30             
 41 Tennyson, Ender          M10 Jasper County HS      15:42.50   31             
 42 Coxwell, Chase           M10 Swainsboro H          15:50.81   32             
 43 Gilbert, Zach            M10 Bleckley Cou          15:53.34   33             
 44 Rushton, Harvey          M10 Houston County        15:57.12                  
 45 Strickland, Dylan        M10 Bleckley Cou          15:57.66   34             
 46 Jordan, Grady            M10 Jasper County HS      15:58.12                  
 47 Cribb, Joshua            M10 Coffee HS             16:04.03                  
 48 Keene, Cade              M10 Wilcox County HS      16:04.50                  
 49 Carswell, Jashum         M10 Dublin High School    16:08.09   35             
 50 Miller, Luke             M10 West Laurens          16:08.97   36             
 51 Brown, Tyler             M10 Dublin High School    16:23.18   37             
 52 Urteaga, Daniel          M10 Jasper County HS      16:28.34                  
 53 Gladden, Cainan          M10 Treutlen              16:40.06                  
 54 Sanchez, Julio           M10 Jasper County HS      16:53.50                  
 55 Eubanks, Carson          M10 Washington County     16:56.18                  
 56 Valencia, Tristen        M10 Dodge County          16:56.62   38             
 57 Terry, Morgan            M10 Swainsboro H          16:59.78   39             
 58 Livingston, Kenyen       M10 Swainsboro H          17:00.47   40             
 59 Braddy, Jagger           M10 Treutlen              17:02.72                  
 60 Justice, Ryan            M10 Dodge County          17:09.97   41             
 61 Barron, Jacob            M10 Dodge County          17:18.88   42             
 62 Clements, Kale           M10 Warner Robins         17:20.50   43             
 63 Williams, Armani         M10 Dublin High School    17:21.15   44             
 64 Yarberry, Dillon         M10 Coffee HS             17:21.78                  
 65 Arnold, Seth             M10 Bleckley Cou          17:23.91   45             
 66 Sammons, Alex            M10 Treutlen              17:28.41                  
 67 Coleman, Brodie          M10 Fitzgerald            17:39.22                  
 68 Johnson, Zachary         M10 Warner Robins         17:44.41   46             
 69 Hill, Willie             M10 Swainsboro H          18:07.47   47             
 70 Houser, Roan             M10 Statesboro H          18:23.12   48             
 71 Ward, Kalieb             M10 Statesboro H          18:28.38   49             
 72 Seward, Cayden           M10 Perry High School     18:45.94   50             
 73 Resendiz, Ignacio        M10 Warner Robins         19:12.62   51             
 74 Pereira, Johan           M10 Houston County        19:34.31                  
 75 Murray, Isaiah           M10 Dublin High School    19:36.31   52             
 76 Bishop, Hunter           M10 Swainsboro H          19:47.72   53             
 77 Harris, Ryley            M10 Wilcox County HS      20:06.62                  
 78 Teratol, Alexander       M10 Dodge County          20:11.53   54             
 79 Contrares, Estaban       M10 Hawkinsville HS       20:23.44                  
 80 Harrelson, Blake         M10 Telfair County HS     20:45.22                  
 81 Ved, Patel               M10 Dodge County          22:30.44   55             
 82 Ortega, Anthony          M10 Dodge County          22:31.09                  
 83 Collins, Treyshawn       M10 Swainsboro H          22:33.75                  
 84 Foster, Daquez           M10 Statesboro H          24:28.09   56             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
Results - Men 3218 Dash                                                          
   1 Jasper County HS             63    7    8   10   12   26   28   31          
      Total Time:  1:09:18.87                                                    
         Average:    13:51.78                                                    
   2 West Laurens High School     72    2    3   15   16   36                    
      Total Time:  1:08:40.84                                                    
         Average:    13:44.17                                                    
   3 Perry High School            99    6    9   13   21   50                    
      Total Time:  1:13:51.23                                                    
         Average:    14:46.25                                                    
   4 Bleckley County High Scho   117    1    4   33   34   45                    
      Total Time:  1:13:24.94                                                    
         Average:    14:40.99                                                    
   5 Warner Robins               120   11   19   22   25   43   46   51          
      Total Time:  1:14:18.87                                                    
         Average:    14:51.78                                                    
   6 Statesboro High School      133   14   18   23   30   48   49   56          
      Total Time:  1:16:46.40                                                    
         Average:    15:21.28                                                    
   7 Swainsboro High School      148   17   20   32   39   40   47   53          
      Total Time:  1:18:10.84                                                    
         Average:    15:38.17                                                    
   8 Dodge County High School    153    5   27   38   41   42   54   55          
      Total Time:  1:19:30.91                                                    
         Average:    15:54.19                                                    
   9 Dublin High School          169   24   29   35   37   44   52               
      Total Time:  1:20:05.98                                                    
         Average:    16:01.20                                                    
Results - Women 3218 Dash                                                        
   1 Bleckley County High Scho    15    1    2    3    4    5    6               
      Total Time:  1:13:28.87                                                    
         Average:    14:41.78