GRPA Cross Country State Championships 2022

Jefferson, GA

9 - 10 Boys 3K

 Fast Feet Timing - Contractor License                      HY-TEK's Meet Manager
          3rd Annual GRPA Cross Country State Championships - 10/8/2022          
                                Lamar Murphy Park                                
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 3  Boys 9-10 3k Run CC 9 - 10
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1  #63 Carroll, Andrew         Calhoun Recr          12:28.97    1             
  2  #78 Edwards, Robert         Camden Psa Y          12:36.73                  
  3 #221 Paine, Nolan            Morgan Count          12:47.02                  
  4 #279 Wentz, Asa              Trojan Elite          13:04.51                  
  5  #68 Worley, Ethan           Calhoun Recr          13:20.38    2             
  6 #261 Doshi, Sanil            Sirius Athletics      13:23.61                  
  7  #62 Brown, Jack             Calhoun Recr          13:31.14    3             
  8 #170 Groth, Greyson          Jefferson Pa          13:33.95    4             
  9  #53 Kimball, William        Bremen City           13:44.65                  
 10 #220 Boulware, Grey          Morgan Count          13:48.95                  
 11 #223 Rhoades, Braylon        Morgan Count          13:49.42                  
 12 #287 Carter, Luke            Walton Count          13:55.33    5             
 13 #292 Cooper, Perry           Walton Count          14:05.89    6             
 14 #111 Noah, Sawyer            Gainesville           14:09.54    7             
 15 #299 Rodriguez, alekzand     Walton Count          14:12.71    8             
 16  #51 Acker, Weston           Bremen City           14:16.43                  
 17 #178 Poole, Eddie            Jefferson Pa          14:18.98    9             
 18  #88 Talbert, Harrison       Catoosa Coun          14:21.87                  
 19  #14 Langford, Caleb         Banks County          14:28.78   10             
 20 #237 Gergeni, Nathaniel      Rabun County          14:30.64   11             
 21 #186 Guerard, Boaz           Liberty Coun          14:36.97                  
 22  #42 Gresham, Buckley        Barrow Count          14:37.37                  
 23 #298 Mozley, Judah           Walton Count          14:38.08   12             
 24 #241 Sawyer, Grayson         Rabun County          14:44.44   13             
 25  #23 Sims, Parker            Banks County          14:46.92   14             
 26 #294 Fidero, Kaidan          Walton Count          15:01.09   15             
 27  #61 Atkinson, Gale          Calhoun Recr          15:02.69   16             
 28 #161 Browning, Joshua        Jefferson Pa          15:08.20   17             
 29  #60 Arnold, Cooper          Calhoun Recr          15:12.90   18             
 30 #121 Gazda, Theo             Harris Count          15:16.11                  
 31 #124 Starling, Benjamin      Harris Count          15:29.16                  
 32 #340 Stevens, Andrew         Walton Count          15:33.04   19             
 33 #205 Crooks, Elijah          Long County           15:48.48                  
 34 #276 Newton, Nash            Trojan Elite          16:07.08                  
 35 #156 Behers, Caleb           Jefferson Pa          16:12.39   20             
 36 #110 House III, William      Gainesville           16:19.00   21             
 37  #77 Cheeley, William Bl     Camden Psa Y          16:30.54                  
 38 #293 Cousins, Chandler       Walton Count          16:44.16                  
 39  #95 Fossett, Eli            Dalton Parks          16:52.53                  
 40  #87 Schoenfeld, Warren      Catoosa Coun          17:08.32                  
 41 #295 Hall, Hudson            Walton Count          17:14.50                  
 42 #236 Causin, Joshua          Rabun County          17:23.16   22             
 43  #11 Dunahoo, Brye           Banks County          17:27.19   23             
 44 #181 Stapleton, Rhett        Jefferson Pa          17:29.59   24             
 45  #19 Parris, Colton          Banks County          17:34.67   25             
 46 #239 Jones, Ezra             Rabun County          17:42.16   26             
 47 #269 Theole, Paul            Sirius Athletics      17:46.29                  
 48 #104 Auyer, Benjamin         Gainesville           17:48.14   27             
 49 #267 Richmond-Moll, Beck     Sirius Athletics      17:56.44                  
 50 #106 Brown, Woodrow          Gainesville           18:00.00   28             
 51 #215 Schoaff, Tyler          Long County           18:07.99                  
 52 #123 Harris, Cason           Harris Count          18:34.12                  
 53 #169 Gabbard, Cody           Jefferson Pa          19:05.37   29             
 54 #159 Bray, West              Jefferson Pa          19:16.56                  
 55 #168 Gabbard, Brody          Jefferson Pa          20:47.94                  
 56  #89 Taylor, Hunter          Catoosa Coun          21:23.28                  
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4   *5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Calhoun Recreation Depart    22    1    2    3   16   18                    
      Total Time:    54:23.18                                                    
         Average:    13:35.80                                                    
   2 Walton County Parks and R    31    5    6    8   12   15   19               
      Total Time:    56:52.01                                                    
         Average:    14:13.01                                                    
   3 Jefferson Parks & Recreat    50    4    9   17   20   24   29               
      Total Time:    59:13.52                                                    
         Average:    14:48.38                                                    
   4 Banks County Parks and Re    72   10   14   23   25                         
      Total Time:  1:04:17.56                                                    
         Average:    16:04.39                                                    
   5 Rabun County Rec Departme    72   11   13   22   26                         
      Total Time:  1:04:20.40                                                    
         Average:    16:05.10                                                    
   6 Gainesville Park and Recr    83    7   21   27   28                         
      Total Time:  1:06:16.68                                                    
         Average:    16:34.17