Meet Information
This race is a 3-lap course for high school and a 2-lap course for Middle School. We will only take the first 6 schools for high school and the first 6 for the middle school that register.
Middle School Girls (Top 7) 9 am
Middle School Boys (Top 7)- 9:25 am
Middle School Open - 9:50 am
High School Girls - 10:40 am
High School Boys - 11:15 am
$70 per school or $35 for boys and $35 for girl's team
Make your check out to HCHS
In the memo field put: Cross Country
In the memo field put: Cross Country
Mail Check To:
Haralson County High School
ATTN: Bookkeeper
1655 Georgia Highway 120
Tallapoosa, GA 30176
**Bus parking will be in the 1st parking lot on the right when you come in the drive. This is the softball/baseball parking lot.
**Restrooms will be available in the Fine Arts Building (1st Building on the right)
Spectator Tickets
Tickets will be sold via the GoFan App. Follow the link below to purchase spectator tickets.